Today's poem is by Robert E. Haynes
From "The Unauthorized Fragments"
What shocks me is not the fact that God is just
left-handed, but the fact that in spite of this
He exhibits Himself as left/right symmetric
when He expresses Himself strongly...
Wolfgang Pauli, 1957 Sometimes I think that millimeter between us
can be breached. A hole can be torn
opening a way between
our worlds. Along the coastline
from Simeon to Sausalito, for example,
fog gathers inland
while the sun argues
for status among yellowing shadows. Dewclings to the deckchairs and the hidden
Pacific, where my coffeed-mind awakens
in an ice floe of unknown, marvelous
laws that govern me.
The universe
is drawn, my brothers say, by strong
and weak forces, both radio and gravity,
and life happens without much
more than water and warmth, inexorably
pushed onward by it.
Copyright © 2002 Robert E. Haynes All rights reserved
from The Grand Unified Theory
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