
Today's poem is by Alyse Knorr

Unreliable History

be gentle I said     & you were
already devouring my heart     I too
have a soul       I said     trust me     you
said     it's safe here   look inside me   &
I looked & looked     by your invitation
saw stories like     the corner hemlock
a grandstand full of dancing &
the one about the sea     what I mean
is     I bore witness & once you hid
your face     in my jean jacket     & once
we lied under a piano laughing       I
can't remember why     you took the
me out of me     folded it up     & kept it
like a pretty little map     to nowhere

Copyright © 2024 Alyse Knorr All rights reserved
from Salt Hill
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission

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