Today's poem is by Kate Bernadette Benedict
In the Key of Snow
In Central Park, you lost our keys,
you dropped them in a drift of snow.
The plowshad not yet cleared the road.
Our boots dipped deep with every step,
hip-high sometimes, kneecap high
and in the snow you lost our keys.
A hazesuffused the tops of trees,
a shush of sleds was on the air.
A pairof cardinals did not cheep.
Quiet city, muffled, furred.
No one heardthe house keys fall. No one
heard them clink or ring.
How longit's been since last it snowed,
how long since we were that transfixed,
so laxthat we let go of keys,
lost them in capacious snow!
Aweis a deep, distracting thing.
We even took a mazy turn,
downa path that seemed so strange,
it was made over by the snow.
Howlong until it snows again
and snow mist caps the winter trees
and we loseourselves, or keys?
Copyright © 2003 Kate Bernadette Benedict All rights reserved
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