Today's poem is by Crystal Bacon
So We Go
Let's let the bay be the bay tonight,
whatever it is, say, mirror
seen between trees
artily pink, glass, tinted.There's this snow clumped
fake as frosting on nylon boughs
humped underfoot, frozen
on grass. What's left of undergrowth,slick, the step less sure
for it. The light at dusk
a lure, a musk in our noses
so we go into itthe woodsstill as the doe unseen
nearby; the dogs
quiver with her, but lack
the skill to track her.We hush along the hidden path,
foot-blind, the water a halo
below this way, whatever it is
there and sure as tomorrow.
Copyright © 2004 Crystal Bacon All rights reserved
from Elegy with a Glass of Whiskey
BOA Editions
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