Today's poem is by Margot Schilpp
Laws of My Nature
Obviously, the roosters are in league
with morning, the thrum of the sun
placing itself into the sky, againthe cholera, and again, mitosis
electric salts of friction and desire
that appear out of nothing. Obviouslythis happened, though as in dreams,
there are moments that feel
it might not have, not a dream, not a dream,not anything, really, except disappearing
into silence. Regret is not a drug
I take and so I'm still sane. I am indigent,which means to be in want, yet I want
for nothing. Another citadel of the skin,
another who can name me. Close by,this waterfall carries breath.
I am enamored. A reverie continues.
Blue is an endearment, erraticand sometimes missing. Let me decide
to speak, and then I am saying love,
I am saying again and everything andabsence, into the heavy air, almost
a fabrication of air, until it moves
into the lungs darkly. There is solacein understatement, even if a thought
continues unsaid. There is the opposite
of clamor, and surely there is alwaysone feather spiraling on the wind.
I worry when things seem true,
and so disbelieve. I surrenderto the hardness of slate
and to the mossy places. Do you recognize
the markers of yearning in disguise?Can you understand momentum
while you stand perfectly still?
A snake drops from the tree and makesa small noisethe sound of thinking
itself awayand across the leaves
a slithering. My conscience must operatethat waya long drop and then evasion
because to understand how longing works
I would deny the sun its rising.
Copyright © 2002 Margot Schilpp All rights reserved
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