Today's poem is by Linda Nemec Foster
The Cemeteries Near the Ukrainian Border
The dead are orthodox. They want cut flowers arranged in
perfect bouquets above their hearts and freshly starched
bows of white linen attached to their gravestones. Even the
mourners have to pay attention to protocol. Heads must be
covered, hands folded in prayer, no distracted gazes to the
right or the left. The dead are always in your face, up close
and personal. "Don't you dare forget us," they demand. And
the old women near the Ukrainian border never do. On
market day they buy extra bread then cross the San River
to the cemeteries. They cover their gray hair, anticipate
rain. Toss small crumbs filled with rye and poppy seed
amidst the crowded crosses, the rusting crucifixes nailed to
trees. They watch the blackbirds take the bread to heaven
and pray that the dead will eat and be satisfied.
Copyright © 2023 Linda Nemec Foster All rights reserved
from Bone Country
Cornerstone Press
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission
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