Today's poem is by Laura Foley
Wearing deep-cleated snow shoes,
kept company by my loyal canines.
made new by clouds of fresh snow,
not steeply down, but through
past shadowed pines, leafless maples,
Alys waits for me, but Chloe runs off,
Alys and I trudge for miles as I call,
no deer, no dog, not even a squirrel
I nearly lose myself on a steep cliff
cleats clattering like a trolley off its rails.
I brush myself off,
my angry monologue at the dog
Dear Spirit, I plead,
May she come safely home.
loving face and then, at the next turn,
I climb the hill behind our house,
We admire the summit view, familiar peaks
then begin the long descent,
the neighbor's welcoming snow-fields,
oaks that hold their leaves like aces.
returns when called, then doesn't.
through empty fields and see:
for comfort, as the blizzard wind begins.
slipping down through icy woods,
At the bottom, still far from home,
hearing the storm's discord within,
then a purer note directing me:
gesturing up through empty trees
I conjure an image of her thick, healthy body,
she bounds round the corner toward me.
Copyright © 2025 Laura Foley All rights reserved
from Sledding the Valley of the Shadow
Fernwood Press
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission
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