Today's poem is by Christine Hume
Log Written by an Unknown Hand in the Margin
then we plyed by guess
toward an yle hydden
where the vegetable lifee
I lead wille dye of froast
lyke a moon stuckke
in mountains that sees
& breakes our windes
in chymical wedding of sea
and far-thest governments of ayr
but I have red that daunger lye
in its voyde of light & wille
where fogge is a terryble animal
hung from the Coast
& Day is but pulse
sucked from river ironne
& the river searched
& suffered untill we anchored
by reason of sunken Rockes
which I named Queen
& a strong streame bubbling
with relics of a previous trippe
in no minutes which I called
Desire Provoketh
weather continued thicke
& drowsiness overtook us
on the tenth day entire
then I found the sea more growne
scalles of the surface lit
by the suddenne fire of Sunne
that kerned salt on hideous rockes
(I have fathoms of like informations)
& I spotted a crag
green-granite and animalled
with no bewildering White
through a gust that harbored
a grove of Firs steaming
then we mayde use
from corpse-smell
strong as if it were insyde
my own mouthe
thus deprivation coaxed
the God lying unclaymed
to spake like a lunge on a Coast
Copyright © 2004 Christine Hume All rights reserved
from Alaskaphrenia
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