Today's poem is by Pamela Harrison
I lug the trunk with me everywhere,
prop it with pillows, pretend it's art.
But lately, it's grown so heavy I recall
the tale of a rag man given a bag of coal,and how the poor soul labored home,
dragging for his children's sake
a sagging load that with each mile
grew heavier than his heart could bear.Gasping through the cottage gate
and up a walk where common flowers slouched,
he barely reached the stoop before he died.
None was more surprised than Ito find his load had turned to gold.
Nothing in my chest can change until,
weary of hauling what I would not own,
I'm strong enough to set the baggage down.
Copyright © 2003 Pamela Harrison All rights reserved
from Chariton Review
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission
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