Today's poem is by Juan Carlos Vargas
The More Moon, the Less Strewn Years:
I Am Ended by Harsh and Grass
Turnstones and plovers
In the sand,Puffbirds and pygmy
Owls beneathA kiss of sky,
Baskets of copalAnd colored feathers
In a cage of hands.I would be the more moon,
A less strewn year.Dust and wound-white birds,
I am ended by harshAnd grass in a stain of air.
One day, in the thighing hour,The coral vine will find
Its yellow-round embrace,Its branching sepulchre
Where the coastlineEdges the furrowed waves
And silence weavesThe fullness of the hour
A moving rainbowOf sighted birds . . .
Frigate birdsAnd honey bears,
Our suns in mistOnly, a bleeding
Him in the sleeve andWrinkled shawls of flesh,
Nighttime is the watersOf the sparrow,
A wind recedingInto its birth,
In a mud of sky.Upon the darkening
Shore, in the end,Look downward,
Look downward,As the waves
UnwaveOver the shallowest
Cries of weather.
Copyright © 2002, 2003 Juan Carlos Vargas All rights reserved
from Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission
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