
Verse Daily® Archives

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March 2, 2025:   "Wanting Kids" by Bunkong Tuon   "My wife and I rented a lake house at Cayuga Lake...."
March 1, 2025:   "After the Gulls" by Jo Bear   "It began at the shore, foam..."
February 28, 2025:   "The Starlings Were You" by Robert Okaji   "Morning was a jaundiced memory..."
February 27, 2025:   "Ode to America" by Cat Wei   "To sliced bread..."
February 26, 2025:   "Civilian" by Jehanne Dubrow   "I bring the war into my bed each night..."
February 24, 2025:   "My Father Drives to Muskegon with a Bouquet of Flowers" by Caitlin Cowan   "only to be refused by his only child...."
February 23, 2025:   "Holding on in Irpin" by Michael Magee   "As I watch those people..."
February 22, 2025:   "After We Buried the Dog in the Dark" by Jin Cordaro   "He came back. I saw him..."
February 21, 2025:   "When I Was Straight" by Kelli Russell Agodon   "I thought everyone was easy..."
February 20, 2025:   "match my freak" by Fran Lock   "says the song...."
February 19, 2025:   "Self, Centered" by Sofia Fall   "Exhibit 3 was an enormous yellow..."
February 18, 2025:   "When I Was Straight" by Emma Bolden   "In Catholic School we kneeled to learn..."
February 17, 2025:   "Feral" by Jessica Cuello   "Why did I love her? Because I became her, followed her..."
February 16, 2025:   "When I Was Straight" by Diamond Forde   "The van mumbled in rush hour..."
February 15, 2025:   "When I Was Straight" by Charles Jensen   "I was transparent..."
February 13, 2025:   "Planned Community" by Kathy Fagan   "Each day the houses resemble houses more and more..."
February 12, 2025:   "Feeding The Wild Rabbit" by Angela Patten   "What should I feed the wild rabbit..."
February 11, 2025:   "Conjuration" by Laura Foley   "Wearing deep-cleated snow shoes..."
February 10, 2025:   "How to Survive in Earthquake Country" by Rachelle Sierra   "Quit it with the fear thing. Scientists can't say..."
February 9, 2025:   "My Father Goes Swimming in the Afterlife" by John Glowney   "This is how I see him now..."
February 8, 2025:   "Bully Pulpit" by Michael Garrigan   "Reverend Elder preached at the pulpit..."
February 7, 2025:   "The Folk Songs of North America" by Ann Hudson   "Awake in bed I listened to my father..."
February 6, 2025:   "Break Maiden" by Kathleen Radigan   "Just when I think I am dead..."
February 5, 2025:   "Walking on Water" by Tricia Knoll   "Wait for ice to paralyze..."
February 4, 2025:   "Rilke's Telephone" by Claire Millikin   "What I'm trying to learn..."
February 3, 2025:   "Loneliness Was Part Of It" by Jaye Kranz   "though the part takes up most of the space...."
February 2, 2025:   "In Praise of Late Wonder" by Lee Herrick   "I've wondered what my Korean mother's voice..."
February 1, 2025:   "Halloween Parade, Children's Hospital Boston" by Scott Frey   "Waving in our doorway, a tiny Tom Brady..."
January 31, 2025:   "Memorial" by Michelle Bitting   "Now they're figuring out my brother's service...."
January 30, 2025:   "Nothing Like the Sun . . ." by Maryann Corbett   "Wear hats. Wear long sleeves. Never let the sun..."
January 29, 2025:   "Overture to Boy about to Walk in on Parents" by John Coleman Bennett   "So far, it's been relatively quiet..."
January 28, 2025:   "As the snow to the sun" by S.A. Leger   "On a mound of peat sits a Caspian Tern..."
January 27, 2025:   "Refuge" by D. Nurkse   "That summer, the treaty was not renewed...."
January 26, 2025:   "conditions under which everything might be different" by Kristin Lueke   "if i were a key. if men were not quiet, exactly..."
January 25, 2025:   "Small Potatoes" by Erin Wilson   "You know how you worried over every aspect of every thing..."
January 24, 2025:   "What is it Like to be a Bat?" by Cheryl Moskowitz   "Seeing is not imaging..."
January 23, 2025:   "Here is where we kill         and give birth" by Rewa Zeinati   "Your hands are ordinary...."
January 22, 2025:   "Every time a fly went by" by Seán Carlson   "How regular it is now to return..."
January 21, 2025:   "Commandments with a Line from Jack Gilbert" by Suzanne Edison   "Tikkun Olam, repair the world..."
January 19, 2025:   "Last Words Written on a Northwest Passage" by Nina C. Peláez   "In the amphitheater of ice, light sings..."
January 18, 2025:   "Immigrant React" by Aishvarya Arora   "A black mirror lake flakes gold in the light...."
January 17, 2025:   "Heartbeat Sound Machine" by Jennifer K. Sweeney   "What white quiet is this..."
January 16, 2025:   "The Bullets Are Thinking About My Body Again" by Michael Okafor   "The bullets are thinking about my body again..."
January 15, 2025:   "Premonition" by Lindsay M. D'Andrea   "No one can say I didn't warn them. We're finally afraid..."
January 14, 2025:   "The Physics of It" by Brian Satrom   "A room that smells of jasmine..."
January 13, 2025:   "Something about your Drinking" by Sheila E. Murphy   "buckets of water..."
January 12, 2025:   "Yield" by Lisa M. Hase-Jackson   "Stonehenge is maintained with a push mower..."
January 11, 2025:   "Portrait of God as Aggregate of Manatees" by Patricia Caspers   "Barnacle-scarred in brackish shallows..."
January 10, 2025:   "Everywhere A River" by Emily Ransdell   "I do remember darkness, how it snaked..."
January 9, 2025:   "Self-Portrait Lined by Anna Akhmatova" by Simone Muench & Jackie K. White   "The secret of secrets is inside me again..."
January 8, 2025:   "Dream of the End of The World" by Wendy Wisner   "The children were separated from their parents..."
January 7, 2025:   "Proselytus" by Joshua McKinney   "The heron has no need of heaven..."
January 6, 2025:   "Make No Mistake" by Kate Fox   "You are the company misery loves...."
January 5, 2025:   "Elegy with the Lark Ascending" by Adam Chiles   "If there is a theme here, let it be this..."
January 4, 2025:   "Ghost Church" by William Huhn   "In sparse woods turns..."
January 3, 2025:   "How It Goes" by Catherine Abbey Hodges   "The river rose, rose some more..."
January 2, 2025:   "House Made of Guns" by William Fargason   "In the house made of guns in the city..."
January 1, 2025:   "gutter maps" by Melissa Eleftherion   "ocean ellipsis mouth..."
December 31, 2024:   "Memento Mori" by Catherine Jagoe   "On the way back from a family funeral..."
December 30, 2024:   "Cerberus" by Maggie Dietz   "One mouth eats the hand that feeds it...."
December 29, 2024:   "Day 68" by janan alexandra   "I declare it a day of pleasure...."
December 27, 2024:   "Balancing Act" by Heidi Seaborn   "When my brother says we are wired the same, I envision a tightrope or slackline..."
December 26, 2024:   "Ammunition" by Amanda Newell   "After Fang snapped photos of the boys & sent them to you..."
December 25, 2024:   "Buffalo Calf Woman" by C.L. Downing   "I dwell amongst the lush weathered trees..."
December 24, 2024:   "difficult lovable people" by Dara Barrois/Dixon   "Faithful, up to a point..."
December 23, 2024:   "that has been entrusted to us" by Erika Meitner   "nests built by 176 different bird species were found to contain..."
December 22, 2024:   "Desire & quiet moon" by Dorothy Lune   "The crush is fleshless & so it peeled..."
December 21, 2024:   "Deflowering" by Amari Amai   "Is the pressure okay?..."
December 20, 2024:   "Petrarchan Sonnet on the Electrified Sea" by Shane McCrae   "Picture a boat         whatever boat a yacht..."
December 19, 2024:   "Woman Posting in Parenting Forum" by Luisa Muradyan   "Friends, I have come to the end of my rope...."
December 18, 2024:   "After," by Tina Barry   "rivers swirled black, trees pulled from their roots..."
December 17, 2024:   "Palanquin" by Matthew Zapruder   "When I was a child I used to read..."
December 16, 2024:   "For So Long, I Was Foolishly Proud of The Scar on My Thumb" by Amorak Huey   "I wanted to be a man..."
December 15, 2024:   "anything that is fourteen lines" by Sydney Mayes   "is about you :: the bald spot on a widowed..."
December 14, 2024:   "Everywhere We Once Knew Wildness" by Sarah Carey   "Past mounds of fuchsia azaleas..."
December 13, 2024:   "Taking Off Walt Whitman's Clothes" by Paul Hostovsky   "Myself, / I'm not into men but..."
December 12, 2024:   "Snowplow" by Jeffrey Bean   "Kind yellow bull pacing..."
December 11, 2024:   "The Demarcations Song" by Albert Goldbarth   "The minute before she bites down on the engagement ring..."
December 10, 2024:   "Letters in Winter" by Maya C. Popa   "There is not one leaf left on that tree..."
December 9, 2024:   "Breaking Point (Woman. Life. Freedom.)" by Jane Muschenetz   "for your own good they will tell you..."
December 8, 2024:   "Naked vs. Nude" by Judy Kronenfeld   "Naked under my sheets and paper gown, I arrive..."
December 7, 2024:   "Howe Farm Dog Park, December" by Lana Hechtman Ayers   "At the click of leash release..."
December 6, 2024:   "Christmas (1988)" by Sara Henning   "Before I knew the word yearning, I knew sadness..."
December 5, 2024:   "Sonnet for Lolly" by Jacob Butlett   "Starlight scrawls her name in fog above the creek..."
December 4, 2024:   "Sirius" by Carol Alexander   "Dogs adapt. Dry-eyed like smaller fountains. From the fourteenth floor..."
December 3, 2024:   "Made in América" by Dimitri Reyes   "I thought they would be of real..."
December 2, 2024:   "Growing Up Female Around American Shooters" by Carmen Calatayud   "To be female is to be raw 24/7...."
December 1, 2024:   "Martyrs" by Claudine Toutoungi   "Sometimes we give them a hard time, the martyrs...."
November 30, 2024:   "Cornucopia" by Jessica Manack   "The nuns taught us that there were three kinds of kisses..."
November 29, 2024:   "During the War" by George Franklin   "A truck filled with soldiers parked in front of the church...."
November 28, 2024:   "The Sign Said" by Tanya Larkin   "IF YOU CAN PREPARE FOR A BIRTHDAY PARTY..."
November 27, 2024:   "Rolling in the Dead" by John Smith   "My daughter and I took River Road for the tiger lilies..."
November 26, 2024:   "Influencers" by Sara Michas-Martin   "Lunch is short and covered with scratches..."
November 25, 2024:   "Working" by Richard Levine   "The ancient people of Newfoundland walked..."
November 24, 2024:   "Burial" by Rashna Wadia   "From a window I watch..."
November 23, 2024:   "Cochlear" by Mary Elder Jacobsen   "Regard / the wanting ear..."
November 22, 2024:   "Poem in Which I Break My Promises" by Denise Duhamel   "I won't be going to the party after all. And there's no way..."
November 21, 2024:   "Goat Dream" by Todd Davis   "While I sleep, wind shears the plateau, lifts trees by the crown..."
November 20, 2024:   "Communiqué, or Trying to Find the Right Words to Describe an Inflorescence in Fluorescence" by Karla Myn Khine   "Reports have come in of a meadowlark in the throes of matricide in Massachusetts...."
November 19, 2024:   "The Thread" by Julian Orde   "You'd think she did not love enough..."
November 18, 2024:   "A Brief History of Maine Industry" by Abbie Kiefer   "There's a mannequin sewing shoes and we laugh at his wig...."
November 17, 2024:   "Quarantined—Day 15: Shelter in Place" by CJ Giroux   "The first real spring..."
November 16, 2024:   "Retreat" by Timothy Geiger   "After the first light..."
November 15, 2024:   "The Ancestors Take the Reins of My Throat" by Hadara Bar-Nadav   "There is always a we..."
November 14, 2024:   "Dictionary of Owl" by Mary Meriam   "Who cares about the redbud tree, its flowers..."
November 13, 2024:   "The Voices of Doctors" by Dan O'Brien   "ring like seraphim. If minorly parental. The first replied blandly like an..."
November 12, 2024:   "I Am Old and It's November" by Jeff Burt   "I burn the leftover triangles of fir..."
November 11, 2024:   "After I was raped the second time, I lost forty pounds" by Katie Berta   "and everyone began congratulating me. Men, previously ambivalent..."
November 10, 2024:   "When We Invented Gunpowder, We Were Trying to Invent the Elixir of Life" by Dorsey Craft   "How quickly we adapt, water carving..."
November 9, 2024:   "Snow, Almost, Nearly" by Susan L. Leary   "There's a certain surrender..."
November 8, 2024:   "Cronos devoured his children" by Annie Stenzel   "If only there were merely space between us..."
November 7, 2024:   "What Took to the Air" by Dan Albergotti   "When my mother died, the purple martins..."
November 6, 2024:   "Midwestern Reunion" by Em Townsend   "In the new year, Ohio remains..."
November 5, 2024:   "Still Life with Frida Kahlo" by Laura Isabela Amsel   "In the bowl, cobalt-blue, you..."
November 4, 2024:   "Gaslight" by Jill McCabe Johnson   "We all know the silencing of women...."
November 3, 2024:   "Diane Arbus: Two Ladies at the Automat" by Susan Kelly-DeWitt   "They pose with the sugar..."
November 2, 2024:   "Not the Wolf but the Dog" by Jacqueline Berger   "Not the zebra but the horse..."
November 1, 2024:   "new emergencies" by Paige Webb   "and where it begins it begins mid-fall against the fall..."
October 31, 2024:   "Reversing the Spell" by Ruth Thompson   "Always the fish..."
October 30, 2024:   "Raven" by Amy Roa   "I had a series of violent coughing fits...."
October 29, 2024:   "Ultimatum" by Weijia Pan   "If I forget one character a day..."
October 28, 2024:   "It's Important I Remember That Being Alone and Being Lonely Aren't the Same Thing—" by Cortney Lamar Charleston   "a distinction I know well from unwellness...."
October 27, 2024:   "When Love was in Fashion" by Francine Witte   "And we just had to show up..."
October 26, 2024:   "One of Us" by Seth Hagen   "One of us is drunk, and one of us is lying..."
October 25, 2024:   "Little League, America" by Jose Hernandez Diaz   "Growing up, I always wanted to play Little League baseball..."
October 24, 2024:   from American Outrage by H. L. Hix   "Rayshard Brooks was 27, and had three daughters and a stepson...."
October 23, 2024:   "Snake Duplex i" by Cynthia Bargar   "Not in a Tinder-ish way, but let's meet up...."
October 22, 2024:   "Capacity Crowd" by Natalie Shapero   "I'm sick of waiting for this city to work..."
October 21, 2024:   "Personal Effects" by Derek Graf   "Trees chandeliered with snow. An eruption of rain...."
October 20, 2024:   "Émigré" by Zachary Daniel   "I am pulling the sled deeper..."
October 19, 2024:   "Variations on Justice's Variations on a Text by Vallejo (with a Little Stephen Crane)" by Stephen Kampa   "I will die in a fast food restaurant, surrounded..."
October 18, 2024:   "The Deep End" by Jim Daniels   "My father found my mother, ninety, crawling..."
October 17, 2024:   "Father" by Stella Hayes   "The photograph held for too long in an acid-free frame fell..."
October 16, 2024:   "Even in Disguise" by Jennifer Whalen   "Talk leans small over the balcony rails..."
October 15, 2024:   "Still Life with Front Porch and Yellow Sky" by Marg Walker   "We resemble the day, limp..."
October 14, 2024:   "Superstition" by Amanda Dettmann   "Every time I see a pear I think of the man..."
October 13, 2024:   "Reverse Abuse" by Lauren Crawford   "Pools of water drag soot into a swirl..."
October 12, 2024:   "Government Cheese" by Michael Meyerhofer   "We called it Reagan Cheese then..."
October 11, 2024:   "Eschatology" by Kim Addonizio   "No way this ends with everyone rising from the family plot..."
October 10, 2024:   "Severance" by Conan Tan   "I think I have a cordyceps heart...."
October 9, 2024:   "Hysterical" by Cindy King   "A happy summer's day..."
October 8, 2024:   "Outlines" by Jenny Sadre-Orafai   "We wear chains of bear bells around our waists and wade into foxfire...."
October 7, 2024:   "The Ghost Ship" by Derek Mong   "The sea surrounding them they barely knew..."
October 6, 2024:   "You Get Used to It" by Merrill Oliver Douglas   "The way you get used to the woman in uniform..."
October 5, 2024:   "Animate Objects" by Katharine Whitcomb   "Whose face changed...."
October 4, 2024:   "Handful of Stallions at Twilight" by Carol Lynn Stevenson Grellas   "Thoughts on what's left behind..."
October 3, 2024:   "The Last Love Letter of Marie Curie" by Ash Bowen   "Please put me with your hands. My palms are empty...."
October 2, 2024:   "Postscript" by Octavio Quintanilla   "Because you have been separated from your parents, you doodle nonsense..."
October 1, 2024:   "Monster Buffet" by Christy Ku   "I look like someone who has a lot of monsters...."
September 30, 2024:   "Two Waters, One Money" by Megan Blankenship   "The Greeks were almost right about atoms but couldn't have known..."
September 29, 2024:   "Weary of the world, you play Starfield" by Gus Peterson   "and again grow weary of the world...."
September 28, 2024:   "Aubade for Longing" by Sheila Black   "There are still songs to be sung on the other..."
September 27, 2024:   "Tornado Weather" by Emma Bolden   "The last high sweat of an August..."
September 26, 2024:   "Haunting the House" by Samantha Pious   "I lock the door. I am the door...."
September 25, 2024:   "Hush" by Alison Prine   "Walking home that day I pressed..."
September 24, 2024:   "Rowing, and Then Light" by Molly Spencer   "What's given me by the river, I'll leave to the river...."
September 23, 2024:   "World of Each Other's World" by Elizabeth Metzger   "Grief is like sleep. I dream in it...."
September 22, 2024:   "Stealing Ariel" by Sara Henning   "What had I become the night I dreamed..."
September 21, 2024:   "Kids Cut Right Through the Nonsense" by Rob Carney   "when the governor comes on the news, for instance..."
September 20, 2024:   "The Nature of Nurture" by Jen Karetnick   "At dusk, the screech owls warn us with a bounce..."
September 19, 2024:   "Ghazal of Skin" by Shikha Malaviya   "They tell us to be comfortable in our own skin..."
September 18, 2024:   "Blasphemous Apostle" by Vivek Sharma   "apostle, lovers seek you on the stage tonight...."
September 17, 2024:   "Good Americans" by Karen Llagas   "The mayor says we're all in this together. And Asian Americans..."
September 16, 2024:   "Wanderlust Ghazal" by Dipika Mukherjee   "My language is a Bedouin thief, delighting in foreign sands..."
September 15, 2024:   "Mis Gacelas" by Lupita Eyde-Tucker   "In New Jersey, Mamita watched All My Children. Stones..."
September 13, 2024:   "1992" by Piero Toto   "that weakness coming home..."
September 12, 2024:   "Mercy" by Didi Jackson   "I prefer the charred smell of old fire rings..."
September 11, 2024:   "Click Bait" by Jason Schneiderman   "Today's distraction: an article on how to avoid distraction...."
September 10, 2024:   "The Nine Mayan Gods of the Underworld Explain Delusions to John Roberts" by Christian Teresi   "We know the place you were once innocent—without..."
September 9, 2024:   "The Naming of Things" by Kelli Russell Agodon   "There is a woman we call Flock of Seagulls..."
September 8, 2024:   "7 May 2021" by Mary Margaret Alvarado   "Nationalism was the old religion and moralism is..."
September 7, 2024:   "First Bomb Away" by Samodh Porawagamage   "A bomb escaped..."
September 6, 2024:   "Gertrude Stein Rides the Torn Down El" by Tom Postell   "Then colors rose through the leaves in light..."
September 5, 2024:   "Giant Stag Beetles" by Mildred Kiconco Barya   "Friends of dead wood and seclusion..."
September 4, 2024:   "The Thing" by Zachary Medlin   "Let's call it Body Horror, this thing in my blood..."
September 3, 2024:   "Graceland" by Kellam Ayres   "When you tour Graceland with a plastic bag full of pills..."
September 2, 2024:   "I've Been Feeling a Lot Like an Edward Hopper Painting Lately" by Joshua Garcia   "as if it's always that time of day when everything stills..."
September 1, 2024:   "It's Morning Again in America" by Christopher Blackman   "There is a lot of ruin in a nation and I am..."
August 31, 2024:   "Instead of god" by Thomas A. Thomas   "say heron, say kingfisher..."
August 30, 2024:   "A World Inside This World" by Tom C. Hunley   "I love watching Bigfoot..."
August 29, 2024:   "Inflorescences" by Donna Prinzmetal   "Once in a snowdrift of sleep..."
August 28, 2024:   "The Unmown Field" by Emily Tuszynska   "Ten years gone and even I..."
August 27, 2024:   "Museum" by Hannah Lee Nahar   "They wouldn't let me into the world..."
August 26, 2024:   "Unreliable History" by Alyse Knorr   "be gentle I said     & you were..."
August 25, 2024:   "Ghost Picture (Aubade with Pink Muckets)" by William Woolfitt   "The sun clambers over the husk..."
August 24, 2024:   "Epithalamium for Mo and Susanna" by Todd Osborne   "Some pray for rain and wait, expecting..."
August 23, 2024:   "glad" by Nicole Callihan   "but everything wasn't always terrible i'd save..."
August 22, 2024:   "Cloak of Kindness" by Leslie Williams   "You will be taught matters which are for you alone...."
August 21, 2024:   "Dark Materials" by Deborah Gorlin   "In the morgue of dark materials and outsourced merchandise..."
August 20, 2024:   "Aubade With the Smell of Roasting Coffee On the Air In My Backyard" by Joel Ferdon   "I drink from stone & revel in the magic of days..."
August 19, 2024:   "Post-Mortem" by Bonnie Proudfoot   "Spring / and I have begun killing...."
August 18, 2024:   "Polite Society" by Al Maginnes   "A banged knuckle, a line of blood..."
August 17, 2024:   "Blazon" by Jack Kristiansen   "how little the whorls..."
August 16, 2024:   "Fire Bug" by Jane Rosenberg LaForge   "My mother did not talk to fire..."
August 15, 2024:   "Wonder Bread" by Mark Cox   "Lately, I meet mornings unsure of what to do with myself...."
August 14, 2024:   "She Said to Me" by Jenny Factor   "The difference between the lived life and the slept life..."
August 13, 2024:   "Bison Gathered on a Bed Resist Extinction" by Ned Balbo   "The sheets milk-white and crystalline..."
August 12, 2024:   "Captured" by Wendy Videlock   "Who in this room hasn't heard..."
August 11, 2024:   "Black Locust" by Steven Withrow   "In spring your clustered flowers are as white..."
August 10, 2024:   "Open Carry" by Richard Michelson   "After Pittsburgh, what would you have me do, God asks?..."
August 9, 2024:   "Blue Nude" by Tamara Madison   "We did not spend Christmas..."
August 8, 2024:   "Aubade" by AE Hines   "I'd like to make the argument love..."
August 7, 2024:   "Sleeping Dogs" by Matthew Buckley Smith   "When we hear the news your neighbor shot herself..."
August 6, 2024:   "If You Lived Here, You'd Be Home by Now" by Rachel Dillon   "An egret stands thin by the bridge...."
August 5, 2024:   "He dreamed he cared, and woke" by Diane Seuss   "to the feeling of having cared, an unfamiliar..."
August 4, 2024:   "Postdiluvian" by Emma Bolden   "A flinch of sky shattered into an iridescence...."
August 3, 2024:   "Deep" by Tina Barr   "Outside, the call is a caw, deep in a throat, a gurgle..."
August 2, 2024:   "Empty Stadiums" by Nathan Xavier Osorio   "Remember the baseball field..."
August 1, 2024:   "Pet Crow" by Jessica Tanck   "When I find the crow in the bath..."
July 31, 2024:   "Wherefrom Comes This Country Goes" by Travis Mossotti   "Comes our patron city of burnt-clay façades..."
July 30, 2024:   "Miracle Town" by J.L. Conrad   "We choose, for instance, to take off our skins...."
July 29, 2024:   "Echoes from the Odyssey" by Oksana Maksymchuk   "When the air raid's over..."
July 27, 2024:   "Seen" by Rasma Haidri   "Detroit, Michigan, 1956..."
July 26, 2024:   "Public Speaking" by Timothy Donnelly   "I'm asked to disprove, while the others look on, that life begins..."
July 25, 2024:   "Dear America" by Suzanne Frischkorn   "It's time to teach my daughter how to shoot an arrow..."
July 24, 2024:   "How to Love Your Enemies" by Eric Paul Shaffer   "Walk slowly along the forty miles of tanks..."
July 23, 2024:   "Dog" by Regina O'Melveny   "Yesterday I planted a tree on my old dog's grave...."
July 22, 2024:   "Circling" by Andrea Cohen   "Someone was saying what..."
July 21, 2024:   "The Lost Brother" by Bethany Reid   "Now that our mother has forgotten your name..."
July 20, 2024:   "Uphill Drift" by Charlie Peck   "I slouch now in a good chair, watching episodes..."
July 19, 2024:   "From the Trial of Joan of Arc" by Nicholas Yingling   "When the moon is much older..."
July 18, 2024:   "Hymn" by Joshua Garcia   "Margaret doesn't believe in hell..."
July 17, 2024:   "Metaphors Attempted in Conversation with my Doctor" by Sarah Stockton   "My heart is at the center..."
July 16, 2024:   "The Mermaid" by Alysse Kathleen McCanna   "She comes to me phantasm, midnight..."
July 15, 2024:   "the property bubble" by James Conor Patterson   "love. let's try on this life like a rented tux...."
July 14, 2024:   "This is Not a Pleasant Poem" by Dennis Rhodes   "There was a boy who washed his hands..."
July 13, 2024:   "The Chronic Inflammatory Disease, Endometriosis, Talks Back" by Dawn Manning   "We ghosts grow close as second skin...."
July 12, 2024:   "Fool's Grapes" by Angela Ball   "Anna Akhmatova lived, for a time, with an ex-husband..."
July 11, 2024:   "Unsteady Topography" by Oksana Maksymchuk   "Even inside a war..."
July 10, 2024:   "12 Lines about Gender (Retro-style)" by Denise Duhamel and Maureen Seaton   "When I was in high school, no one knew the word genderqueer..."
July 9, 2024:   "Engine, or What I Am Learning from the Animals" by Catherine Pierce   "August in Mississippi and everything is turning..."
July 8, 2024:   "Summer's End" by Andrea Jurjevic   "This morning the light wears its finest colors..."
July 7, 2024:   "Mirror" by Barbara Crooker   "Who is this woman in my mirror..."
July 6, 2024:   "Oracle" by Jessica Lynn Suchon   "Crown: the yellowed skull of a crocodile..."
July 5, 2024:   "Last Night on Earth We Go to Wendy's" by Kendra DeColo   "Starry-eyed and ravenous, we wait for it..."
July 4, 2024:   "The Idea of Crocodiles" by Red Hawk   "I have spent a good portion of my adult life..."
July 3, 2024:   "At the Market With Philip Roth" by Athar C. Pavis   "'Children are always disappointing'..."
July 2, 2024:   "Night Train" by Emily Tuszynska   "The interior landscape shifts, erodes...."
July 1, 2024:   "Excavation" by Maxwell Suzuki   "Soon they will bring..."
June 30, 2024:   "Domestic Concerns" by Lisa Ampleman   "One man wrests a flag..."
June 29, 2024:   "The Day After" by Dan Albergotti   "Now that I live by water, I see grief..."
June 28, 2024:   "Dandelion Spores outside the Methodist Home, 1972" by Dawn Manning   "Parachutes, thinks the boy as he watches pieces..."
June 27, 2024:   "Anchorage" by Wayne Miller   "Nights awake in my father's house..."
June 26, 2024:   "Where I'd Live" by Hailey Leithauser   "bells are hourly..."
June 25, 2024:   "Gospel" by Sébastien Luc Butler   "Inside the church, a sparrow flies in & gets stuck, flagellating itself around the sepulcher..."
June 23, 2024:   "Recovery is Memory" by Chelsea Dingman   "Whatever the sound, where it comes from, what it makes..."
June 22, 2024:   "& on my way out of the capitol, I see 2 trans boys kissing" by KB Brookins   "They lean their limbs on the big white building...."
June 21, 2024:   "The Winter Man" by Rick Bursky   "Late at night, a stranger bangs on my door...."
June 20, 2024:   "Afterlives" by M.B. McLatchey   "Only faces in little boxes now; blinking and peering..."
June 19, 2024:   "Hungry Sparrow" by Russell Karrick   "A woman lets down..."
June 18, 2024:   "God the Mother Speaks of Xenia" by Dayna Patterson   "I AM the children sleeping under mylar in a Texas warehouse...."
June 16, 2024:   "Judas: Triptych" by Frank Paino   "Rabboni, I did not fail..."
June 15, 2024:   "The Infinitely Tall Rabbi Lectures on Re-creation Ex Nihilo Via Divine Speech" by Yehoshua November   "It's the Principle of the Cosmic Hardware Store..."
June 14, 2024:   "Half-Sister Who Floated Out to Sea" by Angela Ball   "A calm day; a few boats..."
June 13, 2024:   "Voyage to Outer Space" by William Trowbridge   "It used to fire up the imagination..."
June 12, 2024:   "Rereading The Trial" by Carolyn Hembree   "The court was everywhere and always open..."
June 11, 2024:   "language in which slabb is the worst kind of snow" by Katie Prince   "my cousin points to a sentence, says try..."
June 10, 2024:   "The Children" by Laura Newbern   "Now it is fall, the fall of a child's poem. In which..."
June 9, 2024:   "The Animal Dark" by Valentina Gnup   "A sparrow mistakes my window for sky, shattering glass..."
June 8, 2024:   "Song" by Melanie Rae Thon   "They were all drowning..."
June 7, 2024:   "As for Penelope—" by Jehanne Dubrow   "after her husband reveals himself..."
June 6, 2024:   "Womaning" by Diamond Forde   "LOVE, GOD say, is obedience, so I obey..."
June 5, 2024:   "It's Complicated" by Brad Davis   "We've neighbors I've never seen who..."
June 4, 2024:   "The Internet of Things" by Erin Murphy   "The low tide riverbed silt..."
June 3, 2024:   "Hell Is Up" by Lydia Golitz   "The moon, fragile cup..."
June 2, 2024:   "House of Freaks" by Nancy Miller Gomez   "Come closer...."
June 1, 2024:   "Last Resort" by Marg Ryan   "If given enough time..."
May 31, 2024:   "Don't Come Home" by Tanya Olson   "she said Don't bring home..."
May 30, 2024:   "Sticks" by Elizabeth Clark Wessel   "We woke up to a constitutional crisis...."
May 29, 2024:   "To My Avoidance" by Sharon Dolin   "You contain the void..."
May 28, 2024:   "Alternate Telling of the Old Year" by Alyse Knorr   "No matter which world we split into, let..."
May 26, 2024:   "The Wind Whipped Tears into My Eyes" by Nazifa Islam   "A softspoken God said he couldn't bear..."
May 25, 2024:   "Autumn Ordinance" by Charles O. Hartman   "Just as, when you keep watch..."
May 24, 2024:   "When the Cottontail Doesn't Return" by Chera Hammons   "In a fur-lined nest under wreaths of lamb's ears..."
May 23, 2024:   "Abecedarian for the Power Outage" by Catherine Pierce   "Absolute, the sudden silence—the fan stops..."
May 22, 2024:   "After Watching the Documentary about the Young Solo Climber Marc-André My Friend Asks, 'Are We All Born to Do Exactly What We Do?'" by Lara Egger   "This morning I woke to discover the dog..."
May 21, 2024:   "Holiday" by Terence Winch   "Someone stole my favorite fork, then not long..."
May 20, 2024:   "Field Notes: Cedar Waxwing" by Heather Swan   "The weight of his limp..."
May 19, 2024:   "When I Can't Get Out of Bed" by Martha Silano   "because my cat's snoring beside me, but also not wanting to begin..."
May 18, 2024:   "A Wall if a Window" by Rebecca Morgan Frank   "They have choices: perhaps a ski slope..."
May 17, 2024:   "In the Horse Stall" by karla k. morton   "That white blaze of moon..."
May 16, 2024:   "There Are Things They're Not Telling You" by Sébastien Luc Butler   "In the beginning there are red apples..."
May 15, 2024:   "Sevenling (A welder, toothless)" by Rodger Moody   "A welder, toothless men wearing goggles..."
May 14, 2024:   "Magnetic North" by Alice Templeton   "Here is my compass         my parting gift..."
May 13, 2024:   "Upflying" by Nadia Colburn   "Whole flocks of geese in my childhood honking their way..."
May 12, 2024:   "Mother in Heaven" by Victoria Wyttenberg   "Late one night when I could not sleep, I wondered..."
May 11, 2024:   "Ghost of Human Contact" by Paula Cisewski   "Foolishly I think I am alone when        I'm alone when..."
May 10, 2024:   "Last Night a Barred Owl" by J.R. Solonche   "Last night a barred owl..."
May 9, 2024:   "The Hatch" by George Witte   "That sound that midnight thrum and hush..."
May 8, 2024:   "Forgiveness" by Cindy Veach   "A clump of white flowers..."
May 7, 2024:   "Lessons from the List of 100,000 Most Hacked Passwords" by Tina Kelley   "Oh my me! If only I had made you more imaginative...."
May 6, 2024:   "Demigod" by C. Dale Young   "Long before the Greeks named him Poseidon..."
May 5, 2024:   "How To Be Fearless" by Kyle Potvin   "I wandered into a crowded wood..."
May 4, 2024:   "Valentine's Day with My Octopus Lover" by Benjamin S. Grossberg   "No candy? I ask. Not even..."
May 3, 2024:   "Conversation in Heaven" by Suphil Lee Park   "Boiled down, love is a simple hassle..."
May 2, 2024:   "Letter To My Unborn Son" by Bunkong Tuon   "I can tell you about strength...."
May 1, 2024:   "Leonard Peltier's Plea For Clemency" by Sage Ravenwood   "All my life I heard his name...."
April 30, 2024:   "Until" by Robert Okaji   "This face looking back at me never lies...."
April 29, 2024:   "Not My Country" by Andrew Payton   "My father came to this country..."
April 28, 2024:   "Aubade" by Peter Cooley   "Sometimes, certain mornings, we are born again..."
April 27, 2024:   "The Great Flood. 1927" by Laura Budofsky Wisniewski   "Here at the bend..."
April 26, 2024:   "Robin Red Breast" by Connie Post   "All through your illness..."
April 25, 2024:   "The Body Is Not a Stone" by Helena Mesa   "In Caravaggio's vision of the sacrifice..."
April 24, 2024:   "Aubade and Regression" by David Giannini   "Fey light, a pen, its ink into the thin..."
April 23, 2024:   "Ant Farm" by Luisa Muradyan   "It's midnight again and I'm watching the ants..."
April 22, 2024:   "Lactorium" by Laura Mullen   "And your heartlessness and your longing for lies are like milk to me..."
April 21, 2024:   "remembrance day" by jo reyes-boitel   "Today is my father's birthday...."
April 19, 2024:   "Music Box" by Rhett Iseman Trull   "When I let myself in, my brother is singing, up..."
April 18, 2024:   "After the Bomb" by Matthew Thorburn   "Bits of paper swirled behind my eyes..."
April 17, 2024:   "Hanukkah Dinosaur" by Sarah A. Etlinger   "Judaism is trending again, my friend Jared tells me..."
April 16, 2024:   "Texas Tag" by Saba Husain   "On the road to Katy, on a highway stretched..."
April 15, 2024:   "A Group of Moths" by Traci Brimhall   "is called a whisper, all those Xerxes flexing..."
April 14, 2024:   "Rumors of the Solitary Pulse" by Beverly Burch   "You feel the world as a weight?..."
April 13, 2024:   "On Cue" by Olatunde Osinaike   "And now that the sun is going..."
April 12, 2024:   "Pond Glimmer" by Rebekah Remington   "My lost tadpole returned in a hopping ball of dust...."
April 11, 2024:   "The Apple Tree in Blossom" by Melissa Kwasny   "functions like a windbreak a deer disappears into..."
April 10, 2024:   "Dress Rehearsals" by John Gallaher   "I keep dreaming I've killed someone and I can't remember..."
April 9, 2024:   "Houseboats" by Brian Satrom   "Withered nettles dusted with snow...."
April 8, 2024:   "Early Storm" by Melanie McCabe   "Before noon, the sky darkens into augury..."
April 7, 2024:   "We Meet Again, U.S. Customs and Border Protection" by Elina Katrin   "kilometers of border security lines..."
April 6, 2024:   "Elegy for the American Dream" by Enzo Silon Surin   "When it reads 'this could be you'..."
April 5, 2024:   "Memory" by Kevin Prufer   "The remarkable will live forever..."
April 4, 2024:   "Holiday" by Terence Winch   "Someone stole my favorite fork, then not long..."
April 3, 2024:   "Winter Solstice" by Jehanne Dubrow   "I'm receiving warnings on my phone..."
April 2, 2024:   "Migration" by Peter Krumbach   "A family of five unzips me and climbs inside...."
April 1, 2024:   "Nocturne" by Melissa Kwasny   "Outside town, past the house of the carpenter..."
March 31, 2024:   "Bottomlands Dream" by Doug Ramspeck   "The boy fell from the Monahegnee Bridge..."
March 30, 2024:   "Resurrection" by Nancy Miller Gomez   "When I was five my brother convinced me..."
March 29, 2024:   "Wetness: An Assay" by Jane Hirshfield   "Take a square, a circle...."
March 28, 2024:   "Kansas by Greyhound" by Grace H. Zhou   "We ride knife-cut roads across this back..."
March 27, 2024:   "The Mummifier's Mummy" by Ricardo Pau-Llosa   "Like the tailor's suit or the chef's meal, simplicity..."
March 26, 2024:   "Owl" by Rolly Kent   "His territory is himself, his voles..."
March 25, 2024:   "The Night Before the Capitol Is Stormed" by Kateri Kosek   "a black bear finds my bird feeder..."
March 24, 2024:   "Habits and Lies" by Paul Genega   "My mother fainted a lot when she was young...."
March 23, 2024:   "The Owl" by Joyce Sutphen   "I hear it for a while before I hear it..."
March 22, 2024:   "Dear Mother," by Jessica Cuello   "I had a dream..."
March 21, 2024:   "Late Capitalism" by Irena Praitis   "What a nightmare..."
March 20, 2024:   "Small Griefs" by Nancy Naomi Carlson   "In the woods on the other side..."
March 18, 2024:   "Eye of Newt, Toe of Frog" by Kari Gunter-Seymour   "Where I'm from, girls learn..."
March 18, 2024:   "Nocturne" by John Hoppenthaler   "Last night a barred owl swept across the road..."
March 17, 2024:   "How to Cook a Wolf" by Nathan Xavier Osorio   "My mother fell in love with the way you cracked..."
March 16, 2024:   "Punchline (After Punchline)" by Vincente Perez   "I started a poem..."
March 15, 2024:   "How to Eat Like a King" by Jane Zwart   "To eat like a king, my granddad said..."
March 14, 2024:   "Miracle at Hiroshima" by Paola R. Bruni   "Say he eats a grapefruit, flays thick rind..."
March 13, 2024:   "Wake" by Grace H. Zhou   "Here, the packed balconies on Market Street..."
March 12, 2024:   "Sleep Thief" by John Brehm   "My wife had the brilliant idea..."
March 11, 2024:   "Deer Woman" by Sage Ravenwood   "Before I was born my mother dreamed..."
March 10, 2024:   "Countdown to Another War" by Alpay Ulku   "Slept fitfully, still coughing. Winter's done...."
March 9, 2024:   "The Creation of Angels" by John Biguenet   "Something, after all, had to fill the spaces..."
March 8, 2024:   "Crematorium of Toys" by Bruce Bond   "I am putting my sadness in a box..."
March 7, 2024:   "Caretaker" by Faith Gómez Clark   "For years, my body, with its brown youth..."
March 6, 2024:   "beware false prophets" by Jill Khoury   "he says you're mine / he says i can do anything i want he says..."
March 5, 2024:   "COVID UPDATE" by Kim Roberts   "How can I look away?..."
March 4, 2024:   "Happy Easter, You Sonofabitch" by Han VanderHart   "Did you change, or were you revealed..."
March 3, 2024:   "Phoebe" by Henry Hughes   "I fly to you, Phoebe,..."
March 2, 2024:   "The Party" by Eros Livieratos   "I smoked a joint with a radicalized goat...."
March 1, 2024:   "Poem in Which I Serenade My Lost Friends" by Denise Duhamel   "In a Sex and the City episode Charlotte says, 'Maybe our girlfriends..."
February 29, 2024:   "The Man Who Never Once Looked Up and Saw a Star his Whole Life" by Michael Mark   "Under his always broken Bonneville. On his knees..."
February 28, 2024:   "Ancestry" by Sarah Elkins   "I am thirty-seven percent invasion, thirty percent famine..."
February 27, 2024:   "Flying Rats" by Martha Silano   "Actually? You do have to be good...."
February 26, 2024:   "So Below" by Jessica Tanck   "I can walk through fire, I told my mother, drunk..."
February 25, 2024:   "Abandon" by Jesse Lee Kercheval   "I want to draw myself naked, a dancer shedding silk scarves..."
February 24, 2024:   "He Wonders Why I Never Call" by Tennison S. Black   "Birthed in Yuma by the daughter of a dairy farmer..."
February 23, 2024:   "When I listen, I can hear" by Jean Nordhaus   "a chainsaw chewing silence, children..."
February 22, 2024:   "Happiness" by Lewis Meyers   "On the coffin-sized back porch..."
February 21, 2024:   "[owl flies after murder]" by Haley Lasché   "owl flies after murder..."
February 20, 2024:   "AMERICAN SONNET & GOLDEN SHOVEL FOR THE TREE OF LIBERTY" by Terrance Hayes   "Regarding my meditations & notes on the..."
February 19, 2024:   "Covid Leads The Procession To Woodlawn Cemetery" by Cynthia Parker-Ohene   "There were silences...."
February 18, 2024:   "AR-15" by David Moolten   "He crouches clutching one, gets a bead on me..."
February 17, 2024:   "As if Whatever is Leaving / Is the Prayer We've Been Meaning to Come to" by Chelsea Dingman   "It might be that I've been wrong..."
February 16, 2024:   "Meditation In Time Of Civil War" by D. Nurkse   "When I was a child, we marched to the barricades..."
February 15, 2024:   "The War" by Suzanne Cleary   "Leaving the apartment where he'd spent the war..."
February 14, 2024:   "Love Poem" by Amorak Huey   "To touch — to ask to be touched — it is everything. It is the world...."
February 13, 2024:   "Ghost" by Bruce Bond   "The guard dog at the wrecking yard, chained..."
February 12, 2024:   "Three-Years-out-of-College-Laundromat-Late-Sunday-Afternoon Blues" by Baron Wormser   "You should have dealt with the wine stain..."
February 11, 2024:   "Beauty" by Jessica Cuello   "I suspected beauty in myself, I broke the bathroom..."
February 10, 2024:   Two poems by Rebecca Lehmann   "You've lost a penny, you've lost many, you've lost your brain...."
February 9, 2024:   "The West Village" by Denise Duhamel   "Halloween, 1984. I find a pink prom dress at Goodwill, cover it..."
February 8, 2024:   "Mortropolis" by Elton Glaser   "What city do I live in? I live in..."
February 7, 2024:   "Wishbone by Gabriel Spera   "After the plates were cleared, the carcass fridged..."
February 6, 2024:   "Chinese Remainder Theorem by Stella Wong   "a colloid is a united state..."
February 4, 2024:   "Year End" by Laura Foley   "I want to bury him..."
February 3, 2024:   "Mammals" by William Aarnes   "The pig in epigraph...."
February 2, 2024:   "The Dinner Party" by John Maradik   "we were in the middle of a fight..."
February 1, 2024:   "Emily Dickinson's Herbarium" by Chelsea Woodard   "Wide-lobed threes of trillium leaves taped..."
January 31, 2024:   "Playing with the Moon" by David Lee Garrison   "My dog doesn't howl at the moon..."
January 30, 2024:   "[1.2]" by Valerie Witte   "Where travelers tread, upon threat of oblivion | the land..."
January 29, 2024:   "American Preposition" by Liala Zaray   "The woodpecker in my neighborhood wakes me up at 6 am every morning..."
January 28, 2024:   "I'm Making an Inventory of the World" by Meredith Stricker   "things you can buy and things you cannot..."
January 27, 2024:   "If They Ask, Tell Them" by Jessica Greenbaum   "vinegar and baking soda run the world..."
January 26, 2024:   "A Few Things I Learned This Week" by Lana Hecthman Ayers   "Gnats drowned in the cat's water dish..."
January 25, 2024:   "Forgiveness is the smell of crushed flowers" by Alise Alousi   "My mother crossed the street, quickened her pace..."
January 24, 2024:   "Pacific Grove" by Cathleen Calbert   "Streets of small Victorians lead to the bay's..."
January 23, 2024:   "Mass Graves, Hart Island" by Don Schofield   "The unclaimed dead in their plywood coffins..."
January 22, 2024:   "Death and the Mountain" by Annie Finch   "You're like a mountain made of warmth..."
January 21, 2024:   "The Eglantine" by J.R. Solonche   "The last word you hear as you leave the room is the word you remember. It is the word that..."
January 20, 2024:   "The Wandering" by Connie Post   "The names on the street signs..."
January 19, 2024:   "Maybe Yes, Maybe No" by Rustin Larson   "You are a slave in a world..."
January 18, 2024:   "Fanfare for the Dinosaurs, or, The Trumpeter" by Kate Partridge   "As if I had done a thing to deserve it—this delight..."
January 17, 2024:   "Let Our Bodies Change the Subject" by Jared Harél   "In the kitchen, with the kids finally asleep..."
January 15, 2024:   "Digging for Apples" by Timothy Donnelly   "Give me my shovel..."
January 14, 2024:   "Aletheia" by Nathalie Handal   "They forget we are women...."
January 13, 2024:   "Rhetorical Figures & a Bullet" by Xavier Cavazos   "My brothers and sisters are dying in train cars. Overcome..."
January 12, 2024:   "Traversence" by Phuong T. Vuong   "What is the speed of light at my desk...."
January 11, 2024:   "Promethean" by John Barr   "It was anger—the audacious theft—..."
January 10, 2024:   "Duck Song" by Elizabeth Solsburg   "After a fox took his favorite duck one night..."
January 9, 2024:   "Babel" by Alyse Knorr   "There with the infant aspens..."
January 8, 2024:   "Towline" by Yvonne Zipter   "My mother on the lawn outside Mitchell Hall..."
January 7, 2024:   "The Fictional Bureau of Whaling" by Lucas Jorgensen   "Reading Moby Dick, I wanted the whales to win...."
January 6, 2024:   "Scheherazade at the Doctor's" by Claire Scott   "The doctor opens her laptop and frowns..."
January 5, 2024:   "The Woman Who Had No Shadow" by Paula Reed Nancarrow   "Why must the correct..."
January 4, 2024:   "Sub-pastoral" by Andrew Collard   "The syntax of the houses reads easy..."
January 3, 2024:   "I Asked an Ornithologist" by Becka Mara McKay   "if birds ever lie when they sing their courtship..."
January 2, 2024:   "Holding My Phone Above My Head and Recording with the Bird ID App" by Barbara Westwood Diehl   "I search. If there is a god, the god knows this...."
January 1, 2024:   "Postbang" by John A. Nieves   "The closet is dead, okay? Its back was blown..."
December 31, 2023:   "Origin Story" by Tina Carlson   "I once lived on a ditch..."
December 30, 2023:   "I will leave behind" by George Burns   "so many selves like snakeskins..."
December 29, 2023:   "Negative" by Katie Hartsock   "Of course it's not...."
December 28, 2023:   "The Poor House of Ours" by Jianqing Zheng   "Collectibles shouldn't be kept till the last breath..."
December 27, 2023:   "Sleep" by Lorna Wood   "Here we are, two mammals in our nest..."
December 26, 2023:   "big challenges" by Dan Kaplan   "My figure detailed in this very area..."
December 25, 2023:   ">Visiting a Friend on a Snowy Night" by Chengru He   "Tonight the moon is quiet. Fresh..."
December 24, 2023:   "I wish you (my mother once told me" by TC Tolbert   "I wish you (my mother once told me"..."
December 23, 2023:   "The Nature of Nature" by John Hoppenthaler   "A bluebird shows itself, disappears..."
December 22, 2023:   "Spangle" by John A. Nieves   "I keep making appointments not to..."
December 21, 2023:   "Eros" by Katie Lehman   "I run from him like I ran..."
December 20, 2023:   "Middle of The Story" by Michael Meyerhofer   "Then God took me back to the hospital..."
December 19, 2023:   "Peel the Black Walnut Bark Like Small Fists in Our Fists" by Christopher Citro   "I want to lift last year's maple leaves..."
December 18, 2023:   "Obituary" by Michelle Matz   "Alabama has the shortest average obituary length..."
December 17, 2023:   "The Cemeteries Near the Ukrainian Border" by Linda Nemec Foster   "The dead are orthodox...."
December 16, 2023:   "Cento for Women Who Are Not Believed" by Gail Thomas   "When we are silent we are still afraid..."
December 15, 2023:   "Tunnel Vision" by Suphil Lee Park   "No time to lose today..."
December 14, 2023:   "I no longer have the patience" by Maram Al-Masri translated by Hélène Cardona   "I no longer have the patience..."
December 13, 2023:   "Everyone in America" by Jennifer MacKenzie   "I am not writing about the hallowed pauper dead..."
December 12, 2023:   "Poems for Anna Akhmatova" by Matthew Rohrer   "Your door opened into the heart..."
December 11, 2023:   "Reciprocity" by Oksana Maksymchuk   "Here, hold this line..."
December 10, 2023:   "Poem for Sluts" by Mara Beneway   "Here, take this box of afternoon, I peeled..."
December 9, 2023:   "Priorities" by Lana Hechtman Ayers   "Swoosh of my grandmother's small..."
December 8, 2023:   "Unshriven with Company" by Rachel Abramowitz   "I see you, ghostie. I see you fall from the crabapple..."
December 7, 2023:   "Without Regret" by Sarah Dickenson Snyder   "The thrush chirps and flits..."
December 6, 2023:   "The New England Girl's Song About Thanksgiving Day" by Rennie Ament   "Unfollow the river and burn the wood...."
December 5, 2023:   "As A Girl I Was Taught To Not Want Cake" by Tara Flint Taylor   "Opening the door, the boys wave me..."
December 4, 2023:   "Sacred Art & Architectural Salvage, Inc." by Maryann Corbett   "Blessed is this warehouse: plaster-crumbed..."
December 3, 2023:   "What I Learned About Betrayal from a Woman on a Plane" by Andrea Hollander   "They decided finally not to speak..."
November 30, 2023:   "Teleology" by Willie Lin   "I am finely attuned to failures...."
November 29, 2023:   "Still World with Bison" by Kathryne Lim   "On a stretch of highway known as Turquoise..."
November 28, 2023:   "[Tendrils propagate from your bones]" by Stephanie Adams-Santos   "Tendrils propagate from your bones..."
November 27, 2023:   "Portrait of a Woman in 1969" by Xiaoly Li   "Her wrinkles, rings of a tree..."
November 26, 2023:   "the man I love ran off with everything except my poems" by Xiao Yue Shan   "there was a thought hanging like a trick of light on the door..."
November 25, 2023:   "Octopus" by Rebecca Brock   "To conquer a beast..."
November 24, 2023:   "Elegy for Brutalist Architecture" by John Gallaher   "I have this picture my birth-mother gave me, or maybe it's birthmother..."
November 23, 2023:   "The Heart is Quiet" by Amy Holman   "Why did the dog in Trinidad return to the burning house..."
November 22, 2023:   "Unwelcome" by Ross White   "The skunk sprayed at the window screen..."
November 21, 2023:   "After the Carnival Closes Down" by George Looney   "Gravity, at times, goes slack, like the night..."
November 20, 2023:   "Samson et Dalila, Op. 47" by Jessica Tanck   "I would wonder over it often: the welt..."
November 19, 2023:   "Keeping the Living Alive" by Emily Tian   "By saying things like, We'll get going..."
November 18, 2023:   "Real Monsters" by George Franklin   "In Forbidden Planet, the monster..."
November 17, 2023:   "History of a Villanelle" by Carolyne Wright   "Let's face it. Villanelles are hell...."
November 16, 2023:   "Early Elegy" by Terry Blackhawk   "Of course, I know: it's time..."
November 15, 2023:   "Stay" by Jessica Goodfellow   "I have always loved the geometry of ships, their bowsprits and their brails..."
November 14, 2023:   "I Nod When the School's Visiting Doctor Asks If I Eat Three Meals a Day" by Jessica Cuello   "In my family..."
November 13, 2023:   "Death Dream" by Denise Duhamel   "In the dream I keep losing my mother..."
November 12, 2023:   "In Praise of Echo" by Jeanne Wagner   "Ovid made her into just another ditzy naiad condemned..."
November 11, 2023:   "And You Get a Lair!" by Matt Broaddus   "The foreigners approach, sunburnt, skin..."
November 10, 2023:   "#klonopinsongs #atavancan" by Lee Ann Roripaugh   "hell-o, 3:00 a.m. :: vise-clench aching in my chest :: hot spillage of tears..."
November 9, 2023:   "The Sharp-Shinned Hawk" by Jane Satterfield   "is tiny, long-tailed, works..."
November 8, 2023:   "Ars Medica" by SK Rancy   "What use is..."
November 7, 2023:   "self-portrait as a child in america" by Esther Ra   "you wash your hands slowly, in daydream and water...."
November 6, 2023:   "Sawdust" by Jim Daniels   "I think of Jesus as a carpenter..."
November 5, 2023:   "Man With Dog" by Max Sessner (trans. Francesca Bell)   "When she left him he..."
November 4, 2023:   "'Bear Leads Police in Wild Chase" by Heather Lanier   "Through Streets of Anchorage,'..."
November 3, 2023:   "The Patron Saint of Heat Waves" by James Davis May   "All the trademark landmarks looked turbid..."
November 2, 2023:   "Days I Can't Feel You" by Brynn Saito   "I dive my body into the deep end, pluck golden leaves..."
November 1, 2023:   "The Woman with Leaves for Hands" by Rosanna Young Oh   "Nowadays, my father's mind comes and goes as the wind...."
October 31, 2023:   "A Vigil" by Ron Slate   "Soon it was my turn to sit with my cousin's body...."
October 30, 2023:   "Body, Mind of The Ransacked Thrift Shop" by Jane Hirshfield   "Body, mind of the ransacked thrift shop..."
October 29, 2023:   "After She Died, I Saw the Skull in Everyone" by Molly Tenenbaum   "Who knew skulls came in such colors..."
October 28, 2023:   "Now" by Helen Tzagoloff   "Now that the water bug has gone away..."
October 27, 2023:   2 poems by David Keplinger & Bruce Bond   "Those grooves of a song never played..."
October 26, 2023:   "The Civil War Goes On" by John Philip Drury   "They haven't bathed since 1863..."
October 25, 2023:   "My Second Spring" by John Hoppenthaler   "It's said, if a man witnesses..."
October 24, 2023:   "Yellow Poem" by David Dodd Lee   "And so you look beyond the shadows and there's something simmering..."
October 23, 2023:   "Desert Stink Beetle" by David Groff   "You who gave your wings for more water..."
October 22, 2023:   "After the Funeral" by Adrian S. Potter   "After the funeral, we cannot shed..."
October 21, 2023:   "Late Afternoon" by Elizabeth Crowell   "We passed the hunched foundations..."
October 20, 2023:   "Elegy for the Exquisite" by Jim Daniels   "Loneliness trumped loveliness..."
October 19, 2023:   "The Moon in Drag" by Kelly McQuain   "Moon of hunger, moon of hope, moon of cold nights..."
October 18, 2023:   "The Snake in the Living Room" by James Davis May   "Had it been a spider or a rat..."
October 17, 2023:   "Copy & Paste" by Michael Chang   "that pt in the evening..."
October 16, 2023:   "All That Splendor" by Jamaica Baldwin   "I watch them work, spiders..."
October 14, 2023:   "Sleight of Hand" by Joni Wallace   "A shadow holds no light on the moon...."
October 13, 2023:   "All the Things We Cannot See" by Terry L. Kennedy   "How, in your last hours..."
October 12, 2023:   "The Nature of Clarity" by Dana Curtis   "The Safeway is full of dying..."
October 11, 2023:   "Because" by Alison Stone   "Because my daughter wants a poem..."
October 10, 2023:   "Hating the Phoenix is" by Traci Brimhall   "hating a myth and hating a myth is hating a swan's wind..."
October 9, 2023:   "What Was Your First Concert?" by Paula Cisewski   "My first concert was a red leaf..."
October 8, 2023:   "A Student Says Everything We Read is Depressing" by Carol V. Davis   "So I point out the crisp sheets under the dead body..."
October 7, 2023:   "I can throw a pumpkin full of explosives" by Jason Gordon   "into the kitchen...."
October 6, 2023:   "I Built a Goodbye Machine" by John A. Nieves   "It started with a bobby pin soaked in the blue light..."
October 5, 2023:   "The War" by Timothy Liu   "At the base of the mountain..."
October 4, 2023:   "Dear America" by Cati Porter   "I am your daughter and..."
October 2, 2023:   "Love/Furious" by Amy Small-McKinney   "Not so cold that I want to stay indoors...."
October 1, 2023:   "I Never Thought My Mother" by Kathy Nelson   "would slip back in after she died...."
September 30, 2023:   "Daughter, before you thought in words" by Allison Blevins   "did you think the sound of my singing..."
September 29, 2023:   "Heir" by Kara van de Graaf   "They say it gives the mother..."
September 28, 2023:   "Pastoral" by Theodora Ziolkowski   "A dozen Rhode Island Reds are erased overnight...."
September 27, 2023:   "The Edge" by Carolene Kurien   "Katya tells me at the Krispy Kreme..."
September 26, 2023:   "In the Afterlife," by Kim Addonizio   "if you were Greek, you might end up in Elysium, which was like Heaven only with better music..."
September 25, 2023:   "Astronauts" by Judy Katz   "Tucked into the top bunk you call Heaven..."
September 24, 2023:   "Grief Dog" by Wyn Cooper   "I keep thinking of dogs, of how I could use..."
September 23, 2023:   "That Summer" by Doug Ramspeck   "when the mercenaries came to live with us..."
September 22, 2023:   "Small Rain" by Margaret Gibson   "Not quite awake, dozy in the way bees are..."
September 21, 2023:   "What to Say to Those Who Think You're a Fool for Choosing Poetry" by Joseph Fasano   "Tell them yes...."
September 20, 2023:   "Medusa Instructs the New Cosmetologist" by Shayla Hawkins   "My hair be a snake bush..."
September 19, 2023:   "Why have children when the world is ending?" by Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach   "Killer whales have stopped reproducing...."
September 18, 2023:   "Love, Birds" by Kim Ports Parsons   "Despite their best efforts..."
September 16, 2023:   "Half Moon" by Beth Copeland   "Tonight's moon reminds me..."
September 15, 2023:   "Seed" by Lisa Allen Ortiz   "The parade horse..."
September 14, 2023:   "Aubade Between Seasons" by Gail Thomas   "Suddenly the hummingbirds battling..."
September 13, 2023:   "Bel Canto" by Virginia Konchan   "Inside me is a black-eyed animal..."
September 12, 2023:   "Flood" by Lana Hechtman Ayers   "With water gushing..."
September 11, 2023:   "Dear Utah," by Natasha Sajé   "State in which I have lived longer..."
September 10, 2023:   "Americana" by Joshua Michael Stewart   "Wayne was a child when his father cooked..."
September 9, 2023:   "Being that it is late" by Nicole Callihan   "that it is already too late..."
September 8, 2023:   "Would I Do Anything for You?" by Laurie Blauner   "I work as a vet assistant at the Exotic Animal Hospital..."
September 6, 2023:   "Modern Conversation" by Andrea Potos   "I overhear them everywhere..."
September 5, 2023:   "Bourbon, Cigarettes, Van Morrison" by John Hoppenthaler   "The wind's picked up, rattling..."
September 4, 2023:   "The Greeks" by Kara van de Graaf   "We only remember animals..."
September 3, 2023:   "Cento for the Resurrection" by Megan Sexton   "Everything is an event for those who know how to tremble..."
September 2, 2023:   "The Reef Sermon" by Ricardo Pau-Llosa   "Among mountains sowed with seashells..."
September 1, 2023:   "Invention of the Wilderness" by Bruce Bond   "When a fire pins its banner to the wood..."
August 31, 2023:   "And the greatest of these is charity" by Penelope Scambly Schott   "This is a sermon for women...."
August 30, 2023:   "Man Paddling Canoe with Dog" by Jason Tandon   "The sky so white..."
August 29, 2023:   "Temple of Solitude" by Dana Curtis   "Fiercely lit and unloved..."
August 28, 2023:   "Energies" by Tina Barr   "I climbed the mountain, to kill the tree of heaven..."
August 27, 2023:   "Prayer for Reconciliation" by Kelly Rowe   "In the study that a child playing hide and seek..."
August 25, 2023:   "Quieting" by John A. Nieves   "Patient sleep ends here in the dry dark...."
August 24, 2023:   "The Hum of the Living" by Kelli Russell Agodon   "Tonight, what haunts me is remembering..."
August 23, 2023:   "Theism" by Emma Bolden   "Someone stole the wind & the sky..."
August 22, 2023:   "When Grief Made Us" by Ruth Awad   "In the new year, the ghosts show up...."
August 21, 2023:   "[first tango]" by JD Debris   "The man in the dusk-colored glasses..."
August 20, 2023:   "Coral Snake" by Joy Moore   "Because in her neck of Florida, she wasn't raised..."
August 19, 2023:   "Fog's Garden" by Annie Finch   "With quiet mind I wonder at the art..."
August 18, 2023:   "Metrology Theory #5" by Sean Cho A.   "ignoring possibilities. like. the memory of water...."
August 17, 2023:   "To possess the apple, you must take it from the tree you've planted," by Angie Macri   "not inherit it from an old orchard, someone else's labor..."
August 16, 2023:   "[Even the oracles know]" by Vandana Khanna   "Even the oracles know there are different ways..."
August 15, 2023:   "The Lemon" by Zack Strait   "The used car salesman, who is costumed like a circus clown..."
August 14, 2023:   "Magical Thinking" by Rachel Custer   "In November of my 40th year, I began to believe..."
August 13, 2023:   "Ghost Forest" by Jack B. Bedell   "Backlit by city and refinery's glow..."
August 12, 2023:   "Simple Science" by Sandra McPherson   "Our first time, I was not taking field notes...."
August 10, 2023:   "Little Hour" by Rae Gouirand   "I think I am not live..."
August 9, 2023:   "Unsent Message to My Brother in His Pain" by Shalini Rana   "Yesterday, a cloud-shaped orb muscled..."
August 8, 2023:   "Neap Tide" by Lex Runciman   "Those first weeks, his death made an insistence..."
August 7, 2023:   "Get Back To Work America" by H Warren   "fellow community members..."
August 6, 2023:   "Testament" by Luke Hankins   "I haven't lived terribly well..."
August 5, 2023:   "Killing Time" by Jessica D. Thompson   "The old woman in the Dollar Store..."
August 4, 2023:   "My Body as a Communist Country" by Suzanne Frischkorn   "Its betrayal totalitarian..."
August 3, 2023:   "Leda" by Katharine Coles   "Whatever you've heard..."
August 2, 2023:   "At the Bar" by Amorak Huey   "Just buzzy enough to say without thinking I use my mouth a lot..."
August 1, 2023:   "The Ghost" by Dan Albergotti   "In the beginning you were surely there..."
July 31, 2023:   "Late Morning" by Timothy Dodd   "I see the bluegill are brighter, the cardinals' beaks..."
July 30, 2023:   "Birmingham Points to Little Rock" by Andrew Cox   "As if the Mason-Dixon Line were a glass ceiling..."
July 28, 2023:   "La Corrèze" by Campbell McGrath   "There are poems hiding everywhere..."
July 27, 2023:   "The Age of Fishes" by Chiyuma Elliott   "On the new planet, we told stories..."
July 26, 2023:   "God and I Play Russian Roulette / The Youth Group Debates Capital Punishment" by Ashley Wang   "The first scene of rapture opens like this: the glass..."
July 25, 2023:   "It Is Advantageous to Place on the Table a [Hollow Figurine] of Apollo, with Bibliomancy" by Lesley Wheeler   "The angry woman, thrice passed over..."
July 24, 2023:   "What is Left" by Bunkong Tuon   "What is left after war is the gratitude for what is left...."
July 23, 2023:   "A Collective of Susans" by Kathryn Smith   "One Susan pulls the stones from my pockets and skips them across the river...."
July 22, 2023:   "Paper Skeleton Villanelle" by Rebecca Lehmann   "You're as dead as the paper skeleton I hang..."
July 21, 2023:   "Diaspora Sonnet 74" by Oliver de la Paz   "The ocean was a blur. The landscape, grids..."
July 20, 2023:   "Edward Hopper's 'Seven A.M.', 1948" by Michael Boccardo   "Here, where light refuse..."
July 19, 2023:   "Turnover" by Gale Marie Thompson   "In the time it took to produce..."
July 18, 2023:   "Visitation" by Eric Pankey   "A ghost is but a moment—elongated, smeared—..."
July 17, 2023:   "We Are Not Gods" by Diana Woodcock   "One extreme event, September 2016..."
July 9, 2023:   "Self-Portrait with Blacktop, Heron, and Doubt" by Tina Schumann   "I thought I might start believing in God. Not again, but for the first time...."
July 8, 2023:   "Animal" by Donna Spruijt-Metz   "The dog's hunger..."
July 7, 2023:   "Contemporary Poem #3" by Sean Cho A.   "here is a suitcase. a fistful of travelers checks...."
July 6, 2023:   "ad|mire" by Vanessa Couto Johnson   "At the botanic garden, a map..."
July 5, 2023:   "i cut this hairself" by Perla Kantarjian   "it had been long with steady waters..."
July 4, 2023:   "When I'm Ghost, Floaty, Outline" by Aaron Anstett   "ill-defined, all my outlandish..."
July 3, 2023:   "Two Owls" by J. R. Solonche   "Tenderly they call to one another across the wood...."
July 2, 2023:   "There is Only One Ocean" by Robert Wood Lynn   "Everything else, a fiction to make us feel larger...."
July 1, 2023:   "Diagnosis" by Kara van de Graaf   "If you don't think..."
June 30, 2023:   "Hospital" by Wayne Miller   "All the people with their narratives..."
June 29, 2023:   "Utopia's Demise" by Carol Lynn Stevenson Grellas   "Oh, Pamela, I've not forgotten how..."
June 28, 2023:   "Aubade as it Begins to Snow" by Margaret Wack   "The language of the sick is one of gasps and whispers..."
June 27, 2023:   "Corazones De Papel" by Luis Lopez-Maldonado   "Part I: Land Before Democracy..."
June 26, 2023:   "A Poem About Not Getting a Dog" by Gary Greene   "I should get a dog..."
June 25, 2023:   "Speaking of Birds" by Gray Thomas   "When she spoke..."
June 24, 2023:   "Neglect" by Leslie Gerber   "Already, still morning..."
June 23, 2023:   "Report from a Distance" by Athena Kildegaard   "A tiresome journey..."
June 22, 2023:   "Accordion" by Angeline Schellenberg   "Lick cat                snort fumes                crinkle potato..."
June 21, 2023:   "Geography" by Erica Goss   "We think a map owes us something. We blame it..."
June 20, 2023:   "Lolita's Exorcism" by Natalie Louise Tombasco   "In the back seat of the yellow bus, our heads whirled round..."
June 19, 2023:   "How to be born in a country that measures your blood in their hands:" by Kinsale Drake   "You must live..."
June 18, 2023:   "Dear God, Show Me How to Walk in Wonder" by Tom C. Hunley   "Dear God, when I watched my firstborn..."
June 17, 2023:   "When We Say It's the Little Things" by Martha Silano   "we really do mean it, a friend announcing, at the end..."
June 16, 2023:   "Baptism | Before I Grew Up, There Was a War" by Remi Recchia   "Before I grew up, there was a war...."
June 15, 2023:   "Spin-the-Globe Charades" by John A. Nieves   "I am acting like a wall with one portico..."
June 13, 2023:   "Blessings of a Dog" by Grant Clauser   "She chases the threadbare tennis ball..."
June 12, 2023:   "Aubade" by Janis Harrington   "I wake to the garage door rumbling up..."
June 11, 2023:   "Tractor Ghosts" by John Davis Jr.   "Grandfather, I am driving your memory back to the shed...."
June 10, 2023:   "The Visiting Poet" by Gary Soto   "My poet friend sits in my mohair chair...."
June 9, 2023:   "26" by Richard Wollman   "Soon you'll be on your way north again...."
June 8, 2023:   "Distance Was the Colour of Water" by Michael Goodfellow   "I learned early that distance was the colour of water..."
June 7, 2023:   "Meuse" by Elinor Ann Walker   "A river's name is also a way out...."
June 6, 2023:   "Endless" by Bob Hicok   "I'll not remember where I was when I learned..."
June 5, 2023:   "A Memory of Snow" by Danielle Pieratti   "Off-road, half-drunk, knee-deep..."
June 4, 2023:   "After a Terrorist Attack" by Barbara Siegel Carlson   "The city square is buried in leaves...."
June 2, 2023:   "Fairy Tale with an AR-15" by Catherine Broadwall   "I should not have been surprised that the spider in my hair..."
June 1, 2023:   "A Floridian Says, I Could Never Live in a Place Like That." by Natalie Padilla Young   "A few creeks scattered about..."
May 31, 2023:   "Advice From a Dog" by Adam Scheffler   "Piss expressively...."
May 30, 2023:   "Sonnet with Abalone and Glue" by Robert Thomas   "You say it doesn't mean a blessed thing..."
May 29, 2023:   "I Mean for a Thing to Be Other" by Eric Stiefel   "When I think of you, I think of you as you were, lying..."
May 28, 2023:   "Branches of Birds, Kingdoms That Float" by Katherine Soniat   "Owl asleep in a willow while the child sits on the levee..."
May 27, 2023:   "Oil Flew Into the Sea" by Stephen Massimilla   "and some of it was on fire..."
May 26, 2023:   "Not Yet American" by D. Nurkse   "At the end we are marching and yelling..."
May 25, 2023:   "To Assemble This Poem Properly" by Derek Mong   "begin from above. The first line wrote itself..."
May 24, 2023:   "Thinkin Bout You" by Shayla Lawson   "Never let an ocean love you. He'll take..."
May 23, 2023:   "Little Death Song for Grace" by Ronda Piszk Broatch   "Spooky how the quantum camera captures ghosts..."
May 20, 2023:   "'ER Doc Dies in Husband's Arms'" by Risa Denenberg   "The City. Streets are empty now, like you always wished..."
May 19, 2023:   "Thumb" by Hadara Bar-Nadav   "Who means what it is to be human..."
May 18, 2023:   "They Are Taking The Animals Out Of The Offices" by Allison Titus   "one by one...."
May 17, 2023:   "The Popular Vote" by Star Black   "Glass-ceiling balloons..."
May 16, 2023:   "Love" by Martha Silano   "I hate your kneecaps floating free..."
May 15, 2023:   "God is the Fish in My Mouth" by Lindsey Royce   "Let me feel your sun warm my throat..."
May 14, 2023:   "(Eve) Talking to Herself (Mother's Day)" by Amy Dryansky   "You start where you always start, with the body. You like..."
May 13, 2023:   "Eve's Invective Against Small Ardor" by Alina Stefanescu   "An epiphany is a series..."
May 12, 2023:   "Eve Leaves Eden" by Brooke Sahni   "Because she hasn't been alone since she was born...."
May 11, 2023:   "The Thin Line" by Meredith Stricker   "Every morning opening the newspaper, I am faced..."
May 10, 2023:   "Made Him a Lawn, Field, Side Yard" by Leah Poole Osowski   "I find grass blades in the sheets..."
May 9, 2023:   "Gingerbread Man" by Owen McLeod   "My gingerbread man says drink it..."
May 8, 2023:   "Will You Line Up the Children?" by Carrie Oeding   "For pigtails, balance beams..."
May 7, 2023:   "Electric Deer" by Rustin Larson   "Twitching tails in headlights..."
May 6, 2023:   "Political Ambition" by Lee Upton   "A pig swallowing an entire..."
May 5, 2023:   "Transubstantiation 2" by Deborah Bogen   "By the time I was ten I could see it myself...."
May 4, 2023:   "It Would Only Be a Picture Book" by Hannah Craig   "Anymore, our fingers cannot say..."
May 3, 2023:   "Focal Point" by Emma DePanise   "My sister tells me she saw a squirrel eating another..."
May 2, 2023:   "Confessions of a Bullet" by Neil Carpathios   "I wanted to be bigger...."
May 1, 2023:   "Flea with Martyrdom" by Rachel Abramowitz   "I was outside myself, shearing..."
April 30, 2023:   "When Girls Become Birds" by Hollie Dugas   "It begins with the nature of..."
April 29, 2023:   "This is a love poem if you squint hard enough" by Daisy Bassen   "I hope you know..."
April 27, 2023:   "Dirt Poor" by Margo Davis   "The lake is really a slate roof. A duck..."
April 26, 2023:   "Toad Dies and Goes to Heaven" by Clint Margrave   "Nobody is more surprised than he is...."
April 25, 2023:   "Betrayal" by Cherene Sherrard   "How wrong I was about what makes family. One spring..."
April 24, 2023:   "Cassandra" by Sasha West   "It wasn't easy to see, to say: I carried..."
April 23, 2023:   "The Full Deck" by Mark Ward   "So, are you? The expectance of being...."
April 22, 2023:   "Words from a Painting by Giorgio di Chirico" by Angela Ball   "I am mannequin..."
April 21, 2023:   "Anti-Pastoral" by Sara Moore Wagner   "Don't retreat, I say to the screen..."
April 20, 2023:   "The Crows" by Amie Whittemore   "I left out a bowl of rice dressed..."
April 19, 2023:   "Breastplate" by Joyce Mansour (translated by Molly Bendall)   "When the war rains down over breakers and beaches..."
April 18, 2023:   "War of the Cities" by Rooja Mohassessy   "It's 1983. Flowers smell of salt..."
April 17, 2023:   "Equinox: Elegy" by Lee Peterson   "Yesterday, the day was as long as the night...."
April 16, 2023:   "Coda" by David Starkey   "Others will picture him on the bench..."
April 15, 2023:   "Orphaned Rabbits" by Erin Wilson   "When I speak with my son at his dad's, in Ohio..."
April 14, 2023:   "Poem Concerning Collapse and Forbearance" by Lisa Lewis   "There is fear of the authorities and fear of authority...."
April 13, 2023:   "Magical Thinking" by Rebecca Aronson   "I know we know no cure for this century..."
April 12, 2023:   "Listening for Truths & Answers" by Shuly Xóchitl Cawood   "Reuniting was the sound of spoons clattering into drawer..."
April 11, 2023:   "DRAWBRIDGE + MOAT" by Natalie Louise Tombasco   "Gingerly, yes..."
April 10, 2023:   "Never Asking" by Madelyn Chen   "Winter nights we wore socks to bed and still..."
April 9, 2023:   "Fight" by John W. Evans   "Pick up, I said, and talk to me, you said, come..."
April 8, 2023:   "Things We Lost to the Flood" by Emma Wynn   "Alternate uses for pencils..."
April 7, 2023:   "Vacation" by Sara Moore Wagner   "At the Carolina coastline, the sea..."
April 6, 2023:   "Malcolm X, I Lost Him Twice" by Ellen June Wright   "My favorite photo of X hung on the wall..."
April 5, 2023:   "Ode to the Automobile and Human Happiness" by Alicia Ostriker   "How much human happiness can we stand?..."
April 4, 2023:   "Earth Day, 2020" by Catherine Esposito Prescott   "In quarantine, we noted how the raccoons use..."
April 3, 2023:   "Their Share of the Dark" by S.C. Flynn   "That hour of the night when sick people fall..."
April 1, 2023:   "Imperium (for the last to leave)" by Michael McLane   "before the barbarians knock, they allow..."
March 31, 2023:   "Shelter" by Triin Paja   "a fox jumps from the twig-sinewed forest...."
March 30, 2023:   "Stealth narcissus" by Jayson Keery   "Dead, you are my creatures...."
March 29, 2023:   "Belief and Naivety" by Justin Marks   "The face is a template of which..."
March 28, 2023:   "The Wrong Man" by Judith Waller Carroll   "A few years after I married you..."
March 27, 2023:   "Vivisection" by Jennifer Militello   "No to this tide that pronounces the dark bruise at my rib, the way its cage gives as my self grows...."
March 26, 2023:   "Still Life Without Skull" by Suzanne Edison   "The infusions were pulsed too fast..."
March 25, 2023:   "The Fixed Stars" by Carmen Germain   "Van Gogh worked with nothing in his belly but milk..."
March 24, 2023:   "What Do You Do for a Living?" by Hadara Bar-Nadav   "Full-time mother full-time smother..."
March 23, 2023:   "Poem Ending with a Line from Robinson Jeffers" by Campbell McGrath   "Sifted from the dust of stars, from atom-drizzle..."
March 22, 2023:   "Death Arrives On a Pale Horse" by John Gallaher   "Someone coughs across the room and the cough travels miles...."
March 21, 2023:   "A Wolf's Skin Stretched Across A Drum" by Shane McCrae   "From which, when it     is struck, I hear my..."
March 20, 2023:   "I am Not a Robot" by Lisa Allen Ortiz   "What language do..."
March 19, 2023:   "Bobcat" by Kari Gunter-Seymour   "Sleepless, I huddled in a rocker..."
March 18, 2023:   "A Dictionary Names the Wind in the Trees" by Susan Cohen   "Psithurism because..."
March 17, 2023:   "Invective against Swans" by John Surowiecki   "Where we once raised our voices against a war..."
March 16, 2023:   ""From the List of My Fears"" by Robert Wood Lynn   "We were, once again, Orpheus's incompetence...."
March 15, 2023:   "I Am Neither Surgical" by Hadara Bar-Nadav   "nor magical. I am the one who waits in a white..."
March 13, 2023:   "Jittery Nocturne" by Kate Northrop   "Outside after a bad dream —no stars..."
March 12, 2023:   "We hope we've come to the end" by Robin Chapman   "of time shut in, and think back..."
March 11, 2023:   "Moon" by Michael Bazzett   "The night you climbed in bed and curled up close..."
March 10, 2023:   "For a Stray Dog near the Paper Mill in Tyrone, Pennsylvania" by Todd Davis   "The dog bends her ear to the steel tracks as they begin to hum...."
March 9, 2023:   "The Plumber" by Adrienne Raphel   "This morning there is no water coming out of the faucet..."
March 8, 2023:   "And When it Rained" by Sara Deniz Akant   "the dog began to see a different dog...."
March 7, 2023:   "Glimmer" by Rage Hezekiah   "We control so little. Last..."
March 6, 2023:   "Commuting by the Confederate Flag on I-40" by Eric Tran   "flown half-mast. I want..."
March 5, 2023:   "Orphan Sky" by Eileen Cleary   "Don't say the father died; say night falls..."
March 4, 2023:   "A bad weather Time" by Linda Lerner   "stone cold, I say..."
March 3, 2023:   "Preservation" by Liz Ahl   "I cover everything with brine..."
March 2, 2023:   "To Replicate the Sacrifice of Christ's Journey into the Desert for 40 Days" by Kathleen Rooney   "This year I gave up hope for Lent...."
March 1, 2023:   "My Father's Hand" by Angela Alaimo O'Donnell   "When I hear my name—Alaimo—I see..."
February 28, 2023:   "Maternal" by George Szirtes   "The city is your mother: extensive..."
February 27, 2023:   "Roe Stag" by Pascale Petit   "Tell me there is a meadow, afterwards..."
February 26, 2023:   "Trailer House" by Kimberly Ann Priest   "My son reaches for my sympathy, constantly...."
February 25, 2023:   "Afterlife with Father" by Jeanne Marie Beaumont   "Because there was no money in it, my father..."
February 24, 2023:   "Waiting Room" by Jane Zwart   "It is possible to pass a whole life..."
February 23, 2023:   "A Guest of War" by Oksana Maksymchuk   "In a bed we set up..."
February 22, 2023:   "Carriers" by D. Nurkse   "A soldier in fatigues stood guard at Grand Central..."
February 21, 2023:   "Holy" by Kerry James Evans   "Before light, a ruin..."
February 20, 2023:   "aj" by Jasmine Khaliq   "everywhere people are falling in love..."
February 19, 2023:   "Note From Apparent Magnitude to Luminosity" by John A. Nieves   "Take a second to disregard the yawning pupils..."
February 18, 2023:   "noyse" by Betsy Johnson   "i live now. new. ideally. situated between an abattoir..."
February 17, 2023:   "The Fortune-Teller of My Youth" by Jose Hernandez Diaz   "They are behind you as you sit up against..."
February 16, 2023:   "When You Read a Novel the Dead Would Like" by Benjamin S. Grossberg   "They are behind you as you sit up against..."
February 15, 2023:   "From Here on Out" by Suphil Lee Park   "Nothing will be spilled milk...."
February 14, 2023:   "Dance Dance Apocalypse" by Zoë Fay-Stindt   "oh future home      foxgloves bob..."
February 13, 2023:   "LaGrave at First Light" by Jane Zwart   "If windows thin light, if under their sills..."
February 12, 2023:   "What I Wish My Dog Understood" by Winniebell Xinyu Zong   "Montana, it's cold outside, & you have peed..."
February 11, 2023:   "To Stand Astonished" by Terry L. Kennedy   "Overnight, it seems, the butterfly bush..."
February 10, 2023:   "Forgiveness" by George Burns   "Now, many years later..."
February 9, 2023:   "Tense Song" by Don Bogen   "Could die can point toward risk, or threat..."
February 8, 2023:   "Drink Me" by Bonnie Jo Campbell   "I'm small potatoes, not vodka, my body..."
February 7, 2023:   "If There Are Ghosts" by Melanie McCabe   "If there are ghosts, they are hapless. Not even..."
February 6, 2023:   "Elegy" by Darius Stewart   "Each day I spin yarns around my heart...."
February 5, 2023:   "Ribs" by Roger Robinson   "Read this in memory of me, or should I say..."
February 4, 2023:   "Ceiling Stare" by José Vadi   "on my back in bed..."
February 3, 2023:   "Field and Glory" by Bethany Schultz Hurst   "First this country was an infant. Then it cut its teeth..."
February 2, 2023:   "Snare" by Sherwin Bitsui   "The seizure seizes him..."
February 1, 2023:   "Ambush" by Oksana Maksymchuk   "In the hollow of a street..."
January 31, 2023:   "spiderghost" by Huan He   "a fog in air finding its lover in the mist, boys teeter..."
January 30, 2023:   "Feminist Wife" by Lisa Lewis   "My secret was I was trying to be a feminist..."
January 29, 2023:   "When Susan B. Anthony Was President" by Nancy White   "The children and cattle and bees had votes..."
January 28, 2023:   "Good Girl" by Anemone Beaulier   "My husband had dogs as a kid...."
January 27, 2023:   "'How Often Do You Feel Out of Place?'" by Ace Boggess   "With people near: behind in a queue at the fast-food hut..."
January 26, 2023:   "Plants in Tough Places" by George Burns   "I always want to cheer..."
January 25, 2023:   "Referential" by Shawn Hoo   "Of the myths this city boy believes in: nature..."
January 24, 2023:   "Resurrections" by Elizabeth Sylvia   "What all the women in Shakespeare want..."
January 22, 2023:   "Where is My Hand Allowed to Be Beauty" by stephanie roberts   "crown beauty: pastel, bone..."
January 21, 2023:   "Within the Word Autumn" by Dmitry Blizniuk   "Someone walks within the word Autumn..."
January 20, 2023:   "Why We Are Girls" by Rose Hunter   "A girl is a wisp, a potato chip..."
January 19, 2023:   "Elegy beginning in the shade of Aunt Mary's mulberry tree" by Camille T. Dungy   "A week before the woman whose tree..."
January 17, 2023:   "[Please, don't appropriate]" by Hari Alluri   "Please, don't appropriate..."
January 16, 2023:   "Traveling Alone" by Allison Joseph   "I always miss you most..."
January 15, 2023:   "Saved" by Bonnie Proudfoot   "This poker and dawdler, this dollop of perpetual contemplation, this pencil..."
January 14, 2023:   "Paradise" by Brooke Sahni   "She dreamt of her days lived, they were that sweet...."
January 13, 2023:   "Self-portrait After Memory" by Marjorie Maddox   "After as in submerged..."
January 12, 2023:   "Antisocial Social Club" by Michael Chang   "banish the word 'offering'—i prefer payment..."
January 11, 2023:   "Poem for my teeth. I can't keep / you" by Alejandro Lucero   "because you still grind yourselves into glass / powder just to wake me..."
January 9, 2023:   "I've Got You" by David Kirby   "I'm turning into the parking lot of my doctor's office..."
January 8, 2023:   "From my pocket on a hike, a tone warns me" by K.A. Hays   "The end of the Paris Climate Agreement..."
January 7, 2023:   "Othello The Moor" by A. Van Jordan   "Only a Black face throwing light could cast so many shadows...."
January 6, 2023:   "Aerial View of Maze" by Suphil Lee Park   "When you die dreaming, the rest of the world..."
January 5, 2023:   "Disturbed Mud" by Forrest Rapier   "Reckless drums pound buckskin beats..."
January 4, 2023:   "Broken Showerhead" by Dom Witten   "Water pleas mercy before landing at the bottom of my shower...."
January 3, 2023:   "Small Continuous Explosions" by Derek Graf   "That was the night my lover hit rock bottom...."
January 2, 2023:   "April Prayer" by Todd Davis   "Where snow disappeared a month ago, I trace my fingers..."
January 1, 2023:   "Island ghazal" by Ana Portnoy Brimmer   "On an island, what makes a prophet?..."
December 31, 2022:   "Normal In Wyoming" by Martin Vest   "My doctor says I'm doing fine. He tells me everything..."
December 30, 2022:   "Brentwood, April 3rd" by Jasmine Khaliq   "for my twenty-fifth birthday I'd like to skydive..."
December 29, 2022:   "The Little I Remember" by Tina Barry   "I understand raindrops..."
December 28, 2022:   "Four Mannequins with Suitcases, Dressed for Success" by Nancy Eimers   "I understand raindrops..."
December 26, 2022:   "Saw" by Michael Goodfellow   "The blade took..."
December 25, 2022:   "The Donkey on the Road" by Jesse Graves   "Each year I cut a tree sprout from the chimney..."
December 24, 2022:   "Relative X: A White Clay Tabernacle of Grief" by Gordon Henry   "of longing, unwrapped parcels of lost joy..."
December 23, 2022:   "Self-Portrait as Dewclaw" by Stacy Gnall   "I have lived..."
December 22, 2022:   "The Nature of Inquiry" by Gary Glauber   "We are all butterflies flitting aimlessly..."
December 21, 2022:   "Oh, Possum" by Steve Straight   "We know them as gray lumps in the road..."
December 19, 2022:   "Selfward" by Rochelle Hurt   "In one life, I was a mail-order house..."
December 18, 2022:   "Body Politics" by Ronda Piszk Broatch   "Back from the butterflies, and the black blackjack jackdaws..."
December 17, 2022:   "December Elegy" by Serrina Zou   "At the mouth of December, chimneys smoke..."
December 16, 2022:   "John Coltrane at Ground Zero" by Adam Tavel   "Your translator paced the empty train..."
December 15, 2022:   "Succulent" by Jennifer Martelli   "I want to fill a bay window with sixteen jade plants..."
December 14, 2022:   "Hungry" by Michael Goodfellow   "Cabbage Night that year was bright and humid...."
December 13, 2022:   "Lorca" by Bruce Bond   "You hear it best where the key turns minor..."
December 12, 2022:   "Winter" by Major Jackson   "The boughs have been naked for weeks...."
December 11, 2022:   "Rights" by Donald Levering   "Looking back, it's hard to fathom..."
December 10, 2022:   "Ode to A Couch" by Chris Abbate   "A neighbor and I drag you..."
December 9, 2022:   "Small Talk" by Kirsten Shu-ying Chen   "A mouse scared my stomachache away...."
December 8, 2022:   "One Caw" by Michael Waters   "Against the snow they're silhouettes..."
December 7, 2022:   "A Small Needful Fact" by Ross Gay   "Is that Eric Garner worked..."
December 6, 2022:   "Prizewinners of the Apocalypse" by Claire Millikin   "Men entered my city bearing torches, chanting vengeance..."
December 5, 2022:   "Around the Absence of Bluestem" by Athena Kildegaard   "Around the absence of bluestem..."
December 4, 2022:   "Before the Sea Broke" by Mary B. Moore   "If I looked long enough the reachings..."
December 3, 2022:   "May 5, 2020" by John Okrent   "It is beautiful to be glad to see a person..."
December 2, 2022:   "Warp Drive, or The Cabin Boy of Starfleet" by Gregory Lawless   "If you've never traveled faster..."
December 1, 2022:   "The Languorous Flipside of Fire" by John Minczeski   "It is morning, and you're across the room..."
November 30, 2022:   "A Certainty That Facts Exist" by Athena Kildegaard   "On the bare counter a glass..."
November 29, 2022:   "a man leaves his post & his body takes over" by Jan Beatty   "To wake and find..."
November 28, 2022:   "Speak Animal" by Supritha Rajan   "To wake and find..."
November 27, 2022:   "Memorial Day" by Robert Okaji   "Arriving at this point..."
November 25, 2022:   "Recovering" by Julie Funderburk   "After the fire, a search to recover..."
November 24, 2022:   "What Was Left" by Red Hawk   "When the White men came to slaughter..."
November 23, 2022:   "Dead Something" by Ace Boggess   "In my bed: a droplet of dyed-black school glue..."
November 22, 2022:   "Confession" by John Biguenet   "I complained, in my heart, when you coughed through the night..."
November 21, 2022:   "Weighing In" by Alice Friman   "Even the great Russian..."
November 20, 2022:   "Memento Mori: Shelter Dog" by Jennifer Franklin   "In the year without, I learn from the quiet..."
November 19, 2022:   "Married Sex" by Rage Hezekiah   "Do you want to have sex?..."
November 18, 2022:   "The Vault" by Dan Albergotti   "Kingsolver tells young writers to stop smoking..."
November 17, 2022:   "Family Projects" by John Gallaher   "It's Day of the Dead Week at the middle school and they're doing projects..."
November 16, 2022:   "Isolating" by Anne Champion   "Once, you were the sweetest child...."
November 15, 2022:   "Seeing Those Damn Greasy" by Benjamin S. Grossberg   "day-old chickens, hunched, roasted..."
November 14, 2022:   "Heredity" by CD Eskilson   "Nobody told the stories as they happened..."
November 13, 2022:   "From West Texas" by Matt Morton   "The javelina crossed the interstate soundtracked by Satie's 'Gnossienne no. 2.'..."
November 12, 2022:   "On the Death of the Day of the Bear" by Alina Stefanescu   "I will die on the day of the bear, when frost..."
November 11, 2022:   "French Entrance" by Lara Egger   "All the best deathtraps are spoken for...."
November 10, 2022:   "Late Winter" by Maxine Scates   "It's almost spring, but cold. This morning..."
November 9, 2022:   "Subway Elegy" by Nan Cohen   "Slowed down, stopped. And with a sigh..."
November 8, 2022:   "The Silence of the Marriage" by Charles Rafferty   "The silence of the marriage continued to solidify..."
November 7, 2022:   "The Birthplace of Barbed Wire" by Collin Callahan   "I dress as the eyehole..."
November 6, 2022:   "The Forced Sterilization of the Abenaki People. 1931" by Laura Budofsky Wisniewski   "You dream that you wake..."
November 5, 2022:   "Dog Logic" by Aaron Brown   "My stray paws the door to go out to go in..."
November 4, 2022:   "White Rabbit" by Shelley Wong   "When I sit before the empty frame, I face a man. We are the audience..."
November 3, 2022:   "How to Leave a Farmhouse" by Beth McDermott   "Beyond the mossy stoop, flanked..."
November 2, 2022:   "It's Raining Spiders in Brazil" by Daniel Nester   "When you're 35, for example..."
October 31, 2022:   "All-Night Newsfeed" by Bill Neumire   "Here I take the box of world..."
October 30, 2022:   "How to Set a Broken Bone" by Grant Clauser   "So what isn't broken already anyway?..."
October 29, 2022:   "Inside out" by Emma Sky Wolf   "The roar of white noise..."
October 28, 2022:   "Sleeping Quarters" by Adam Tavel   "collapsed the alley's filthy trinity..."
October 27, 2022:   "Asymptotic" by David Dodd Lee   "The 1980s got lost..."
October 26, 2022:   "Inauguration Poem" by Lynn Melnick   "The 1980s got lost..."
October 25, 2022:   "Leda in Old Age" by Ellen Aronofsky Cole   "These days she vacuums nude & why not...."
October 24, 2022:   "To scare men" by Stella Wong   "wear your neck..."
October 23, 2022:   "Great Plains" by C. Henry Smith   "I would wake up hollowed of home..."
October 22, 2022:   "Truck Stop Preacher" by Sage Ravenwood   "Hair teased and hairspray halo rolled into..."
October 21, 2022:   "Sparring at the Party of the Literati" by Maureen Sherbondy   "Always the fate question waiting..."
October 20, 2022:   "Group Portrait with Trophy Kill" by Melissa Studdard   "As if cupping a palm leaf, we drank from it..."
October 19, 2022:   "With Arrows Through Their Necks" by Andrew Hemmert   "Downtown, the statue of a deer..."
October 18, 2022:   "Dashing" by Martha Silano   "What's funny is my son calling me..."
October 17, 2022:   "Snow Prayer" by Jeffrey Bean   "Let sky's soft crush come in sleep...."
October 16, 2022:   "St. Peter's Cemetery" by Georg Trakl (translated by William Virgil Davis)   "Ringed all around is stony silence...."
October 15, 2022:   "The Cacti" by Michael Lavers   "Then, to my safe dull world, they came..."
October 14, 2022:   "Erstwhile Island Gardener" by Lynne Knight   "When the red-leaf lettuce bolted..."
October 13, 2022:   "For E, Who Asks Me How I Loved So Many Before Her" by Rochelle Hurt   "One was a truck rolling toward me in reverse...."
October 12, 2022:   "Hunger" by Ruth Awad   "Imaginary, the value of the pound, and yet when it drops..."
October 11, 2022:   "My Body Is Mine" by Amira Antoun Salameh (translated by Yafa al-Shayeb and Jennifer Jean)   "In that dark, the light..."
October 10, 2022:   "Clit Ode" by January G. O'Neil   "Peach pit sucked clean...."
October 9, 2022:   "Unaccented" by Maureen Thorson   "God's first language is silence...."
October 8, 2022:   "First Snow" by Joyce Sutphen   "I was at my desk, thinking..."
October 6, 2022:   "Cause and Effect" by Dan Rosenberg   "Because we are so thoughtless..."
October 5, 2022:   "Baseball Weather" by Kevin Miller   "I read over and over things not written..."
October 4, 2022:   "The Problem With Maps" by Charles Rafferty   "When I was growing up, there was no Southern Ocean..."
October 3, 2022:   "Noli Me Tangere" by Erika Meitner   "I know obsession, & I'm not talking the '80s-era Calvin Klein..."
October 2, 2022:   "On Not Loving Your Children" by Cortney Davis   "Stop loving them at two...."
October 1, 2022:   "Out of Season" by Michael Magee   "Winter slows us down toward sleep..."
September 30, 2022:   "One Way to Use a Deck of Cards" by Katie Manning   "How you were no good at poker...."
September 29, 2022:   "Zeitgeist" by Rachel Richardson   "And then it wasn't just plastic..."
September 28, 2022:   "why i never put rez or off rez on my resume" by Ibe Liebenberg   "or that I was born on ceremonial land..."
September 27, 2022:   "One Good Memory" by Noah Arhm Choi   "It's Sunday afternoon with too many people wearing white..."
September 26, 2022:   "Information Worker at the End of the World" by Stephanie Niu   "When the ship to Mars has already departed..."
September 24, 2022:   "Body Parts" by T. Clear   "They wouldn't let me..."
September 23, 2022:   "Elites" by Maia Siegel   "We argued over what an "elite" was..."
September 22, 2022:   "The Warm Bed" by Lynne Knight   "We decided not to think about being..."
September 21, 2022:   "Lifeguard" by Casey Thayer   "Asterisk on the blacktop: dead crow..."
September 20, 2022:   "Vulture" by Julia Vinograd   "I need to apologize to the dying children..."
September 19, 2022:   "The Night the Murderous Cop Was Not Charged" by Michael Mlekoday   "I lifted a cement block..."
September 18, 2022:   "Someday I'll Forgive Lara Egger" by Lara Egger   "You say you adore your dog..."
September 16, 2022:   "Assume Everything I Say Is True" by Rick Bursky   "We smoked Arturo Fuentes, sipped vodka gimlets...."
September 15, 2022:   "Linden" by Cate Marvin   "While walking the dog I want nothing to do with..."
September 14, 2022:   "O" by Kathleen Rooney   "I try not to make too many 'I' statements...."
September 13, 2022:   "The Stapler" by Dan Rosenberg   "For the hole in the aorta of our nation I've got this stapler...."
September 12, 2022:   "Self-Portrait of an Arizona Snowman" by Jeevan Anthony Narney   "Don't call me the face of global warming...."
September 11, 2022:   "Autumn in Iowa" by Diane Frank   "I stuff I Ching pennies..."
September 10, 2022:   "When All Has Been Said" by Lois Parker Edstrom   "What else can we say about the butterfly?..."
September 9, 2022:   "Grotto To Sebastian" by Nicholas Regiacorte   "Resilient one, Namesake of my father's mother..."
September 8, 2022:   "Perseus" by J.R. Solonche   "I almost peeked...."
September 7, 2022:   "Percoset Dream after Root-Canal Surgery" by Henry Hart   "A robed boy with a swastika tattoo on his forehead..."
September 6, 2022:   "Achilles" by A.E. Stallings   "Ach! Ill ease..."
September 5, 2022:   "Aubade" by Diamond Forde   "I have made book of your body, read..."
September 4, 2022:   "What Language" by Xiaoly Li   "The murmuring of bees long absent..."
September 3, 2022:   "Faith — Bead 1" by Sholeh Wolpé   "A blank page is not innocent..."
September 2, 2022:   "Self-Portrait as Haruno Sakura, Kunoichi of Konohagakure" by J. Bailey Hutchinson   "I remember the first woman I hated—hair pink..."
September 1, 2022:   "Portrait / Self-Portrait" by Adam Tavel   "First facts are dirt. I could hear it..."
August 31, 2022:   "A Call" by Don Bogen   "Black wings, black stick-legs, black beak, black eye..."
August 30, 2022:   "Self-Portrait with Zoloft and Fruit" by Despy Boutris   "Today       slicing sourdough       my finger beaded with blood..."
August 29, 2022:   "Last of This; First of That" by Mary Ann Samyn   "No no no no: mild admonition, a child..."
August 28, 2022:   "An Inventory of Cultural Fragments" by Alan Chazaro   "Tío Gerardo in a Dodge Caravan playing..."
August 27, 2022:   "Strange How Trains" by Stephen Ackerman   "Once upon a time we were lovers, eager and untimed...."
August 26, 2022:   "Half Life" by Christine No   "My father walks-out somewhere in this world he weaves in and out of my..."
August 25, 2022:   "At Motel 6 the Night DeeDee Died" by Rebecca Foust   "Smell of mothball and sweat and gin..."
August 24, 2022:   "Wetipquin Scarecrow" by Adam Tavel   "wizened nightmare how you hang..."
August 23, 2022:   "What We See Again Comes to Us in Secret" by Elizabeth Rees   "and the language for that..."
August 22, 2022:   "Training" by Jess Smith   "I run on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, always..."
August 21, 2022:   "When I Try to Write an Elegy" by Jeannine Hall Gailey   "I try to make it pastoral. You know, bunnies and deer..."
August 20, 2022:   "Trolls" by Rustin Larson   "I missed a whole day. Now..."
August 19, 2022:   "To My Daughter" by Jeffrey Bean   "In the future, starlings will chatter..."
August 18, 2022:   "Through the Wrong End of the Telescope" by Melissa C. Johnson   "I've been looking for a mother..."
August 17, 2022:   "Independence Day" by Justin Hamm   "Near dark the clouds crowd..."
August 16, 2022:   "Watching CNN without Sound in the Hotel Lobby Bar" by Kelly R. Samuels   "All the gestures matter more and how their lips move. How the one..."
August 15, 2022:   "Mulberry Tree" by Brian Satrom   "Someone playing flute, the music coming from..."
August 14, 2022:   "The Forgiveness Project" by Kathleen Balma   "Under what conditions should one admit wrongdoing?..."
August 13, 2022:   "Summer Ending" by Robert Fillman   "Under a dull orb of porch light, they stand..."
August 12, 2022:   "Meditation on Remembering, Or a Golden Shovel for Sappho and Breonna Taylor" by Dean Rader   "As if life itself were rung like..."
August 11, 2022:   "Ohio Mud" by Benjamin S. Grossberg   "As dirt it was silt-fine, soft on your forefinger..."
August 10, 2022:   "Whitetail in the Rain Moving About" by Melissa Ginsburg   "to lure the deer install the salt..."
August 9, 2022:   "Driving Through Mississippi After the Capitol Hill Riot" by January Gill O'Neil   "And when that country dog blocked the car..."
August 8, 2022:   "Feast with a Mouthful of Bees" by Alison Pelegrin   "I was doomsday's daughter, ignoring the hum..."
August 7, 2022:   "I/ Self/ Woman in Berlin" by Tyler Mills   "I wake, put on a silk slip, a wool skirt, and cut..."
August 6, 2022:   "jennifer barber" by Alan Botsford   "It is no wave that carries..."
August 5, 2022:   "Aubade" by Jennifer Barber   "Because mourning doves believe..."
August 4, 2022:   "No Children, No Pets" by Sue Ellen Thompson   "I bring the cat's body home from the vet's..."
August 3, 2022:   "The Closing Hour" by Carl Phillips   "There are pleasures so ordinary that we barely notice them...."
August 2, 2022:   "Our Hearts Were New" by Shane McCrae   "We married in a jar with holes in the lid..."
August 1, 2022:   "Rothko's Chapel" by Richard Cole   "At first you see nothing..."
July 31, 2022:   "If You Go to Bed Hungry" by Angela Narciso Torres   "If you go to bed hungry, your soul will get up and steal cold rice from the pot...."
July 30, 2022:   "The Body is His Book" by John Blair   "Today I want to think about ghosts..."
July 29, 2022:   "Wild Raspberries" by Marisa P. Clark   "We cried all night, in view of others hopeful we'd return..."
July 28, 2022:   "A Couple with Their Heads Made of Bees" by Hollie Dugas   "Let's not call it honey anymore..."
July 27, 2022:   "Portrait in Burnt Orange and Bitter Almonds" by C. Dale Young   "Perhaps to escape violence or war, to escape..."
July 26, 2022:   "The Committee on Village Security" by Kevin Prufer   "We locked him in a cage..."
July 25, 2022:   "Marfa Lights" by Iliana Rocha   "There they are—our fears, animated...."
July 24, 2022:   "Vespers" by Martin Edmunds   "Languorous grass..."
July 23, 2022:   "It is Friday night" by Jeffrey Bean   "across the whole Midwest...."
July 21, 2022:   "Man with Trombone" by James Finnegan   "Leave the man with the trombone..."
July 20, 2022:   "Grasp" by Lisa Allen Ortiz   "Ingrid's husband Jon who is a scientist..."
July 19, 2022:   "Near Florence" by William Greenway   "My niece and her husband lived..."
July 18, 2022:   "Against Heaven" by Kemi Alabi   "If gigglesoaked, Henny-leaned, Young M.A's OOOUUU sweat down to its nekkid ooh..."
July 17, 2022:   "Sometimes You Just Have to Grow Up" by Lauren Goodwin Slaughter   "My OB says when I ask..."
July 16, 2022:   "What My Dog Knows" by Nancy Takacs   "is how the smell of shampoo..."
July 15, 2022:   "Dear Time," by Alexandra van de Kamp   "I thought there was an agreement here..."
July 14, 2022:   "Still Life with Oleanders" by Sara Lupita Olivares   "in the sea, a face recedes under weather and light. the rocks..."
July 13, 2022:   "Alabama Pace" by Em Palughi   "When two teenagers sit in a pick-up truck in a Wal-Mart parking lot smoking weed and..."
July 12, 2022:   "Break, Blow, Burn" by Alisha Dietzman   "Ecstatic. Nobody in real white. No body, and yet..."
July 11, 2022:   "Crown for the Girl Inside" by Lisa Low   "My therapist asks how my writing life..."
July 10, 2022:   "When the storm passed" by Dennis James Sweeney   "the gulls ate bread from the hair of children..."
July 9, 2022:   "Visiting My Mother's Wars" by A.E. Wilberton   "My father has taken to dosing my mother with melatonin at night...."
July 8, 2022:   "Because Everything Here Is a Brightness" by John Sibley Williams   "In this version, the sky smuggles stars..."
July 7, 2022:   "Last Day at Brinkwood" by Adam Vines   "A peony busts through the mulch, its leaves..."
July 6, 2022:   "Violin" by Gail Martin   "Let's make it early June..."
July 5, 2022:   "Quetzalcoatl in the City" by Jose Hernandez Diaz   "I saw Quetzalcoatl at Panda Express in the city...."
July 4, 2022:   "Iggy Pop Died For Our Sins" by Al Maginnes   "Or so Sid Vicious believed when he said..."
July 2, 2022:   "After, the rain" by Terry L. Kennedy   "Do not judge me if I expect..."
July 1, 2022:   "Against 'The Dover Bitch'" by Jenny Molberg   "Once I read a fairly good translation of Hesiod..."
June 30, 2022:   "Nocturne" by Amie Whittemore   "Like a violin waiting the bow..."
June 29, 2022:   "Aspen" by Jehanne Dubrow   "This was the first story he told..."
June 28, 2022:   "Memo from the Accused Girl" by Allison Joseph   "the school did not protect me..."
June 27, 2022:   "Fast Radio Bursts Detected Close to Earth" by Laura Reece Hogan   "Some tongues go undiscovered. Neutron stars..."
June 25, 2022:   "Bait shyness" by Steven Ray Smith   "A pattering house mouse with itty pink ears..."
June 24, 2022:   "Pocket God" by Amy L. George   "If you come to that moment of cold ache..."
June 23, 2022:   "Half-Wishes of the Cockatrice" by Cal Freeman   "To skim a curdling light..."
June 22, 2022:   "Shadow and Light" by Diane Thiel   "I wish it were that simple..."
June 21, 2022:   "consider the cocklebur" by Betsy Johnson   "that will not let go until you drag it to fertile ground...."
June 20, 2022:   "Of Truth and Other Fabrications" by Dan Albergotti   "Of all those old truths now no longer true..."
June 19, 2022:   "grief" by Lucille Clifton   "begin with the pain..."
June 18, 2022:   "Voices" by Brian Satrom   "Odd that since I was a boy, I've never felt the presence..."
June 17, 2022:   "In My Dream, Turing Shows Me His Greatest Machine" by Tobias Wray   "Turing and I fling ourselves..."
June 16, 2022:   "Nycticorax olsoni" by Nathan Manley   "A florid holography, the seabirds..."
June 15, 2022:   "Border Body" by Joey S. Kim   "'After the Korean war they split my country in half. Russia got top half and U.S. got bottom...."
June 14, 2022:   "Still Life with Nervous Animals" by Laurie Blauner   "Too much was stolen that day to change..."
June 13, 2022:   "Dear Mike Pence," by Natasha Saje   "Might homosexuality be contagious..."
June 12, 2022:   "Undivided" by Richard Wakefield   "A blur of black Lab rockets off the dock..."
June 11, 2022:   "Why I ask for you to come in dreams" by Brooke Sahni   "because the first time, you were a..."
June 10, 2022:   "Absolvement" by Brynne Rebele-Henry   "I turned to the sky, that soft nameless dark..."
June 9, 2022:   "If I Am Killed in a Mass Shooting" by Kimberly O'Connor   "I could have been anywhere..."
June 8, 2022:   "Midden / Appetite" by Stephanie Niu   "My mother calls herself our trash heap...."
June 7, 2022:   "Tornado Song" by Amie Whittemore   "Unmoved as bathwater, I slept..."
June 6, 2022:   "After Apollo" by E.G. Cunningham   "So you woke to a cul-de-sac..."
June 5, 2022:   "Elegy 10" by Michael Homolka   "The needle is fading and the haystack is drifting..."
June 4, 2022:   "Personal Essay with COVID-19" by Roseanna Alice Boswell   "On the third day of social-distancing my husband is in bed reading..."
June 3, 2022:   "Fable 6," by Bruce Bond   "In the season of our isolation, we placed a brain in a jar on a table..."
June 2, 2022:   "In the Checkout Line at Rite Aid," by Cati Porter   "Walter the clerk asks..."
June 1, 2022:   "The Amaryllis" by Theresa Burns   "Still clap-closed, still podded like hands..."
May 31, 2022:   "Mosaic in Pompeii" by Diane Thiel   "A misunderstanding of a fresco..."
May 30, 2022:   "Elegy Just in Case" by Richard Jackson   "The river's down again, the boat piers loom..."
May 29, 2022:   "The Isle of the Dead" by Kenneth Pobo   "Tonight, the wind plucks leaves from their branches...."
May 28, 2022:   "Theory When a Western Light Goes Out" by L. A. Johnson   "Tonight, the wind plucks leaves from their branches...."
May 27, 2022:   "Post-Romantic" by Melissa Studdard   "Name your baby after the sexless..."
May 26, 2022:   "What I Know about the Last Lynching in Jeff Davis County" by Todd Davis   "How it happened more than fifty years before I was born...."
May 25, 2022:   "unsavage the boy" by Nicole Adabunu   "unhook his gaze..."
May 24, 2022:   "My Mother the Lunch Lady" by Cynthia Parker-Ohene   "Each day at 8 a.m., my mother the lunch lady works the assembly line of newly made meals each a stamp of mass..."
May 23, 2022:   "Mass Shootings: A Biography" by David Kirby   "For most of history, multiple murders..."
May 22, 2022:   "Taxi Driver (Dir. by Martin Scorsese, 1976)" by Sean Singer   "Tonight in the taxi, driving on Amsterdam Avenue..."
May 21, 2022:   "Three Ravens Watch" by Margo Taft Stever   "If you were a smooth, shiny circle, we would collect..."
May 20, 2022:   "Resentment" by Ace Boggess   "See an Aramark delivery van parked in a lot & flip it off..."
May 19, 2022:   "Privately-in-Public and Not Publicly-in-Private." by Judith Baumel   "Not for any class reunions but for these will I sign up instantly..."
May 18, 2022:   "Aubade with Bear" by Eric Nelson   "As reluctant as I to leave, night leaves..."
May 17, 2022:   "Suburban Aubade with French Horn" by Kelly Cressio-Moeller   "This morning more leafblower than birdsong. Autumn chills..."
May 16, 2022:   "Aubade, Hwy 12A" by Rachel Abramowitz   "The river broken with ice. A tractor rusts out beneath a wilting roof..."
May 15, 2022:   "The Carnal Life" by John Dudek   "Your parents' fridge beams like the Ark of the Covenant...."
May 14, 2022:   "Outlaw Resurrection" by Al Maginnes   "Banks aren't what they used to be. And trains..."
May 13, 2022:   "Cultivar from the West" by Angie Macri   "The leaf waits like a flame that could burn..."
May 12, 2022:   "Ghosts in the Graveyard" by Elizabeth Johnston Ambrose   "There were always more girls at youth group than boys...."
May 11, 2022:   "Milk" by Julia B. Levine   "Even in the dream, it is long past the possible..."
May 10, 2022:   "Invoice" by Danielle Cadena Deulen   "We were too young to imagine regret..."
May 9, 2022:   "Blockage" by Peter Schmitt   "When the CT scan revealed..."
May 8, 2022:   "Parable of Lockdown" by Nick Admussen   "The children were meek behind my makeshift barricade: an..."
May 7, 2022:   "The Martian" by Elizabeth Knapp   "My mind is all wheels...."
May 6, 2022:   "Arlington Cemetery, Washington D.C." by karla k. morton   "There is no synonym for Quagga, I muse..."
May 5, 2022:   "Vigilantes" by Janet Lacey McCann   "You read about them, perfect arbiters..."
May 4, 2022:   "In America" by Lawrence Raab   "Even these days I can sense it..."
May 3, 2022:   "Antimatter" by Stella Wong   "I'm taken as an only child..."
May 2, 2022:   "Complete with Missing Parts" by Emily Wolahan   "A stranger comes into your house, bags packed..."
May 1, 2022:   "Cicadas" by Robert Fillman   "All week cicadas have rattled..."
April 30, 2022:   "How to Use a Bible" by Chris Abbate   "Recycle the flyer from the new church..."
April 29, 2022:   "Lost Worlds" by James Earp   "Brontosaurus. Wonderful word. What..."
April 28, 2022:   "[I will receive money once.]" by Vanessa Jimenez Gabb   "I will receive money once...."
April 27, 2022:   "Cuomo's Important Failures" by Kathleen Winter   "This moment, this very sensation..."
April 26, 2022:   "Sonnet Composed of Wants" by Sean Cho A.   "[I'm sorry that language is the best we've got...."
April 25, 2022:   "When the still breathing watch the stillborn" by Stella Wong   "He was born in the year of the dog..."
April 24, 2022:   "[I TEXT MY FATHER IN THE AFTERLIFE & HE DOES NOT RESPOND] [W/BECKETT ECHO]" by Dennis Hinrichsen   "I cannot find you in the ether..."
April 23, 2022:   "The Future of Love" by John Poch   "Our bodies..."
April 22, 2022:   "Fat Girl Quatern" by Stephanie Rogers   "Because no one sees me, I go..."
April 21, 2022:   "Alexa, Why Am I Falling Apart" by Kelli Russell Agodon   "How often do you feel this way, this falling apart?..."
April 20, 2022:   "Epithalamion" by Joseph Millar   "It was a hotel wedding..."
April 19, 2022:   "What I Believe" by Paul Guest   "Last night my mouth filled with blood..."
April 18, 2022:   "In Praise of the Nights Her Thighs Flame Like Fields of Wheat" by Despy Boutris   "I woke up wanting. To become leaves..."
April 17, 2022:   "American Race Song" by George Guida   "Something's wrong with your soul..."
April 16, 2022:   "That's The Hell We're In" by John Skoyles   "I'm writing from down here..."
April 15, 2022:   "Marriage, Humanimal" by Carol Westberg   "A small spider spins in the north corner of our bedroom...."
April 14, 2022:   "The Kill Shelter" by Philip Fried   "Dwell in softness, like sleeping on a cloud..."
April 13, 2022:   "I Ask My Sister's Ghost to Write Her Own Elegy" by Benjamin Gucciardi   "Since the attempts I've made fall short...."
April 12, 2022:   "Imperium: A Bedtime Story" by Brian Culhane   "In the story of civilization there is this..."
April 11, 2022:   "Homosexuality" by Tory Adkisson   "Desire, I drape over my chest..."
April 10, 2022:   "The Dream Turned Religious Right Before I Woke" by Ace Boggess   "all I remember though earlier it found an action plot..."
April 9, 2022:   "I Love" by Lisa Dordal   "I love how my wife says operators are standing by..."
April 8, 2022:   "Snow" by Stephanie Dickinson   "1912. Tavern night, and the serving girl's shoulders sag, her limbs tremble, pale roots...."
April 7, 2022:   "Lullaby with Fireflies and Rising Seas" by Erin Rodoni   "And if the woods carry you into their deep..."
April 6, 2022:   "History Kids" by David Hernandez   "These kids, these kids in tents, white tents..."
April 5, 2022:   "The Hurricane Doesn't Roar in Pentameter" by Joshua Bennett   "& neither does the AR-15 at 3AM..."
April 4, 2022:   "Triple Sonnet for Batman Villains and Whatever This Is" by Dorothy Chan   "I want to judge a shirtless contest in Vegas..."
April 3, 2022:   "Ars Poetica" by Christopher Buckley   "General, minister, poet..."
April 2, 2022:   "An Old Man Asleep" by John Surowiecki   "Volcanoes spit out clouds of teachers...."
April 1, 2022:   "Anthem" by Dan Albergotti   "We sang the same song time and time again...."
March 31, 2022:   "Fortress America" by Tony Barnstone   "A finger around the trigger curls...."
March 30, 2022:   "Time Warp" by Adele Kenny   "Back then, it was just for fun..."
March 29, 2022:   "Touch Cave" by Erika Meitner   "I am no bird but..."
March 28, 2022:   "Family with Dreams Cut Out" by Jenny Molberg   "The dream is not the anger, real as a dream, but what I did with it...."
March 27, 2022:   "An Eclipse in October" by Claudia Buckholts   "Men working on the street..."
March 26, 2022:   "Burial of a Woman With the Blackened Shells of 86 Tortoises" by Wendy Drexler   "What if 40 shells had been placed in her grave..."
March 25, 2022:   "Gnomon" by Erin Wilson   "You don't have to go too far..."
March 24, 2022:   "Messaging the dead" by Betsy Aoki   "I watch as the cursor glides across the screen..."
March 23, 2022:   "Arabian Nights (Remix)" by Leonora Simonovis   "Tonight, a commander in olive..."
March 22, 2022:   "Why Write Love Poetry in a Burning World" by Katie Farris   "To train myself to find, in the midst of hell..."
March 21, 2022:   "After the Shipwreck" by Deborah Keenan   "Paradise can't have people, so they all died...."
March 20, 2022:   "Nearness" by Tawanda Mulalu   "Make me as nail and finger..."
March 19, 2022:   "Frida Kahlo Atop the Pyramid of the Sun" by Nick Courtright   "What can we make of our relationship..."
March 18, 2022:   "Divorce" by Rebecca Morton   "I can't wait on the back porch the whole of August clapping..."
March 17, 2022:   "Goodbye Horses" by John Sibley Williams   "my dead work their fingers through my son's..."
March 16, 2022:   "I Get Why Dorothy Parker Gave All Her Money to the NAACP" by Michelle Bitting   "Tired writer she was at the end..."
March 15, 2022:   "#Me Too: Women in Touch with Their Anger" by Ellery Akers   "She comes to the pool, where the head floats up..."
March 14, 2022:   "Two Winter Pictures" by Michelle Boisseau   "Inside the rare book, a painting, in the painting..."
March 13, 2022:   "Ought So like Naught—" by Lois Marie Harrod   "the brother who does not visit..."
March 12, 2022:   "Autumnal Equinox" by Susan Kelly-DeWitt   "The stars clicked on..."
March 11, 2022:   "Confession" by Paul B. Roth   "Along the way, angels do nothing but change our minds...."
March 10, 2022:   "Though what the waking see is deadly, what the sleeping see is death" by George Looney   "It's too much, this being aware. Of what remains..."
March 9, 2022:   "like history a poem" by Stella Vinitchi Radulescu   "cats sleep / close the door to the attic..."
March 8, 2022:   "Even-Steven, v." by Sandra Meek   "When extremes / beget extremes..."
March 7, 2022:   "Against Heaven" by Kemi Alabi   "I can take the pain whittling dad's body to the red balances of his account..."
March 6, 2022:   "Like an Avalanche" by Caleb Braun   "the black hole increases in mass, that's what it's known for...."
March 5, 2022:   "Probably It Will Be Summer Again" by Catherine Pierce   "one of these days, and if it is I'll swim..."
March 4, 2022:   "Manifesto for the New World" by Laura Minor   "For those who live in the twisted nightgown of madness..."
March 3, 2022:   "So Far from That River, We Listen to a Single Storm from Opposite Sides" by Amorak Huey   "Late; pouring; thunder and longing crawl in through a window..."
March 2, 2022:   "Modern Ruins" by Emily Schulten   "The Civil War fort grows..."
March 1, 2022:   "Brothers" by Jehanne Dubrow   "Grown now, they have a way of getting close..."
February 28, 2022:   "A Brief History of the War" by Kathryn Bratt-Pfotenhauer   "The war came. Like the other girls..."
February 27, 2022:   "Tall Bluestem" by Genevieve Williams   "A clock in a knot on the bridge..."
February 26, 2022:   "Born Into One Body" by Margaret Hasse   "Isn't it odd how we're born..."
February 25, 2022:   "April Aubade" by Anthony Warnke   "Light blues, dog energy...."
February 24, 2022:   "The Transit of Hermes" by Eric Pankey   "In the sudden rush..."
February 23, 2022:   "My American Ghost" by John Sibley Williams   "& we shall be lit..."
February 22, 2022:   "My Therapist Asks, 'Is The Hunter in Your Dreams Your Father?'" by I.S. Jones   "The day you ask too many questions..."
February 21, 2022:   "How the War Made Us a Name" by Hussain Ahmed   "Before the war, we had names we inherited from the dead...."
February 20, 2022:   "Beast Angel" by Susan Nguyen   "In sleep you come to me with a ball of yarn..."
February 19, 2022:   "My Daughter Is an Acorn" by Brittney Corrigan   "At nine years old she walks..."
February 18, 2022:   "My Father's Hands That Winter" by Paula Meehan   "That year there was cold like no other winter...."
February 17, 2022:   "Something to Believe In" by Carl Phillips   "My two hunting dogs have names, but I rarely use them. As..."
February 16, 2022:   "Whatever Small Form of Joy Likeness Equals" by Roy Bentley   "If displays of affection could light up lives..."
February 15, 2022:   "Poem for a Field Mouse" by Chelsea Harlan   "Every night the cats catch a mouse..."
February 14, 2022:   "six times grey" by G. J. Sanford   "let us consider it an experiment..."
February 13, 2022:   "Addendum" by Soleil Garneau   "So I've tried to wrap my head around certain massacres...."
February 12, 2022:   "People as Evidence" by Lauren Camp   "Not so much the eyes..."
February 11, 2022:   "blessed are the dead that the rain rains on" by Kelle Groom   "if someone could just explain this..."
February 10, 2022:   "The Good Kind of Boring" by Sean Cho A.   "If you're reading a book..."
February 9, 2022:   "My Mother Says, 'I'm Going to Flush the Toilet Now'" by H.R. Webster   "at the end of our call. She wants me to know she wasn't peeing..."
February 8, 2022:   "Lichtenstein" by Ishion Hutchinson   "Nothing moves. The peninsula, ragged..."
February 7, 2022:   "The Fingers Light the Western Stars" by Ray Gonzalez   "The Milky Way crosses..."
February 6, 2022:   "Currency: A Mapping / Jishin-no-ben" by Lee Ann Roripaugh   "What you don't want is for your mother to feel lonely..."
February 4, 2022:   "The Rough Beast Listens to a PSA from Lake America" by Alexandra Teague   "Down in the deep blue waters..."
February 3, 2022:   "Bargaining with the Universe, I Look for Loopholes" by Ronda Piszk Broatch   "Some bets are made of paper, and you are standing in the rain...."
February 2, 2022:   "Going Through the Motions" by Grant Clauser   "Eventually, the way you don't notice..."
February 1, 2022:   "Directions" by Paul Guest   "It's only three o'clock and I think..."
January 31, 2022:   "Brayer" by Dan Albergotti   "From four fields down this morning, the Walkers' mule..."
January 30, 2022:   "The Cello" by Andrea Potos   "Strings slide in..."
January 29, 2022:   "Autumn 2011" by Zara Raab   "The new borders, uneven as any between rivals..."
January 28, 2022:   "Mark Twain's ghost" by Emily Franklin   "appears in the attic—suited, unshaven—and..."
January 27, 2022:   "farewell, orpheus (later!)" by Emily Murman   "this moony day / here you are..."
January 26, 2022:   "Sign/Language" by Brian Lutz   "The bridge is no more than the bent back..."
January 25, 2022:   "Stunning" by Hilary Sideris   "Ignore the limbs. The legs..."
January 24, 2022:   "The Dragon and the Coyote" by Jose Hernandez Diaz   "A man looked into a mirror, but he didn't recognize himself...."
January 23, 2022:   "Thank You" by Celia A Sorhaindo   "Listen— / In exhausted dawn silence, damp rising mist, we are..."
January 22, 2022:   "False Indigo" by Peter LaBerge   "When I was a boy—a false boy—language was..."
January 21, 2022:   "Postcard from Old Hollywood Beach" by Maureen Seaton   "My gallow's-humor grandmother and my Scorpionic ex-boyfriend stand..."
January 20, 2022:   "Last night I dreamt your ex-wife" by Michelle Otero   "lived in our house. Mornings she ground..."
January 19, 2022:   "The Daughter" by Katie Schmid   "I found a dead cricket in my underwear..."
January 18, 2022:   "Illicit" by Cynthia Atkins   "I owned your dirty thoughts, lying..."
January 17, 2022:   "Loving The Traumatized Teen While She's Acting Out" by Tom C. Hunley   "Before our children's birthday parties, we determined..."
January 16, 2022:   "How I Met Beethoven in the Psych Ward" by Jean Prokott   "1801, and Beethoven writes a note..."
January 14, 2022:   "Grim Honey" by Jessica Barksdale   "I try to break up, be done already..."
January 13, 2022:   "You Left Me Your Legacy, Love," by Peter Cooley   "This drawer of multicolored socks, all scored..."
January 12, 2022:   "Shelter Awhile" by Christopher Citro   "I'm not looking at the pines right now..."
January 11, 2022:   "Self-Portrait with Invisible Ink" by Troy Jollimore   "yes that's me..."
January 10, 2022:   "Stay (I Missed You)" by Jennifer (JP) Perrine   "Tonight I walked the few blocks down to the river..."
January 9, 2022:   "Black Boy Painted Butterfly" by Khalisa Rae   "Your back compels us to gawk...."
January 8, 2022:   "The White Dwarfs" by Dexter L. Booth   "I want to believe the Aztecs..."
January 7, 2022:   "The First Time We Visit" by Lesléa Newman   "the neurologist, he gives us..."
January 6, 2022:   "Our Winter" by D. Nurkse   "Someone who claims he does not know what he is doing..."
January 5, 2022 (A 2021 Favorite):   "Is It True All Legends Once Were Rumors" by Carl Phillips   "And it was as we'd been told it would be..."
January 4, 2022 (A 2021 Favorite):   "Why I'm a Terrible Bed and Breakfast Patron" by Allison Joseph   "I'm always afraid I'll break the antiques..."
January 3, 2022 (A 2021 Favorite):   "Homeric Hymn" by A.E. Stallings   "What if it wasn't hell, it was only sadness..."
January 2, 2022 (A 2021 Favorite):   "Soul Reckoning" by Martha Silano   "I'm skimming through a book called Spook..."
January 1, 2022 (A 2021 Favorite):   "Heartland" by Kelli Russell Agodon   "You want me to have faith..."
December 31, 2021 (A 2021 Favorite):   "Ghost Animals" by Susan Ludvigson   "We knew they were out there at dusk..."
December 30, 2021 (A 2021 Favorite):   "Snow Burial" by Bruce Bond   "Snow falls through the radio, and the news is mostly white..."
December 29, 2021 (A 2021 Favorite):   "What Is Caged Is Also Kept From Us" by Ada Limón   "They come back to you as a sign..."
December 28, 2021 (A 2021 Favorite):   "Foal" by Maggie Smith   "Now that I have no other heart..."
December 25, 2021:   "Volta" by Karina Borowicz   "One by one the three stray geese..."
December 24, 2021:   "Homecoming" by Gary Jackson   "I'm searching the used section. November..."
December 23, 2021:   "Snake Lips" by Andrew Szilvasy   "Under the lone stone, the eel..."
December 22, 2021:   "Dear December," by Mary Morris   "A billion flakes of silence..."
December 21, 2021:   "and for a time we lived" by Rebecca Foust   "like gods      we said water & there..."
December 20, 2021:   "birthday dinner" by Thomas V. Nguyen   "so the night felt like ash...."
December 19, 2021:   "Proposal to Persephone" by Michelle Wang   "A glistening pomegranate..."
December 18, 2021:   "Lower Mathematics" by Judy Brackett   "The little boy shouts 'To infinity and beyond!'..."
December 17, 2021:   "Two Gifts of Mushrooms in Two Sacks" by Lee Upton   "I didn't trust the ones..."
December 16, 2021:   "Rondel on Route 120" by Jenna Le   "How still, this country hospital..."
December 15, 2021:   "For the Suburban Dead" by Malachi Black   "How can I mourn them? My books should..."
December 14, 2021:   "Death Pastoral" by Virginia Konchan   "Sometimes, naked, I don't feel naked...."
December 13, 2021:   "Self as Last Call" by Jeanne Marie Beaumont   "Because I'm stranger at night because stragglers..."
December 12, 2021:   "Another Pandemic Dream" by Alexis Rotella   "Wearing a black satin mask and tuxedo, the limo driver holds open the door...."
December 11, 2021:   "A Reading" by J.R. Solonche   "Silence...."
December 10, 2021:   "A Secret Passage" by D. Nurkse   "The senators hear a murmur in the distance...."
December 9, 2021:   "Heaven and It's Orange Flowers" by Mary Biddinger   "Are you my ghost, I asked the water bucket, the Angelus..."
December 8, 2021:   "Family Dinner" by Michael Bazzett   "In this game..."
December 7, 2021:   "If You've Met One Autistic Person, You've Met One Autistic Person" by Tom C. Hunley   "My son's the only person that I know..."
December 6, 2021:   "A Political Moment" by Barry Wallenstein   "'Isn't tyranny a kind of oblivion?'..."
December 5, 2021:   "Human Ordinance For Peace" by John Whalen   "Tremendous planes whispered us..."
December 4, 2021:   "Not a Bad World, Is It?" by David Hernandez   "Too bad I'm not an ocelot. Too bad I cannot be..."
December 3, 2021:   "I'm Thinking of a Few Spectacular Ways to Die" by Jeffrey Skinner   "If it's not about something what is it about...."
December 2, 2021:   "For the Actor Luke Perry, Who Chose to Be Buried in a Biodegradable Funeral Suit Infused with Mushroom Mycelia" by Anna Journey   "Luke, I've been thinking of your green..."
December 1, 2021:   "Surveillance" by David Campos   "I bite them to stop from talking..."
November 30, 2021:   "Dr. Fauci's Smile" by Kim Stafford   "Now we live for the day..."
November 29, 2021:   "At The Feeder, Early November" by Jane Ann Fuller   "At first it seems a mostly social situation..."
November 28, 2021:   "Another Story of Ash" by Rick Campbell   "I am carrying my brother..."
November 27, 2021:   "Ars Poetica II" by Dean Rader   "The world         asks us                 to carry its weight..."
November 26, 2021:   "Wine with Everything Was What I Said" by Laura Sobbott Ross   "when someone would ask me..."
November 25, 2021:   "Before We're Eaten" by Sy Hoahwah   "Before we're eaten ..."
November 24, 2021:   "Dinner" by Linda Haviland Conte   "I befriend my mother..."
November 23, 2021:   "Yellow Dog" by Ashley Mace Havird   "When they put her down..."
November 22, 2021:   "sound and fury" by Claudia Rankine   "The gloom is..."
November 21, 2021:   "Reintroducing the Wolf" by Jeff Ewing   "There's no moon..."
November 20, 2021:   "To Be Young and in Love in Middle Ireland" by Alan Gillis   "The girl from the satellite..."
November 19, 2021:   "See Willow: A Pantoum" by James Bertolino   "At last you'll know why you came...."
November 18, 2021:   "After Du Fu: Spring Vista" by Dan Bellm   "February spring..."
November 17, 2021:   "Virgil, Hey" by Camille Guthrie   "Ah me! I find myself middle-aged divorced lost..."
November 16, 2021:   "The Necropolis of Tarquinius" by Christopher Bursk   "What are you boys doing? our father asked..."
November 15, 2021:   "The Blood Beneath Our Floorboards" by James Jabar   "A tweet from 2015 resurfaced; Dark bitches bring dark days...."
November 14, 2021:   "Lincoln" by Albert Goldbarth   "Arnie's father, 87, called at 6 a.m. "in pain..."
November 13, 2021:   "Avian Economics" by Caroline Boutard   "A Western meadowlark arrived..."
November 12, 2021:   "Stewards at Work" by Derek Sheffield   "It would be fine to save a few trees..."
November 11, 2021:   "Moon" by Charles Rafferty   "The dirty monocle stares down at us...."
November 10, 2021:   "Owl" by Aaron Caycedo-Kimura   "Morning ghost..."
November 9, 2021:   "Is This or Is This True as Happiness" by Derrick Austin   "When we finally make it, we sit on cold stones...."
November 8, 2021:   "Snow" by Lindsay Illich   "I don't know..."
November 6, 2021:   "Afterglow" by Ann Hudson   "The Radium Dial Factory stood empty..."
November 5, 2021:   "Social Networking" by John Philip Drury   "Facebook, for me, is not much fun..."
November 4, 2021:   "Nocturne on the Danube Promenade" by Frank Paino   "Forgive us—..."
November 3, 2021:   "The Long Grass" by Lisa Rhoades   "The long grass is mown...."
November 2, 2021:   "A Song of My People" by Jeff Hardin   "The people I've tried to sing of..."
October 31, 2021:   "My Dead" by Jennifer Stewart Miller   "My dead / aren't good on their feet...."
October 30, 2021:   "Kelpie" by Ashley Keyser   "If a hippocampus is a seahorse, what's memory..."
October 29, 2021:   "Sawing the Mesquite" by Geraldine Connolly   "For months it's been an eyesore..."
October 28, 2021:   "Trust" by Marjorie Maddox   "It is easy to unlearn, easier still to forget..."
October 27, 2021:   "Practice Room" by Adam Tavel   "Inside this padded door the only sounds..."
October 26, 2021:   "Like Picasso's Weeping Woman" by Martha Silano   "my face is both straight-on and sideways...."
October 25, 2021:   "Canto XXXVIII (after Buson & Issa)" by Dan Beachy-Quick   "Memory's green inch..."
October 23, 2021:   "Is It True All Legends Once Were Rumors" by Carl Phillips   "And it was as we'd been told it would be..."
October 22, 2021:   "Living With the Dead" by Gail Newman   "The dead follow me around..."
October 21, 2021:   "Another Time Problem" by Gail Martin   "If I don't sleep I can't make good use of time..."
October 20, 2021:   "Not Scientifically Verifiable" by Tami Haaland   "What if I walk around the corner and..."
October 19, 2021:   "Vocabulary Lesson" by Don Hogle   "My father was driving. I was in..."
October 18, 2021:   "Water Above, Water Below" by Diane Lee Moomey   "The lights are going out, dear—one..."
October 17, 2021:   "Large Reclining Nude" by Lois Marie Harrod   "I said to him I said..."
October 16, 2021:   "Postcard from Eve" by Carly Sachs   "You wake up in Dresden..."
October 15, 2021:   "Mozart on a Winter Afternoon" by Charlotte Mandel   "Bows upon strings, violin and viola..."
October 14, 2021:   "Speed Forth the Darkness" by Stephen Frech   "There is time enough..."
October 13, 2021:   "Pulse: A Memorial in Driftwood, Cannon Beach, OR" by Caridad Moro-Gronlier   "We have crossed a continent..."
October 12, 2021:   "Denouement" by Rustin Larson   "There could be worse things than to die in your sleep or in a haze of morphine...."
October 11, 2021:   "Sidney Taiko's Death is Trending" by Sidney Taiko   "If my little death started in that office..."
October 10, 2021:   "Jimmy Buffett" by Andrew Hemmert   "I know what people say. He's tacky, bad...."
October 9, 2021:   "Ghazal for God & Wellbutrin" by Mónica Gomery   "Took me years to learn touch is done with hands..."
October 8, 2021:   "Come Alive" by Katy Chrisler   "I cease little more than hope..."
October 7, 2021:   "The Children of Immigrants" by Maria Mazziotti Gillan   "The children of immigrants don't know their ancestors..."
October 6, 2021:   "Departure" by Kelly Cressio-Moeller   "Two months ago, I scribbled poem notes on hospital paper towels..."
October 5, 2021:   "Olympus and the End of Winter" by Eleanor Wilner   "The palace, if you could call those shafts..."
October 4, 2021:   "On Coffee Alone" by Zach Savich   "I decided coffee alone will not heal me..."
October 3, 2021:   "Vancouver" by Jennifer Bowering Delisle   "I know it's raining by the hunch..."
October 2, 2021:   "No matter the shape of things, you are much missed" by Micheline Maylor   "The spring heron stands tall on stones..."
October 1, 2021:   "The World to Come" by David Keplinger   "The warming has started. In the North..."
September 30, 2021:   "At 4a.m. Snow" by Suphil Lee Park   "Fog is suddenly brought..."
September 29, 2021:   "The Fox" by Brian Lutz   "Suddenly a fox...."
September 28, 2021:   "Night, Not" by Justin Runge   "I must apologize for bringing nothing..."
September 27, 2021:   "How a Poem Begins" by Grace Cavalieri   "It's a little thing. Could be..."
September 26, 2021:   "How to Conquer" by Alyse Bensel   "The jellyfish have been multiplying..."
September 25, 2021:   "Fairy Tale" by Amorak Huey   "My father cuts off his thumb with a circular saw...."
September 24, 2021:   "An Ascetic Impulse Surfaces, Tears Leaves from Their Stems" by Melissa Kwasny   "The rains began last night, clearing the air for snow..."
September 23, 2021:   "Wife for Scale" by Maggie Smith   "This is a tender age—and in geologic time..."
September 22, 2021:   "Night thinks it's crying again" by Kelli Russell Agodon   "Night thinks it's crying again and I..."
September 21, 2021:   "Galileo" by David Kirby   "Did you know that Galileo was a Mason? Okay, he wasn't..."
September 20, 2021:   "Last Night I Fell Asleep" by Gary Young   "Last night I fell asleep, and in a dream, I wrote a poem...."
September 18, 2021:   "Here's a Pill" by Nikki Moustaki   "The night is a knife standing on end...."
September 17, 2021:   "This Is What Life Does" by Marjorie Saiser   "It gives you a glorious green childhood..."
September 16, 2021:   "Fat Girl Trilonnet" by Stephanie Rogers   "All the stars go down and I..."
September 15, 2021:   "Not Everything Should Be A Poem" by Gil Arzola   "not everything should be a poem...."
September 14, 2021:   "An Offense" by Lee Upton   "The famous poet said..."
September 13, 2021:   "Monkey" by Bruce Bond   "Once upon a time, there was a story..."
September 12, 2021:   "In Nero's House" by Karen Kevorkian   "The next emperor fills in its space with rubble..."
September 11, 2021:   "Damascus" by David Starkey   "Three women are gathered round..."
September 10, 2021:   "Jittery Nocturne" by Kate Northrop   "Outside after a bad dream —no stars..."
September 9, 2021:   "By the Light of the Moon" by Peg Quinn   "At sixteen / sneaking after curfew..."
September 8, 2021:   "Meltdown" by Jeannine Hall Gailey   "I won't deny I'm fragile...."
September 7, 2021:   "Dandelion" by Holly Wren Spaulding   "You could work all year..."
September 6, 2021:   "Now We Come to Ticks and Tocks" by Martha Silano   "Totally giddy and grinning as I recall the fox we happened upon..."
September 5, 2021:   "Sum" by Allan Peterson   "Within the wind are small channels..."
September 4, 2021:   "First Lesson in Faith" by Jane Schapiro   "Even the blank spaces..."
September 2, 2021:   "Erotomania" by Jennifer Militello   "Do not asphyxiate the bitch in me...."
September 1, 2021:   "Indian Creek with Neighbor Boy" by Robin Rosen Chang   "When we were kids, we explored..."
August 31, 2021:   "I Never Kept a Dollar Past Sunset" by Matt Mitchell   "We only know death when we are young..."
August 30, 2021:   "Chyna" by Meghan Dunn   "Beast, the boys say..."
August 29, 2021:   "Or How With Each Dream She'd Feel Closer to the Receding Shoreline" by Hedy Habra   "When first thing in the morning..."
August 28, 2021:   "Why I'm a Terrible Bed and Breakfast Patron" by Allison Joseph   "I'm always afraid I'll break the antiques..."
August 27, 2021:   "Face Mask" by Paul Hostovsky   "Have you noticed..."
August 26, 2021:   "The Despot" by Gary Lemons   "The severed hand of the despot..."
August 25, 2021:   "The Papers of Bull Connor" by Elizabeth Hughey   "Snow falls in the form of a last name..."
August 24, 2021:   "Field Notes w/ Stripped Trailer" by Carl Marcum   "Not burned, not fire, but fire's recourse..."
August 23, 2021:   "The Hive" by Michael Hettich   "Someone else's loss, buzzing through the garden..."
August 22, 2021:   "Left Out" by Paul B. Roth   "Some of us no longer have names...."
August 21, 2021:   "Echo" by Patty Dickson Pieczka   "I pulled thunder from his voice..."
August 20, 2021:   "Astronomy" by David Keplinger   "The astronomers, you say, can see so far into a distance..."
August 19, 2021:   "The Worry in My Voice" by Chinua Ezenwa-Ohaeto   "I am calling on this throb, this worry, gathering in my voice..."
August 18, 2021:   "Raising Forests" by shalan joudry   "we are not the first generation to lose forests..."
August 17, 2021:   "From the Chorus Line at the Private Men's Club" by Beth Goobie   "Here we are, figments of your imagination, kicking our cancans..."
August 16, 2021:   "A brief history of holes" by Laura Wetherington   "Most people I know show some signs of austerity...."
August 15, 2021:   "#NoTrespass" by Tawahum Bige   "metawew / notinikew..."
August 14, 2021:   "At Rissers Beach Interpretive Centre" by Michael Goodfellow   "Plaques / and sun-bleached photographs..."
August 13, 2021:   "Crossing Nevada" by Brian Satrom   "The headlight of a train I'm watching..."
August 12, 2021:   "Pin" by Jules Gibbs   "It rains in hallways. You have a body part..."
August 11, 2021:   "Early Rising" by Elizabeth Metzger   "When the earth took away my fires..."
August 10, 2021:   "The Cages, Your God" by Rodney Gómez   "the cages, your god triumphant, tiny smirking no means yes..."
August 9, 2021:   "Heartland" by Kelli Russell Agodon   "You want me to have faith..."
August 8, 2021:   "Visibility" by Tamara Kaye Sellman   "shines light on the monster in the corner..."
August 7, 2021:   "Walt Whitman as Guide" by Tim Sherry   "Turning a corner of lilacs, I keep on..."
August 6, 2021:   "Between Jobs" by Lilian Ha   "Last spring, I barreled across the cascades..."
August 5, 2021:   "The Wages of Sin" by Anne Graue   "The hood of the Chevy warmed our bare..."
August 4, 2021:   "Portal" by Erica Goss   "I once believed that shells contained the sound of the sea...."
August 3, 2021:   "Upon Discovering She is Irreversible" by Ronda Piszk Broatch   "At any given time, she owns only a nub of lint..."
August 2, 2021:   "At Cresent Park" by Despy Boutris   "His hot hand hitting my face. My father had come in..."
August 1, 2021:   "Sisyphus #49" by Rick Snyder   "Where does he find the strength..."
July 31, 2021:   "An Afterlife" by Peter Jay Shippy   "The mummy unwound her bandages, inserted her organs, false eyes, and went out for a bite...."
July 30, 2021:   "Against Circe's Advice" by Gary Glauber   "In three consecutive dreams..."
July 29, 2021:   "The body free falls through history, memorializing the seventies" by Laura Wetherington   "My body, made..."
July 28, 2021:   "Room Tone" by Hayden Saunier   "Each body's presence alters the room tone..."
July 27, 2021:   "The Wall of Jerusalem Also Is Broken Down, and the Gates Thereof Are Burned with Fire" by Jonathan Weinert   "I held your hand the last time. You looked so lovely..."
July 26, 2021:   "Late Night Poem" by Hailey Leithauser   "Better to risk, she says..."
July 25, 2021:   "Soon" by Ricardo Pau-Llosa   "A dozen years—one for each tribe..."
July 24, 2021:   "Radium" by Timothy Geiger   "My head is all knobs and wheels..."
July 23, 2021:   "Homeric Hymn" by A.E. Stallings   "What if it wasn't hell, it was only sadness..."
July 22, 2021:   "Field Notes on Loving a Girl in Secret" by Julia Koets   "There's a danger in comparing her to things...."
July 21, 2021:   "Flowers of the Fields" by Michael Robins   "Furthermore, I wish I could shave but once..."
July 20, 2021:   "Omens I Choose to Ignore" by Paige Quiñones   "Children sit under street signs eating plums, staining..."
July 19, 2021:   "Against Vanishing" by Allison Funk   "Afraid she is about to vanish..."
July 18, 2021:   "So Many Owls" by Ellen Kaufman   "A sudden influx of awesome..."
July 17, 2021:   "The Train Moves Smooth" by Cullen Baily Burns   "The train moves smooth as a ferry across the bay, through the city..."
July 16, 2021:   "Eros as asteroid" by Julia Koets   "When I look at love through a telescope..."
July 15, 2021:   "The Last Time You Are Close to Your Body" by Diamond Forde   "you are at the table where family dinners have to happen...."
July 14, 2021:   "How to Predict the Future" by Rick Bursky   "It's easier than you think. When I broke my foot..."
July 13, 2021:   "The Dying Man" by Jennifer Moss   "He died one hundred times...."
June 28, 2021:   "A Little Bit Rain" by Melissa Studdard   "It seemed this bicycle was faster..."
June 27, 2021:   "Going Home" by Laura Van Prooyen   "In my mother's house..."
June 26, 2021:   "Childhood Goes Kaleidoscope, Kaleidoscope, Kaleidoscope, Gun" by Amorak Huey   "We keep waiting to wake up & know what we're doing..."
June 25, 2021:   "How to Make Your Own Automaton" by Rebecca Morgan Frank   "Devote yourself to the resurrection, build..."
June 24, 2021:   "Poem for Tucker Carlson's Face" by Paul Guest   "So nothing anymore makes sense..."
June 23, 2021:   "Orange Blossom" by Ivy Marie   "It is spring, which means soon..."
June 22, 2021:   "Elegy for the Ground We Walk On" by Brianna Noll   "Hurry, the field is folding..."
June 21, 2021:   "Corona" by Patty Dickson Pieczka   "Plague holds us in its fevered hand..."
June 20, 2021:   "How to Use a Gravity Well as a Slingshot" by Marc Rahe   "Color-coded flags in the yard where not to dig...."
June 19, 2021:   "Dracula's Rat" by Paul Hostovsky   "In the school play..."
June 18, 2021:   "Dreams of Sand and Bears" by Madronna Holden   "In the mountains that watch over these sands..."
June 17, 2021:   "Hadron" by Jane Craven   "I marry you among quarks, our marriage just another..."
June 15, 2021:   "We Live in the Most Exquisite Terrarium" by Catherine Pierce   "The fresh macadam is glossed with rain..."
June 14, 2021:   "Where the Seed Scattered" by Luisa A. Igloria   "She took us through dense rows out back..."
June 13, 2021:   "Mad and Nomad" by Samuel Amadon   "In a year of throwing voices into the hot wind..."
June 12, 2021:   "Invocation for a Return Ticket" by Beverly Burch   "Let her not think of birds as returned spirits..."
June 11, 2021:   "Insofar" by Sarah Gridley   "as the pieces move..."
June 10, 2021:   "Action at a Distance" by Alen Hamza   "Greet the summers of childhood and stone...."
June 9, 2021:   "The Year" by Joshua Rivkin   "I broke every window...."
June 8, 2021:   "Except in Memory" by Jesse Graves   "My father stands by the leaning tobacco barn..."
June 7, 2021:   "Glass City" by Julie E. Bloemeke   "To assemble a land..."
June 6, 2021:   "Heartbreak" by Sheila Black   "In the card, the figure is alone..."
June 5, 2021:   "Abstraction" by Priscilla Long   "Grotto of sleep, dark..."
June 4, 2021:   "Uneasiness Is What" by Terry L. Kennedy   "Uneasiness is what I'd call it..."
June 3, 2021:   "The Sea Turtles of Barra de Parismina" by William Woolfitt   "I have read that early monasteries..."
June 2, 2021:   "Late Vigil" by Caleb Nolen   "I have read that early monasteries..."
June 1, 2021:   "Scold's Bridle" by Jess Smith   "The house is too cold, my leash..."
May 31, 2021:   "Area 51: Birthday Eve" by Gordon Johnston   "Exit your age by way of Oregon, Georgia boy..."
May 30, 2021:   "God loves everybody, don't remind me" by Anthony Thomas Lombardi   "a snake goes blind the last time it sheds skin, a body..."
May 29, 2021:   "Mother" by Shuly Xóchitl Cawood   "My abuelita cried the last time..."
May 28, 2021:   "Communal" by Jack B. Bedell   "Yesterday afternoon, my wife taught me..."
May 27, 2021:   "July" by Rachel Harkai   "On this adventure we carry warm champagne to the water...."
May 26, 2021:   "Aubade" by Lindsay Illich   "O morning earthsmell like small..."
May 25, 2021:   "Freudenschreck" by Daniel Lawless   "Freudenschreck, or 'intense pleasure-fright' — leave it to the Germans..."
May 24, 2021:   "What It Is" by John Hodgen   "Someone has re-envisioned Edward Hopper's 'Nighthawks.' You know it, do you not..."
May 23, 2021:   "The Farmer at Night" by Marc Harshman   "A slim shimmer of moonlight glints..."
May 22, 2021:   "Icarus" by Mark Thalman   "I keep forgetting things...."
May 21, 2021:   "How to Leave the Girl Behind" by Deborah Kahan Kolb   "Becoming yourself means leave-taking, means reinventing, means self-immolating...."
May 20, 2021:   "Literature of the Ancient World" by K. T. Landon   "Sister Catherine is a million years old. Her skin is..."
May 19, 2021:   "Soul Reckoning" by Martha Silano   "I'm skimming through a book called Spook..."
May 18, 2021:   "A Villanelle for Kim" by Barbara Crooker   "If there was a poetry goddess, you were it..."
May 17, 2021:   "House Song with Wonder Woman" by Siew David Hii   "Wonder Woman came to my house to further the cause...."
May 16, 2021:   "Birds Reside in Me" by Sally Albiso   "I cough up feathers..."
May 15, 2021:   "Fort Knox" by Hugh Martin   "This is the line..."
May 14, 2021:   "I Can't Stop" by Jeannine Hall Gailey   "Being a person who looks for the dark side...."
May 13, 2021:   "While I Slept" by George Franklin   "While I was asleep, a flock of geese landed in the tree by the fence..."
May 12, 2021:   "The Missing Pages" by Mary Crow   "He inscribed my copy, The missing pages..."
May 11, 2021:   "Lore" by Eryn Green   "Just look..."
May 10, 2021:   "On Pessimism" by John A. Nieves   "They aren't phantoms. There are always..."
May 9, 2021:   "Poem Excluding Government" by Noah Falck   "We empty an entire can of gold spray paint..."
May 8, 2021:   "White is the New White" by Lauren Shapiro   "Bleak the new bleak..."
May 7, 2021:   "Fifty" by Tom Hunley   "All morning I gather the parts of me...."
May 6, 2021:   "Sometimes late at night" by Peter Grandbois   "When trees speak in shadows..."
May 4, 2021:   "A Softer Kind of Drowning" by Taylor Zhang   "I shower in the morning with my..."
May 3, 2021:   "J35" by Grant Clauser   "For two weeks..."
May 2, 2021:   "Bees in Lavender" by Gilbert Allen   "Workaholics, hijackers..."
May 1, 2021:   "The Byronic Method" by Christopher Salerno   "There is no code or corrective shoe...."
April 30, 2021:   "Flake" by Erica Bodwell   "When he shoved the pillow & threw off..."
April 29, 2021:   "The Hounds" by Colby Cotton   "When anyone came to know us..."
April 28, 2021:   "Van Gogh" by David Kirby   "I say, 'How was your summer?' and you say..."
April 27, 2021:   "In the Head Full of Dead Letters" by Suphil Lee Park   "Borrowed light alone can't make out..."
April 26, 2021:   "Jungle Owlet" by Pascale Petit   "What you didn't tell me..."
April 25, 2021:   "Pantoum Gleaned from a Diane Arbus Dream" by Cathy Smith Bowers   "The hotel is burning. All gorgeous and doomed...."
April 24, 2021:   "The Quiet Softness" by Sarah Sarai   "About Queen Dido, you wonder..."
April 23, 2021:   "They Come" by Diane K. Martin   "In the hour between the dog and the wolf..."
April 22, 2021:   "Snow Burial" by Bruce Bond   "Snow falls through the radio, and the news is mostly white..."
April 21, 2021:   "Great Blue Heron" by Jehanne Dubrow   "The bay is still for now..."
April 20, 2021:   "The Next World" by Benjamin S. Grossberg   "Three years gone, the dog will greet me there...."
April 19, 2021:   "The Word Yes is in Everyone's Eyes" by Malaika King Albrecht   "The wind unbraids the snakes..."
April 18, 2021:   "Swallows" by A. E. Stallings   "Every year the swallows come..."
April 17, 2021:   "Canine Elegy" by Patricia Clark   "All over town, dogs are lying down..."
April 16, 2021:   "The Search Party" by Ronald Koertge   "It's hopeless. Maureen and I broke up..."
April 15, 2021:   "Dear Florida" by Adam Scheffler   "Florida, you have the most stowed guns of any state...."
April 14, 2021:   "Something and Nothing" by John Brehm   "There's something to be said..."
April 13, 2021:   "The Table My Father Made" by Katrina Naomi   "I'd always thought of my father as a carpenter..."
April 12, 2021:   "To be spotlit" by Pascale Petit   "To be spotlit..."
April 11, 2021:   "sorrow song" by Lucille Clifton   "Early wind, the loose pane rattles. Already..."
April 10, 2021:   "Spring on the Yellowstone" by Jim Peterson   "for the eyes of the children..."
April 9, 2021:   "Black Rattle" by Linda Hillringhouse   "Sometimes my voice..."
April 8, 2021:   "Ghost Animals" by Susan Ludvigson   "We knew they were out there at dusk..."
April 7, 2021:   "Placeholders for a Father [Found During His Mother's Funeral]" by Samantha Deal   "How else to explain those hands, how he sits in the pew..."
April 6, 2021:   "I Forgive" by Carolyne Wright   "my left hand for not hitting back..."
April 5, 2021:   "Dear Murderer" by Kristy Bowen   "I am so small here beneath this bed...."
April 4, 2021:   "I Was Sorrow" by Anne Marie Rooney   "I was sorrow but sorrow acquitted me of lust..."
April 3, 2021:   "That Life" by Troy Jollimore   "And did you think that life (that begins like a fire and consumes..."
April 2, 2021:   "The Centaur" by Jose Hernandez Diaz   "I was ordered to go to hell after I died...."
April 1, 2021:   "1:12" by Rainer Maria Rilke   "Hail the spirit that has power to join us...."
March 31, 2021:   "When You're a Star, They Let You Do It" by Emma Bolden   "The man golded, eagled & emptied of..."
March 30, 2021:   "Abecedarian for the Dangerous Animals" by Catherine Pierce   "All frantic and drunk with new warmth, the bees..."
March 29, 2021:   "What Is Caged Is Also Kept From Us" by Ada Limón   "They come back to you as a sign..."
March 28, 2021:   "Song for the Shooters" by Maryann Corbett   "How this became routine, no one can tell...."
March 27, 2021:   "Ode to Horatio and Other Saviors" by Carolyn Srygley-Moore   "The moon is a window filled with bright winds...."
March 26, 2021:   "Wall" by Malcolm Miller   "civilizations pile up against it..."
March 25, 2021:   "minidoka was a concentration camp in idaho" by W. Todd Kaneko   "I am afraid that all my ancestors..."
March 24, 2021:   "the first spring we planted perennials" by Jody Chan   "it felt like an undeserved miracle, that four hours..."
March 23, 2021:   "Refugee Heart" by Phyllis Klein   "Your refugee heart..."
March 22, 2021:   "The Eyes Have Woods" by Shanna Compton   "You woke with a line in your head..."
March 21, 2021:   "Dogs That Look Like Wolves" by Jeanne Wagner   "When my dog hears the neighbor's baby cry, he begins..."
March 20, 2021:   "About Gratitude" by Anita K. Boyle   "Here I am away from home..."
March 19, 2021:   "House" by Bill Brown   "Fall backwards, the paper reads...."
March 17, 2021:   "Bittersweet, Singing The Opulent, Self-Satisfied Blues" by Margaret Gibson   "Self-satisfied? Yes. Also..."
March 16, 2021:   "Your spirit will need to rest after it is cleaned" by Sheila Black   "The skunk has taken residence under..."
March 15, 2021:   "May 25, 1647.Gov. John Winthrop Recorded the First Execution for Witchcraft in the New World: [ ] of Windsor, Connecticut" by Vivian Shipley   "Your death, your town of Windsor were noted..."
March 13, 2021:   "My Father Drowning" by Beth Gylys   "He struggles for a word..."
March 12, 2021:   "Joy Is Earned" by Charlotte Pence   "It's easy to forget birth and death..."
March 11, 2021:   "The Facebook Elegies" by Bruce Bond   "Easy to see, when Robin Williams died, why..."
March 10, 2021:   "Stadium Effect" by Angie Macri   "One hurricane quickly followed another..."
March 9, 2021:   "Earth Shovel" by Dan Albergotti   "Photographed from 18,000 miles in 1972, Earth had the look..."
March 8, 2021:   "Lunching with Frank O'Hara on My Deck" by Martha Silano   "The Russian sage is sprouting leaves from a brown stem..."
March 7, 2021:   "Trespasser" by Lucille Lang Day   "The man who lived under my garage..."
March 6, 2021:   "Your Fear" by Leatha Kendrick   "Now ask yourself— who might it serve that you..."
March 5, 2021:   "If Dickinson had a Husband" by Paula Goldman   "I give you my poems to mail..."
March 4, 2021:   "Cliff Swallow" by Carrie Green   "Loosed from the barn wall..."
March 3, 2021:   "Self-Portrait in Downtown Missoula" by Henrietta Goodman   "Three Travelers recline on the corner..."
March 2, 2021:   "I Became a Medicine Man 1" by Karen Kevorkian   "I'm the sphinx on the pediment of sand looking east into the sun..."
March 1, 2021:   "After the Election News, Human Subjects" by Gary Fincke   "This morning, after the election news..."
February 28, 2021:   "Forest Fire, Viewed from the Kanawha Valley" by David Salner   "Above a roofline of wires and gnarled shingles..."
February 27, 2021:   "Self-Operating Machines" by Rebecca Morgan Frank   "Everything is a clock inside, geared..."
February 26, 2021:   "Another Week, Another Month" by Adele Kenny   "The streets are empty, only a few cars in the train..."
February 25, 2021:   "Then I Will Speak On The Ashes" by Cynthia Parker-Ohene   "This is a story about borders and migrations..."
February 24, 2021:   "Poem After Watching An Inconvenient Truth With My Students" by Emma Bolden   "If you're writing a poem about a tree..."
February 23, 2021:   "Dad Poem" by Joshua Bennett   "A boy, I am told...."
February 22, 2021:   "Foal" by Maggie Smith   "Now that I have no other heart..."
February 21, 2021:   "Q: Did your neighborhood flood?" by Jenn Marie Nunes   "A: Now, my new white neighbors and other white people passing thru the..."
February 20, 2021:   "Conspiracy Of Starlight" by D. Nurkse   "Saturn is coming to power...."
February 19, 2021:   "Ghost" by George Szirtes   "Conjuring a ghost..."
February 18, 2021:   "Imagining Georgia O'Keeffe at Her Ghost Ranch" by Judith Wilkinson   "I will never tire of the desert..."
February 17, 2021:   "Blues in a Turn of Season" by Joannie Stangeland   "I've got the bad knee on the long walk..."
February 16, 2021:   "Tone Deaf" by Jim Daniels   "Who can blame the piano player..."
February 15, 2021:   "Your Mother Serves Tongue" by Barbara Ungar   "How could you..."
February 14, 2021:   "Flailing/Not Flailing" by Francesca Bell   "I've heard the drowning..."
February 13, 2021:   "Prologue: A Creation Story" by Anne Haven McDonnell   "There was a loneliness..."
February 12, 2021:   "Tongue of Open Water" by Vivian Faith Prescott   "In my dreams I am fully ice-covered..."
February 11, 2021:   "What Would I Do Able-Bodied?" by Johnson Cheu   "What would I do able-bodied?..."
February 10, 2021:   "What We Died For" by Todd Davis   "Like the summer fires that blackened the mountain..."
February 9, 2021:   "At My Grandma's Funeral I Think Only of My Grandfather" by Lisa Summe   "When my mother carries her ashes up the church's aisle..."
February 8, 2021:   "The Yellow Jackets" by S. Erin Batiste   "The yellow jackets have returned. Each morning since May..."
February 7, 2021:   "Self-Portrait as a Portrait of My Grandfather, December 8, 1941" by Michael Prior   "If a memory bears radiation's..."
February 6, 2021:   "Prayer" by Claire Wahmanholm   "All shall be well,               and all shall be well..."
February 5, 2021:   "Natural Melancholia" by Phuong T. Vuong   "recall the story..."
February 4, 2021:   "When Lights Go Out in the Village" by Abayomi Animashaun   "And the watchman..."
February 3, 2021:   "Love Sonnet (Broken into By America) in the First Year of Our Marriage" by Ephraim Scott Sommers   "Police shot and killed 1,165 Americans in 2018...."
February 2, 2021:   "Berryman, Against This Silence" by Elena Karina Byrne   "...endlessly us undo..."
February 1, 2021:   "Let Me Be As a River" by Kirun Kapur   "nothing but motion, muck..."
January 31, 2021:   "An Effigy Burning, Abandoned" by George Looney   "Light bends through leaf-moisture, a fluid..."
January 30, 2021:   "Coffin Bell" by Andrew Bode-Lang   "Six feet up, my coffin bell..."
January 29, 2021:   "Poem For Bill's Birthday" by Joyce Carol Oates   "After Novocain, pain..."
January 28, 2021:   "Voicemail From My Mother" by Robert Lynn   "You know, I haven't heard from you in a while. Did I tell you..."
January 27, 2021:   "Auld Lang Syne" by David Starkey   "Few will miss the Old Year..."
January 26, 2021:   "Calan Gaeaf" by John A. Nieves   "When the soot-cheeked children chip..."
January 25, 2021:   "The Last Time I Took My Son To The Movies" by Tom C. Hunley   "We saw Wonder, the story of a boy..."
January 24, 2021:   "Homestead" by Alice Pettway   "They took the cabin apart..."
January 23, 2021:   "Lockdown Puzzle: Hokusai's Great Wave Off Kanagawa" by A. E. Stallings   "Even the border escapes me...."
January 22, 2021:   "Because Wolves Are A Protected Species, This One Is Merely Interrogated" by Ron Koertge   "Show me on the map where you often lurk...."
January 21, 2021:   "My dead husband" by Carrie Shipers   "never wore a watch..."
January 20, 2021:   "Self-Portrait as The River Floods" by Molly Spencer   "Snow chokes this town like a plague...."
January 19, 2021:   "There Is Such A Thing" by Molly Brodak   "Juncos / blink in..."
January 18, 2021:   "A Nation of Two" by Tsering Wangmo Dhompa   "The category of the refugee comes with benefits they say so we must fulfill their expectations...."
January 17, 2021:   "Aubade With Myself Leaving Myself Behind" by Anne Barngrover   "We parted at dawn in the Christmas tree palms...."
January 16, 2021:   "Self-Portrait as Lake" by Despy Boutris   "I'm not sure what I've gotten myself into...."
January 15, 2021:   "Presumptive Elegy for Ken" by Paul Guest   "Your whole name I've forgotten and face..."
January 14, 2021:   "The Mechanical Eves" by Rebecca Morgan Frank   "Oh, man has made her..."
January 13, 2021:   "After the Fire" by Jane Springer   "You go to the table & instead of finding a sacrificial body you get literal bread..."
January 12, 2021:   "Horse Heaven" by Gregory Djanikian   "One day I will cross this road..."
January 11, 2021:   "Love is a Luminous Insect at the Window" by Martín Espada   "The word love: there it is again, indestructible as an insect..."
January 10, 2021:   "Witch in Winter" by Annah Browning   "Come, let the ice file in. Come..."
January 9, 2021:   "Sea World" by Bridget Lowe   "I am counting down the days..."
January 8, 2021:   "To the Girl Who Cried Over Grass" by Brooke Sahni   "If this is for her, then this is for all..."
January 7, 2021:   "Finding My Father" by Deborah Pope   "Years after his death, my father came to me..."
January 6, 2021:   "Before the Formal Feeling Comes" by Rebecca Foust   "This is before the formal feeling comes..."
January 5, 2021:   "The Afterlife" by Neil Carpathios   "Two boys found her on the beach..."
January 4, 2021:   "Radium Girl" by Maureen Sherbondy   "Novelty, it was, so I painted my nails..."
January 3, 2021 (A 2020 Favorite):   "After After" by Kristi Maxwell   "This was after we moved into pencil drawings of tree houses..."
January 2, 2021 (A 2020 Favorite):   "Mermaid Spell" by Jenny Sadre-Orafai and Anne Champion   "Your daughter will tell you she's a mermaid..."
January 1, 2021 (A 2020 Favorite):   "Being Seen" by Tara Bray   "Pressed to sing to crowds, I'm hesitant..."
December 31, 2020 (A 2020 Favorite):   "Luster" by Jess Smith   "Come gondola tongue, come narrow..."
December 30, 2020 (A 2020 Favorite):   "Chernobyl" by George Bilgere   "I wish I were in Chernobyl today...."
December 29, 2020 (A 2020 Favorite):   "Crocuses" by David Roderick   "After nearly hacking them down..."
December 28, 2020 (A 2020 Favorite):   "Scuttle" by John A. Nieves   "Don't drink the gnat. It plants itself..."
December 27, 2020 (A 2020 Favorite):   "Greed" by Margaret Gibson   "Even the fox of legend knows..."
December 26, 2020 (A 2020 Favorite):   "Feral" by Kimberly Johnson   "That year the world handbasketed to hell..."
December 25, 2020:   "When I Was Alone" by Leslie Williams "  "When I was alone..."
December 24, 2020:   "Fighting Words" by Erika Dreifus "  "There comes a point, in Deuteronomy..."
December 23, 2020:   "The Pleasuring Ground, or This Week in Animal News" by Corrie Williamson "  "In Rajasthan, a camel chews the head off its owner after standing..."
December 22, 2020:   "villanelle w/ anxious thoughts" by Emily Corwin "  "please do for me a kindness..."
December 21, 2020:   "Mending Friendships" by Tawahum Bige "  "nitakoten ayiwinisa..."
December 20, 2020:   "Postcard: Wish You Were Here" by Elaine van der Geld "  "That time at the Wet 'n Wild by the roar-..."
December 19, 2020:   "The Comedian" by Michael Bazzett "  "The comedian slips the mic from its stand..."
December 18, 2020:   "Night Coyote" by Tennessee Hill "  "I've come to protect the chickens..."
December 17, 2020:   "Elegy Begun in July" by Becka McKay "  "Come back says my father..."
December 16, 2020:   "As in Nowhere, No-One" by Kimberly Quiogue Andrews "  "Blue eyes of horses: only occasional, and sightless-..."
December 15, 2020:   "A Story Problem 3" by Oliver de la Paz "  "A cart carrying a metric ton of apples leaves the city at four meters per second...."
December 14, 2020:   "The Gilded Age" by Virginia Konchan "  "The sky is all eyelid..."
December 13, 2020:   "After Last Frost, Anniversary" by Lindsay Wilson "  "After I mixed manure and lime..."
December 12, 2020:   "Night Noise" by Yvonne Zipter "  "The usual soughs and susurrations..."
December 11, 2020:   "Where the Dead Are Strangers" by Adele Kenny "  "Past what we see, a river glistens with wind and sun...."
December 10, 2020:   "America: That Feeling When" by Dora Malech "  "full of suicide Coke..."
December 9, 2020:   "Women and Mortality" by Meg Johnson "  "All we know is the country she was murdered in...."
December 8, 2020:   "A Pack of Matches" by Bill Yarrow "  "across the way..."
December 7, 2020:   "What We Kept" by Megan Alpert "  "We kept the war under our tongues..."
December 6, 2020:   "Never...Again..." by David Alpaugh "  "If you're old enough to have watched Shoah..."
December 5, 2020:   "[Of what's missing, I do not need a reminder]" by Meg Shevenock "  "Of what's missing, I do not need a reminder..."
December 4, 2020:   "Red State" by Nicole Santalucia "  "Sometimes streetlamps flicker..."
December 3, 2020:   "Wasp Nest" by Sarah Giragosian "  "I hear them in my dreams..."
December 2, 2020:   "[Beneath dark purples, new life jockeying through the cracks]" by Kevin Phan "  "Beneath dark purples, new life jockeying through the cracks...."
December 1, 2020:   "While I'm Not a Heroic Couplet" by Stella Wong "  "America, I am not a negative..."
November 30, 2020:   "Killed Boy, Beautiful World" by Lauren K. Alleyne "  "How slender the tether..."
November 29, 2020:   "Misasa Bridge" by George Bilgere "  "It is mid-afternoon and the children have decided..."
November 28, 2020:   "Snowflak" by Andrew Zawacki "  "Climbing in the fall line, an avalan..."
November 27, 2020:   "Matrophobia" by Traci Brimhall "  "My friend says if I'm afraid of becoming my mother..."
November 26, 2020:   "Buying Produce from the Marked-Down Cart" by Lynn Levin "  "I rescue them at times from the back of the store..."
November 25, 2020:   "Our Last House" by Sarah Carey "  "From country to city, student ghetto..."
November 24, 2020:   "Occupation" by Chris Ellery "  "The land where I live..."
November 23, 2020:   "The Wildness" by Jeannine Hall Gailey "  "of girls twines inside our veins..."
November 22, 2020:   "Memorial for a Tractor Left Idling" by F. Daniel Rzicznek "  "When the tropical, electronic birds wake you each morning, you remind yourself to picture the land you live on from above..."
November 21, 2020:   "The Lives of My Childhood" by Hannah VanderHart "  "are paper dolls from a book of Civil War..."
November 20, 2020:   "A Turn of the Plow, a Furrow, a Line of Writing" by Angie Macri "  "Do you think irony is lost on them? asked the wolverine. We'd..."
November 19, 2020:   "'Opposite the Direction We Are Traveling'" by Phillip Sterling "  "When the drought filled with fireDo you think irony is lost on them? asked the wolverine. We'd..."
November 18, 2020:   "The Letter I Never Send" by Lisa Fay Coutley "  "always begins in error—dead for dear..."
November 17, 2020:   "Spell of Rebirth" by Becca Klaver "  "Two masses a week minimum..."
November 15, 2020:   "Reunion" by Sally Thomas "  "My grandfather stands on the front porch..."
November 14, 2020:   "They Are Waiting" by Jeannine Hall Gailey "  "For blood work. For a sign...."
November 13, 2020:   "Teach Me to Say Goodbye" by Katherine Smith "  "No need for..."
November 12, 2020:   "Grateful" by David Caplan "  "Grateful, always the day's first word..."
November 11, 2020:   "The Godhead" by Jennie Malboeuf "  "When God had a Body..."
November 10, 2020:   "Vox Populi, Vox Dei" by Victoria C. Flanagan "  "My father taught me well: you can split whole cords..."
November 9, 2020:   "Self-Portrait in the Time of Disaster" by Deborah Paredez "  "All morning my daughter pleading, outside..."
November 8, 2020:   "Clouds as Inkblots for the War Prone" by Nancy Chen Long "  "Consider the earth as more than a speck in the night..."
November 7, 2020:   "Republic" by Matt Morton "  "Again the chorus gathers on the stage...."
November 6, 2020:   "While Night Still Keeps Us" by Carl Phillips "  "Finally, if we're very lucky, we get to see affectionFinally, if we're very lucky, we get to see affection..."
November 5, 2020:   "Poem for the Year Just Past" by David Dodd Lee "  "It's 62 degrees four days after Christmas..."
November 4, 2020:   "The Year With No Address" by Megan Alpert "  "A train, trees, houses. Where..."
November 3, 2020:   "Why to Save the World" by Lisa Fay Coutley "  "We need to begin by shooting..."
November 2, 2020:   "The D.A.'s Opening Statement" by Kathleen McClung "  "Don't put yourself in anybody's shoes...."
November 1, 2020:   "Freedom" by William Stobb "  "You had to be alone to experience freedom. Or with one person you loved...."
October 31, 2020:   "O'Hara Late in the Day" by Glenn Freeman "  "I'm drinking with O'Hara in my office...."
October 30, 2020:   "Night Moves" by Kari Gunter-Seymour "  "We leave out..."
October 29, 2020:   "How to Be a Dog" by Andrew Edmund Kane "  "If you want to be a dog, first you must learn to wait. You must wait..."
October 28, 2020:   "Note to Self" by David Mason "  "To be old and not to feel it is a gift...."
October 27, 2020:   "Poetry Workshop" by Vivian Shipley "  "I don't have to ask how a town is doing..."
October 26, 2020:   "My Love, Though the Smart Speaker Is Spying on Us" by Jeffrey Morgan "  "They know by now about the bananas..."
October 25, 2020:   "Dear sons and daughters of hungry ghosts" by Ellen Stone "  "My best advice..."
October 24, 2020:   "Autumn" by Patty Dickson Pieczka "  "I carry your breath in my hands..."
October 23, 2020:   "Antechamber" by Joshua Coben "  "The father is a dark door..."
October 22, 2020:   "The Scaffolding" by Rick Bursky "  "When I left home, all I took was a window..."
October 21, 2020:   "Late night & only sometimes, we let" by Monica Berlin "  "ourselves remake the hours, blue..."
October 20, 2020:   "Dog/Buddha" by Frank Paino "  "The air, just now, tinged..."
October 19, 2020:   "We Are the Repositories" by Laura Zacharin "  "Deep in the meat of chis chewed up dogball   your amygdala..."
October 18, 2020:   "It's Like She Loves Us and Like She Hates Us" by Kathryn Nuernberger "  "Sometimes I feel like that Diane Arbus portrait..."
October 17, 2020:   "Night Vigil" by Christine Higgins "  "The doctor covers my mother's hand..."
October 16, 2020:   "For the King of Nothing Left" by John Gallaher "  "There's this version of Hell I learned as a kid..."
October 15, 2020:   "The Cartographer's Credo" by Tom Holmes "  "You can always go more..."
October 14, 2020:   "The First Thing People Will Struggle to Pay Is Rent" by Anna M. Evans "  "What is passing passes like this: how in spring..."
October 13, 2020:   "The Singing Wreck of Us" by Sean Thomas Dougherty "  "What is passing passes like this: how in spring..."
October 12, 2020:   "Glossary of Terms" by Suzanne Manizza Roszak "  "When I am 26, my mother will die. It will be..."
October 11, 2020:   "This Man's Winter" by Patricia Barnes "  "Gray paint peeled from the front porch steps...."
October 10, 2020:   "Prayer for Another October" by Ace Boggess "  "Lord, grant me two Octobers in a row..."
October 9, 2020:   "Clown Life" by John Blair "  "This life won't start without you and it's never without you..."
October 8, 2020:   "A Strange Love Poem" by Rustin Larson "  "Roses are forgetting raining days for Naples, I'm afraid...."
October 7, 2020:   "Kin" by Judith Pacht "  "On a coffinlike..."
October 6, 2020:   "Wilderness" by Shann Ray "  "Scaling the face of the Beartooths..."
October 5, 2020:   "We Were Sirens" by Jeanne Wagner "  "Like all hybrids, we were liminal; we were..."
October 4, 2020:   "the blue" by Shira Dentz "  "beauty here endless could plunge myself into the trees' green leaves despite..."
October 3, 2020:   "Assessing the Dead" by Gary Fincke "  "When Gettysburg's dead, years buried..."
October 2, 2020:   "Great Horned Owl" by Lauren Camp "  "It is almost time. Where the owl sits, a scrawled moon..."
October 1, 2020:   "Confession" by Nancy Chen Long "  "We who go empty-clad..."
September 30, 2020:   "To All the Clocks I've Killed" by Allison Joseph "  "Sorry little timepieces all in a row..."
September 29, 2020:   "no place" by Martha Ronk "  "no place unfraught no easy slide into a tepid sea..."
September 28, 2020:   "Lullaby for All Other Lullabies" by Gary McDowell "  "I count what is mine to count. And drink..."
September 27, 2020:   "I've picked up a few things" by Esther Lee "  "I've picked up a few things, I know if you want to see a forest, they say to..."
September 26, 2020:   "On Hearing That Another Friend Is Dying" by Charles Rafferty "  "I don't believe every snowflake is different...."
September 25, 2020:   "Narcissus in the Underworld 7" by Bruce Bond "  "Last night a ghost came to me and said..."
September 24, 2020:   "Dance of the Fire Imps" by Penelope Scambly Schott "  "One tiny fire imp leapt out..."
September 23, 2020:   "Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, 2007." by Fernando Valverde (translated by Carolyn Forché) "  "Solitude is the deepest silence..."
September 22, 2020:   "Love in the Post-God Age" by Jennifer Militello "  "Summer has vanished...."
September 21, 2020:   "Awaiting Election Day" by Eric Pankey "  "Summer has vanished...."
September 20, 2020:   "The Sawdust War" by Jim Barnes "  "On the early summer days I lay with back..."
September 18, 2020:   "Another Bad Year for Florida Man" by Gary Glauber "  "It's become less a state and more a state of mind...."
September 17, 2020:   "I Ask My Sister's Ghost to Play a Game of Cribbage" by Ben Gucciardi "  "I set up the good board with the mahogany pegs..."
September 16, 2020:   "Open Letter on Absent Friends" by Mary Biddinger "  "Some people bid on secondhand mandolins after drinking tequila..."
September 15, 2020:   "I Have So Little to Offer this World" by Sean Thomas Dougherty "  "is something I often say to myself..."
September 14, 2020:   "Lady Pygmalion" by Lisa Ampleman "  "I made you in my image, curio..."
September 13, 2020:   "Ghost-bird, I" by Eva Mary Hooker "  "After my burning, father, I will sing you to sleep...."
September 12, 2020:   "L'ultimo viaggio" by Martha Collins "  "This will be your last..."
September 11, 2020:   "The Wall" by Jose Hernandez Diaz "  "A man in a Chicano Batman shirt punched a wall...."
September 10, 2020:   "God is God and the Universe is the Universe" by Leah Umansky "  "and maybe they've had enough..."
September 9, 2020:   "Unsignified" by Megan Alpert "  "There's part of me that isn't a girl..."
September 7, 2020:   "[my body dies the more I use it]" by Sarah Sgro   "my body dies the more I use it..."
September 6, 2020:   "Stockholm Syndrome" by Meghan Privitello   "I identify most with windows and cellophane..."
September 5, 2020:   "Caligula" by Alison Stone   "If I'm not safe..."
September 4, 2020:   "Things I Do Not Say to God" by Jae Nichelle   "are like the things I do not say to my mother..."
September 3, 2020:   "Pon Farr" by Dayna Patterson   "In the absence of Vulcan mind melds..."
September 2, 2020:   "Mermaid Spell" by Jenny Sadre-Orafai and Anne Champion   "Your daughter will tell you she's a mermaid..."
September 1, 2020:   "Fourth of July and Trans on the Brooklyn Side" by Kayleb Rae Candrilli   "Smoke tails of fireworks trail and the little boy..."
August 31, 2020:   "Later" by Susan Hutton   "It began with blackberries..."
August 30, 2020:   "Afterlife" by Dion O'Reilly   "In the hot summers of childhood..."
August 29, 2020:   "Home Remedies" by Couri Johnson   "I will weave heartache into a blanket..."
August 28, 2020:   "If/When" by Catherine Pierce   "The poem I planned to write..."
August 27, 2020:   "Riddle, Oregon" by Ryler Dustin   "Stutter steps of a stray dog..."
August 26, 2020:   "Considering The Options" by Gary McDowell   "So I say to the wind: I'm sorry to want...."
August 25, 2020:   "Being Seen" by Tara Bray   "Pressed to sing to crowds, I'm hesitant..."
August 24, 2020:   "Funhouse Mirror" by Peter Kline   "The drink the pill fell in...."
August 23, 2020:   "Heart" by Hailey Leithauser   "No point, I..."
August 22, 2020:   "Knowlege" by Chet'la Sebree   "In Spanish, I love the inversion at the beginning..."
August 21, 2020:   "Rome is Burning" by Eman Hassan   "I can't blame Nero for playing the fiddle..."
August 20, 2020:   "Argos, Odysseus' Dog" by A.E. Stallings   "Argos, with your mange-scabbed coat..."
August 19, 2020:   "Pantoum for Burning" by Alysse Kathleen McCanna   "You're a witch, he told me once, but he meant it good...."
August 18, 2020:   "Old Man Icarus" by Philip Fried   "Impetuous boy trapped in an old man's body..."
August 17, 2020:   "A Dog Is Not a Baby. Or It Is." by Marjorie Maddox   "Just yesterday, outside our house...."
August 16, 2020:   "Preparing the Body" by Norma Liliana Valdez   "Fine scissor to little-girl-like...."
August 15, 2020:   "How to Sort the Living from the Dead" by Connie Post   "Forget all the nonsense..."
August 14, 2020:   "6 AM" by Catherine Esposito Prescott   "Our electric car hums...."
August 13, 2020:   "Life is a State of Siege, A War to the Last Woman" by Leigh Anne Couch   "Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, I walk into his..."
August 12, 2020:   "Deferred Action" by Lesley Wheeler   "Look at the mountain, find my boots, abandon..."
August 11, 2020:   "In a Low Voice, Slowly" by Carl Phillips   "So stubborn, and as if almost necessary, this..."
August 10, 2020:   "White Noise" by Alice Pettway   "I ordered silence online..."
August 9, 2020:   "After The End Times" by Lara Gularte   "The hour of darkness, dirt in her eyes, pulse distant, she travels earthen tunnels..."
August 8, 2020:   "Rooms By The Sea" by Julie Suk   "Shadows shift over the ceiling, the walls overlaid..."
August 7, 2020:   "Elegy" by Alexis Ivy   "Autumn is the season of slow reside..."
August 6, 2020:   "Suburban Cemetery" by Ramón García   "Scenic Cemetery on Scenic Avenue, is where..."
August 5, 2020:   "After Lorca" by Patty Dickson Pieczka   "They came for me..."
August 4, 2020:   "After After" by Kristi Maxwell   "This was after we moved into pencil drawings of tree houses..."
August 3, 2020:   "Gaslight: Inauguration Day" by Keith Flynn   "My Movado stopped at 12:02..."
August 2, 2020:   "When God Is A Bullet" by Cynthia Atkins   "It begins with the middle finger..."
August 1, 2020:   "October, in the Workshop" by Cathryn Essinger   "My father is at the lathe, turning a rung..."
July 31, 2020:   "Louisiana" by TR Hummer   "I foresaw my own undoing in the slow, clumsy flight..."
July 30, 2020:   "[The passports of the tombstones]" by Bruce Bond   "The passports of the tombstones..."
July 29, 2020:   "Asterisks" by Martin Vest   "Reading a book by a respected poet..."
July 28, 2020:   "The Fact That There's A Snake Tunneling Through My Grass Doesn't Make The Parting Of The Blades Any Less Beautiful." by Tom C. Hunley   "Many things are strange...."
July 27, 2020:   "Peeling Potatoes in Puerto Vallarta" by Lynne Knight   "I used to remember everything...."
July 26, 2020:   "America" by John Morgan   "The failure of history to open..."
July 25, 2020:   "Politicians" by Rebecca Starks   "They rely on your forgetting. They forget..."
July 24, 2020:   "Melancholy Street" by Rhett Iseman Trull   "My schoolhouse, all empty; my brothers become echo..."
July 23, 2020:   "Lost" by Susanna Lang   "She learns that the things she carries—her camera..."
July 22, 2020:   "The Men and the Quiet" by Sean Thomas Dougherty   "In memory of his mother, his shirt started crying..."
July 21, 2020:   "Casual wind" by Shira Dentz   "like ghosts late and lonely to the touch..."
July 20, 2020:   "Terms of Agreement" by Mary Biddinger   "The man who described himself as a contemporary American novelist..."
July 19, 2020:   "how you died out in me" by Gary Percesepe   "slowly, like the last star..."
July 18, 2020:   "Therapy Dog" by Linda Parsons   "Leafed out like a bloodgood maple..."
July 17, 2020:   "Déjà vu" by Deirdre O'Connor   "So I will have written it before, I write..."
July 15, 2020:   "Elegy, Immature Form" by Margaret Gibson   "Driving the two-lane southeastern artery..."
July 14, 2020:   "Bless the Old Wheat Farmers" by Penelope Scambly Schott   "Bless their bellies and suspenders..."
July 13, 2020:   "Counterglow" by John Sibley Williams   "Consider the meteorite..."
July 12, 2020:   "That Day" by Sharon Olson   "Auden wrote about my brother..."
July 11, 2020:   "Luster" by Jess Smith   "Come gondola tongue, come narrow..."
July 10, 2020:   "The Cows" by Elizabeth Jacobson   "Now that I have read this story about the cows..."
July 9, 2020:   "Alcohol" by Natasha Sajé   "I remember the stale smell of urine and skin..."
July 8, 2020:   "Professor Marva Stewart's Funeral Service at Gilbert-Lambuth Chapel, Paine College" by Kamilah Aisha Moon   "The spire pierces a heaven..."
July 7, 2020:   "Elegy Beginning with a Text From My Brother" by Molly Spencer   "As if the snow were a province I'd visited..."
July 6, 2020:   "The Inch-Wide Heart" by Jeffrey Levine   "One maintains certain standards given the vaguely wolfish shiver at the thought of the beloved..."
July 5, 2020:   "Performativity" by Becca Klaver   "Stand on the widow's walk and watch the ships come in..."
July 4, 2020:   "Asylum" by Christopher Kondrich   "I choose to love the dawn; it speaks..."
July 3, 2020:   "How Two Trees Become a Forest" by Risa Denenberg   "A teacher draws Chinese characters on the chalkboard to show..."
July 2, 2020:   "Accustomed to Dead Kids" by Alexis Rhone Fancher   "I've grown accustomed to dead kids..."
July 1, 2020:   "I Come From A Place So Deep Inside America It Can't Be Seen" by Kari Gunter-Seymour   "White oaks thrash, moonlight drifts..."
June 30, 2020:   "O Fortune, Are You Listening?" by Natalie Solmer   "Having washed you down the sink..."
June 29, 2020:   "Desire Path" by Louise Mathias   "The butterflies pull, oblivious..."
June 28, 2020:   "Peter" by Kazim Ali   "Is it unthreaded without music I come..."
June 27, 2020:   "Why We Open Our Mouths" by Jimmy Pappas   "I never want to end up lying on my back..."
June 26, 2020:   "The coreopsis is crushed in an oval where the deer must have slept," by Angie Macri   "moonbeams..."
June 25, 2020:   "Zeno's Boat" by Tanya Olson   "On tumorous claws rats boarded the ship..."
June 24, 2020:   "Bite" by Heather Derr-Smith   "The brake fern is in leaf One last walk in the woods..."
June 23, 2020:   "The Finish Carpenter" by Benjamin S. Grossberg   "Half million, and what? Cardboard subfloors..."
June 22, 2020:   "A Map of the Stars" by James Cihlar   "A map should be a reason. Like a transcript..."
June 21, 2020:   "The Crazy Dog Lady Recognizes Spring and is Momentarily Buoyed by a Joy She Had Wholly Forgotten" by Renée Ashley   "The dogwood bracts horizontal on their boughs..."
June 20, 2020:   "Self-Portrait With Rabbit Ears And Seventeen" by Cassandra de Alba   "a girl in crooked bangs..."
June 19, 2020:   "La Llorona" by Rodney Gomez   "Walking a country road one late evening..."
June 18, 2020:   "Backwards Man in His Hotel Room, NYC, 1961" by Cathy Smith Bowers   "'A photograph,' you once said, 'is a secret..."
June 16, 2020:   "It's Terrible What's Happening There" by Julie Danho   "people say, if it comes up I'm Syrian..."
June 15, 2020:   "Landscape with Unsettled Figures" by Jennifer Bullis   "I am a painting in which a woman is standing in front of a horse..."
June 14, 2020:   "My Beautiful Family" by Patricia Clark   "I stood watching a whole flock of dark birds..."
June 13, 2020:   "Body Bag" by Brandon Courtney   "What are you if not a better skin?..."
June 12, 2020:   "Gaslight" by Tanya Grae   "At the late-night pool party, someone flips a switch...."
June 11, 2020:   "Self-Portrait as American" by Alan Chazaro   "I say fuck..."
June 10, 2020:   "Tender Age" by Maggie Smith   "America, I've heard the audio..."
June 9, 2020:   "Here on Earth" by Chad Abushanab   "The field behind our house tonight..."
June 8, 2020:   "Unsonnet" by Lesley Wheeler   "When color comes back to the world..."
June 7, 2020:   "Extinction, Laserpicium" by A. E. Stallings   "Consider silphium, extinguished flower..."
June 6, 2020:   "mitti attar" by Natasha Sajé   "the scent of first rain on stone..."
June 5, 2020:   "An Unsent Letter" by Jenna Le   "Last night, my mother asked me if..."
June 4, 2020:   "Catoptromancy" by Angie Macri   "When all the words had become mirrors..."
June 3, 2020:   "Matrons of the Ward" by Cindy King   "A widow is sentenced up to fifteen years..."
June 2, 2020:   "Washing Your Feet" by George David Clark   "Reader, they are dirty. You've come so far..."
June 1, 2020:   "Book of Dolls 2" by Bruce Bond   "So tell me about your childhood..."
May 31, 2020:   "Today's Mail" by Elise Hempel   "Just the crisp gleam..."
May 30, 2020:   "Her Road" by Kathryn Stripling Byer   "She knew nothing more waited..."
May 29, 2020:   "Long Night" by Miriam Levine   "The wildest dreams dissolve in the dark...."
May 28, 2020:   "Eavesdropping on Adam and Eve" by Andrea Cohen   "It didn't get interesting..."
May 27, 2020:   "Marvelous Things without Number" by Troy Jollimore   "After forty or so summers you kind of get..."
May 26, 2020:   "The Blind" by Hadara Bar-Nadav   "I was the deep reader of dirt...."
May 25, 2020:   "Triolets on a Dune Shack" by Carolyne Wright   "We make love only once in the dune shack...."
May 24, 2020:   "The Cow I Didn't Eat" by Lollie Butler   "I'm in love with the cow I didn't eat today...."
May 22, 2020:   "Chernobyl" by George Bilgere   "I wish I were in Chernobyl today...."
May 21, 2020:   "Contagion" by William Trowbridge   "Some squares are really circles, Daddy said...."
May 20, 2020:   "Vessel, Vassal" by Karen Kovacik   "Fire took the scrolls and codices, the illuminated Hours..."
May 19, 2020:   "Indianity" by Diane Glancy   "A form of Indianness that came from being on the margin...."
May 18, 2020:   "Let It Simply Be So" by Alice Turski   "A woman calls out of the blue to tell me..."
May 17, 2020:   "Thirty Days Past Due" by Jessica L. Walsh   "After a reasonable month..."
May 16, 2020:   "Sertraline" by Emily Nason   "Object permanence: something my dog doesn't think..."
May 15, 2020:   "Crocuses" by David Roderick   "After nearly hacking them down..."
May 14, 2020:   "A fourteen-line poem on healing" by Laura Paul Watson   "1. I cannot freeze sound..."
May 13, 2020:   "Poem for Tidying Up" by Laura Paul Watson   "We wake to things and to the worry of things..."
May 12, 2020:   "When Push Comes To Shove" by Norma Cole   "Nevermore is just a word..."
May 11, 2020:   "Picture Day" by John Sibley Williams   "Now let's see..."
May 10, 2020:   "Here" by Justin Rogers   "five stories into dawning sky..."
May 9, 2020:   "the demons were never" by Shilpa Kamat   "evil just regular..."
May 8, 2020:   "Man With a Dog's Head" by Henry Israeli   "A man with a dog's head has difficulty..."
May 7, 2020:   "Invitation to Tender" by Erika Meitner   "My friend Danielle tells me..."
May 6, 2020:   "So Much for America" by Amaud Jamaul Johnson   "I was interrogated via helicopter..."
May 5, 2020:   "The Facebook is Excited and Sad" by Julianna Baggott   "The Facebook tells me..."
May 4, 2020:   "Migrant Letters" by Luisa A. Igloria   "Yes we are fierce, yes we take our..."
May 3, 2020:   "Every present thing, a ghost of something" by Rebecca Doverspike   "Every present thing, a ghost of something..."
May 2, 2020:   "That Kind of Mouse" by Candice Reffe   "Yes, I'm that kind of mouse...."
April 30, 2020:   "Amnesia" by Liz Bowen   "Discussions of gaslighting always presume a sane victim...."
April 29, 2020:   "You are my lucky star." by Lindsay Lusby   "My unmothered bird..."
April 28, 2020:   "After Picasso's 'The Rape'" by Taneum Bambrick   "Ribcage, bound in shape..."
April 27, 2020:   "She Awakens in a Town by the Sea" by Terry Blackhawk   "The street, milling all night. Old lace..."
April 26, 2020:   "The Decision" by Jen Givhan   "When I one early spring, bedspread yellowed parrots, lay..."
April 25, 2020:   "The wovenness" by Carol Ann Davis   "By days may we be set right..."
April 24, 2020:   "Word Problem" by Adam Tavel   "One hundred eighty thousand bison skulls..."
April 23, 2020:   "Scuttle" by John A. Nieves   "Don't drink the gnat. It plants itself..."
April 22, 2020:   "On Reason" by Lola Haskins   "Then, I shunned..."
April 21, 2020:   "In the Ural Mountains a Woman With No Tongue" by Megan Arlett   "found under four feet of snow, as though..."
April 20, 2020:   "On Literary Immortality" by Elton Glaser   "You need not worry about the critics, for they have..."
April 19, 2020:   "Letters from the Dead" by David Graham   "Mostly it's all jabber and babble, chaff..."
April 18, 2020:   "The Glass Need Not Persuade Me" by Patty Seyburn   "This, the age my mother..."
April 17, 2020:   "The Ghosts of the Confederacy" by Richard Peabody   "Stir along the ridge tops and sunken lanes..."
April 16, 2020:   "Minotaur's Love Song" by Avni Vyas   "I want the world to be my father...."
April 15, 2020:   "Georges Gilles de la Tourrette" by David Welch   "I gave my name..."
April 14, 2020:   "Instructions on Being Alone After Dark" by Allison Joseph   "In the dark, you are no raven..."
April 13, 2020:   "We the Jury" by Wayne Miller   "having heard the evidence against us..."
April 12, 2020:   "Eternity's Lullaby" by David Dodd Lee   "I've got car payments again...."
April 11, 2020:   "Inji Moss" by Adam Day   "Killdeer cut tweescreams..."
April 10, 2020:   "'All night, he thought about the sea.'" by Kaveh Bassiri   "The Little Black Fish recounts the story..."
April 9, 2020:   "After Rilke" by John Yau   "I would describe myself..."
April 8, 2020:   "Mask" by Laurie Byro   "His soul was like the raccoon that foraged..."
April 7, 2020:   "Another Sunday" by Tina Schumann   "And the eggs have been broken...."
April 6, 2020:   "Holding the emptiness softly" by Robin Chapman   "That shower of snow in the lodgepoles..."
April 5, 2020:   "Gospel" by Jim Daniels   "I saw the Great Blue Heron today..."
April 4, 2020:   "The hands of all my mistakes" by Martha Silano   "are clapping wildly like aspens in a squall. The blackbird is flying away..."
April 3, 2020:   "This is a Dream Odysseus Tells No" by Jeanne Larsen   "body, bless his heart. He sails a subterrene landscape..."
April 2, 2020:   "Divagations" by Christine Gosnay   "For then I was a Frenchman..."
April 1, 2020:   "Memorial Day" by Kaveh Bassiri   "Everyone loves me. At the gate, they rush to greet me, want to know what I bring, make sure I..."
March 31, 2020:   "Ode to ICE" by Andrew Posner   "A cold river divides us..."
March 30, 2020:   "Greed" by Margaret Gibson   "Even the fox of legend knows..."
March 29, 2020:   "Ghost Voices" by Maria Mazziotti Gillan   "Ghost voices trail behind me like silk scarves..."
March 28, 2020:   "Advent Poem" by Peter Cooley   "Teach me to read more closely how the sun..."
March 27, 2020:   "Orange" by Jessica Goodfellow   "'Orange is for impermanence'..."
March 26, 2020:   "Available Light" by Eric Pankey   "The solace of amnesia must be that one..."
March 25, 2020:   "Checkpoint" by David Baker   "These are the days when birds come back...."
March 24, 2020:   "Our Lady of Thoughts and Prayers" by Alison Pelegrin   "I'm the weary saint of those who sorrow least..."
March 23, 2020:   "Elegy for Michelle Beginning with One of Her Last Lines" by Aliki Barnstone   "I've listened to death's undying devotion..."
March 22, 2020:   "Armed Neighbor" by Carl Dennis   "I don't want to deny him the right to turn..."
March 21, 2020:   "Kristallnacht" by Linda Pastan   "was the word I heard..."
March 20, 2020:   "Sweetgum and Cedar" by R. T. Smith   "For ages, I wanted a poem with hard..."
March 18, 2020:   "Magdalene" by Hilary Sideris   "It takes a woman..."
March 17, 2020:   "Reparations" by John Sibley Williams   "Maybe not for the dead exactly..."
March 16, 2020:   "Let the possum go" by Shira Dentz   "i like thoreau because i like the nature crackling soon am going to be too tired for anything...."
March 15, 2020:   "Build a cello" by Djelloul Marbrook   "Build a cello in which to live..."
March 14, 2020:   "Hunt Club" by Stephen Malin   "They'd bought Canadian goslings..."
March 13, 2020:   "At the End of the War" by DeWitt Clinton   "We need to do something about all the lost limbs...."
March 12, 2020:   "Sestina for Misogyny, Rape Culture, and Revolution" by Jaclyn Dwyer   "My English teacher put his fist to my chin as if to punch..."
March 11, 2020:   "Lana Turner" by Jo Sarzotti   "Everyone knows her secret..."
March 10, 2020:   "Mein Kampf has Better Reviews Than One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Carlos Andrés Gómez   "on Amazon-I found out today..."
March 9, 2020:   "Landscape with Cows" by Alan Michael Parker   "Time is but a gate between the fields..."
March 8, 2020:   "New Brunswick Answers" by Shane Neilson   "You are alone...."
March 7, 2020:   "Lines That Come at One A.M. Just Before the Inauguration" by Joanne Esser   "According to the laws here, you can't cross the street...."
March 6, 2020:   "(Thanatophobia)" by Karl Elder   "If you should die before you wake..."
March 5, 2020:   "Lark Sparrow" by John Poch   "Let me be drawn to you..."
March 4, 2020:   "Leonardo's Lost Robot" by Sally Ashton   "To know the body from the inside out..."
March 3, 2020:   "The Sea Cucumber" by Avery M. Guess   "Each year is the same—rows of boys..."
March 2, 2020:   "Border Boy" by Alberto Ríos   "I grew up on the border and though I left..."
March 1, 2020:   "Undone" by Hiram Larew   "If I unteach my kiss or unwake my morning..."
February 29, 2020:   "The Check-Out King" by Mike Barnes   "He died in his mid-twenties..."
February 28, 2020:   "America [peaches]" by Kathleen Graber   "America, I know I could do better by you..."
February 27, 2020:   "Writing in Sand While Walking in Walt's Footprints" by Eleanor Wilner   "Walking the shores with Whitman, under the dimming..."
February 26, 2020:   "Rouge River" by Derold Ernest Sligh   "You've never lived..."
February 25, 2020:   "Ophelia in Utah" by Kathleen Lynch   "I lay down singing, down..."
February 24, 2020:   "Dear Millennium, on Weather Alerts as Doxology" by Karen An-hwei Lee   "Praise God for the cool sea fog wafting..."
February 23, 2020:   "Prophecy" by Mary Peelen   "O, we'll find someone to blame...."
February 22, 2020:   "Sea Lion" by Alice Pettway   "I saw me dying...."
February 21, 2020:   "Home Movies" by Emma Bolden   "Look at all of the girls I was. Stumble..."
February 20, 2020:   "Visitant" by Robert Wrigley   "The little building, built on a slope..."
February 19, 2020:   "Venus's Answer to Cupid's Complaint" by Jade Hurter   "I grow thin and white on apples..."
February 18, 2020:   "On Voting for Barak Obama with a Nat Turner T Shirt On" by Reginald Dwayne Betts   "The ballot has never been a measure of forgiveness...."
February 17, 2020:   "Regeneration" by Callista Buchen   "Woman: be permeable, be ocean, be habitat...."
February 16, 2020:   "Where the Dead Go" by Denise Low   "Snow petals ghost..."
February 15, 2020:   "Hope" by Jeff Alessandrelli   "Triumphance of emptiness..."
February 14, 2020:   "'Thus in winter stands the lonely tree...'" by Kim Addonizio   "and there's another woman from a Hopper painting..."
February 13, 2020:   "Love in the Age of Broken Constellations" by Kelli Russell Agodon   "In the planetarium..."
February 12, 2020:   "Cause and Effect" by Dan Rosenberg   "Because we are so thoughtless..."
February 11, 2020:   "Union" by Joseph Campana   "No paper to stain, no contract to bind...."
February 10, 2020:   "At the End of My Marriage, I Think of Something My Daughter Said about Trees" by Maggie Smith   "When a tree is cut down, the sky's like..."
February 9, 2020:   "Love" by Helen Tzagoloff   "He's in a mood...."
February 8, 2020:   "Rimbaud" by Charles Kell   "How the doors of the stone..."
February 7, 2020:   "The Itch" by Gary McDowell   "Each day a day to hide in. Overhead, the geese..."
February 6, 2020:   "Automaton Angels" by Rebecca Morgan Frank   "Any idea can be made..."
February 5, 2020:   "Soldier Heart" by Beth Gylys   "When you lose your heart, its impossible..."
February 4, 2020:   "Entreaty" by Catherine Pierce   "Dear spring, commit. Burst..."
February 3, 2020:   "The Elect" by Dan Albergotti   "Like the vole, I have wandered a field..."
February 2, 2020:   "My Body The Haunted House" by Oliver Baez Bendorf   "This house is haunted you know. Someone died in here. Where is the..."
February 1, 2020:   "Mid-stride" by Jason Grundstrom-Whitney   "You caught me mid-stride..."
January 31, 2020:   "Autumn Scene in Perry County" by Adam Tavel   "Mennonite girls at sunset float..."
January 30, 2020:   "An Answer" by Brandon Amico   "Each box thrums like a buried heart, gives..."
January 29, 2020:   "The Art of Detection" by Sara Miller   "I took the possum apart by myself...."
January 28, 2020:   "The Unsaid" by Timothy Liu   "Drew his face on a sidewalk..."
January 27, 2020:   "Not So Easy, Saving Sentient Beings" by Lisa Bellamy   "When I drank, many people..."
January 25, 2020:   "Grackle" by George Kalogeris   "Tense as the string my older cousin held taut..."
January 24, 2020:   "Errors of Beauty" by Ann Townsend   "So much for the sublime, he said..."
January 23, 2020:   "The Anchors Speak" by Terese Svoboda   "The newscasts, the nicknamed whirling weather..."
January 22, 2020:   "Report Made in Error" by Aaron Anstett   "That year the world handbasketed to hell..."
January 21, 2020:   "Feral" by Kimberly Johnson   "That year the world handbasketed to hell..."
January 20, 2020:   "Lumen" by Bruce Bond   "The dry cleaner's dumpster, the luminol, the glove..."
January 19, 2020:   "Hungry Ghost" by Sharon Charde   "I know her well, the never-enough..."
January 18, 2020:   "My Girlfriends We Are Twenty-Seven" by Leanna Petronella   "What a staring life..."
January 17, 2020:   "With" by Mark Dow   "Beyond her face the white ceiling..."
January 16, 2020:   "Folktales" by Brianna Noll   "We sleep on peas..."
January 15, 2020:   "Who's With Me" by Cindy King   "good morning welcome thank you..."
January 14, 2020:   "The Moondial" by Medbh McGuckian   "They avoid providing their fingerprints by burning their fingers...."
January 13, 2020:   "Horace, I Dream of Watches" by Gary J. Whitehead   "windowed thick with sapphire crystals and alive..."
January 11, 2020:   "Ghazal, with Cow Burial" by Luisa A. Igloria   "Out of a pit, they've found a woman's bones..."
January 10, 2020:   "Dialogue on media and money" by Anne Lesley Selcer   "Me and the landlord across the ta ble in the toxic kitchen..."
January 9, 2020:   "Homunculus" by Mark Neely   "Sunlight pours into the Russian theater..."
January 8, 2020:   "Seven Steps to Better Listening" by Shanna Compton   "We perceive difference..."
January 7, 2020:   "Violin" by Kristi Maxwell   "I was mere lint caught in the threading of the pocket..."
January 6, 2020:   "Necropastoral With Autobiographical Elements" by Zefyr Lisowski   "After becoming transacted, I decide to make myself..."
January 5, 2020:   "Meditations on The Vietnam Wall" by Pat Williams Owen   "As the walkway descends..."
January 4, 2020:   "Night Shift" by Mark Neely   "Sunlight pours into the Russian theater..."
January 3, 2020:   "A Daughter Dreams of Being Their Son" by Carol Lynn Stevenson Grellas   "When I dreamt of being their son..."
January 2, 2020:   "This abandoner of dogs" by Djelloul Marbrook   "Hard to brush off heaven..."
January 1, 2020:   "Two Strangers Waiting to Walk" by Roger Pfingston   "What you said is not the reason..."
December 31, 2019:   "Waiting for the Cats of the Ferryman" by Jim Greenhalf   "I thought I saw him in Barcelona..."
December 30, 2019:   "Welcome, Feeling-of-Well-Being." by Katerina Stoykova   "You surprised me this morning...."
December 29, 2019:   "On the State" by Laurence O'Dwyer   "Have nothing but a fist in your dream...."
December 28, 2019:   "[1) Live underneath the wheather: it is advisable]" by Juan Manuel Sánchez   "LIVE UNDERNEATH THE WEATHER: IT IS ADVISABLE..."
December 27, 2019:   "XI" by Juan Manuel Sánchez   "I am going to pray..."
December 26, 2019:   "Personal History" by Barbara Crooker   "Tell me about the light you have lost...."
December 25, 2019:   "Holy Beast" by Bertha Rogers   "Once I was part of a holy beast, I was...."
December 24, 2019:   "Berryman: December: The Shore" by Rustin Larson   "Each day I come to the end of this pier..."
December 23, 2019:   "The Nights are Long Now" by Jane Robinson   "The spider took me and she spun me in her web..."
December 22, 2019:   "Holy Water" by Alan Britt   "I had an emotion..."
December 21, 2019:   "Ears Full of Thorns" by Ray Gonzalez   "The music of silence was composed..."
December 20, 2019:   "Curved Mirror" by Franca Mancinelli (translated by John Taylor)   "A heart turned upside down..."
December 19, 2019:   "Dogwood (Two)" by Lorna Dee Cervantes   "A heart turned upside down..."
December 18, 2019:   "Recovery 1: Spring Cleaning" by Dorine Jennette   "Let the physical world be enough...."
December 17, 2019:   "Ventriloquist" by Hadara Bar-Nadav   "The old wound is speaking..."
December 16, 2019:   "Yah" by Bruce Bond   "You can hear the tremor of the ouds of ancient Morocco..."
December 15, 2019:   "The Flower Kissers" by Kevin Cutrer   "Agents of creation..."
December 14, 2019:   "Shadowlands" by Claire Millikin   "From three sides of the house unfold..."
December 13, 2019:   "Winter Dawn" by Richard Milazzo   "Beyond the barely opened white shutters..."
December 12, 2019:   "A Brief Personal History of the Orange" by Pam Davenport   "Orange is first fruit..."
December 11, 2019:   "Ephram Pratt Speaks in the Language of Seals" by Jack e Lorts   "He lived near the sea..."
December 10, 2019:   "I Am My Own Transgender Fetus" by Kim Dower   "My mother thought I was a lesbian..."
December 9, 2019:   "Body Wrench" by Zefyr Lisowski   "We wear black veils to the funeral..."
December 8, 2019:   "Final Exam" by Andrew Merton   "The proctor..."
December 7, 2019:   "Heroin with an e" by Benjamin Garcia   "you might do well..."
December 6, 2019:   "Refrigerator" by Carsten René Nielsen (translated by David Kepling)   "I woke up inside my refrigerator..."
December 5, 2019:   "Self-Portrait With Nightfall" by Katharine Coles   "Say you were born with a congenital absence, one..."
December 4, 2019:   "Guard Dog" by Ricky Ray   "Mother me, rain, I come home..."
December 3, 2019:   "No One Can Tell the Bones of the Dead from the Bones of the Living" by Chelsea Dingman   "Not the dove's, its slick underbelly..."
December 2, 2019:   "A Sort of Art" by Dan Albergotti   "They made a sort of music with their feet..."
December 1, 2019:   "On Seeing a Bee Drink His Nectar" by Wesley Sexton   "Here I sit almost 25 years old..."
November 30, 2019:   "Catalogue of Damages" by Christina Olson   "All these years not knowing..."
November 28, 2019:   "Calculations" by Tina Schumann   "Myself..."
November 27, 2019:   "Proclamation for Peace" by Kim Stafford   "Whereas the world is a house on fire..."
November 26, 2019:   "Bird Woman" by Dolores Hayden   "The Wright brothers warped wings..."
November 25, 2019:   "If You Were to Ask Me the State of My Country..." by Chaun Ballard   "In the clear light that confuses everything..."
November 24, 2019:   "Spotting Turkeys" by Jerome Gagnon   "Last night's rain has flattened the grass..."
November 23, 2019:   "Refrain" by Elizabeth Jacobson   "Warm from the bed..."
November 22, 2019:   "Seasonal Affective Disorder" by Mark Yakich   "Many tragic things can happen to a squirrel...."
November 21, 2019:   "Those Oranges We Ate for Christmas" by Gemma Gorga (translated by Sharon Dolin)   "as large as the largest planet..."
November 20, 2019:   "December" by David Baker   "Instead, there is an hour, a moment..."
November 19, 2019:   "Childhood" by Daniel Lawless   "Though childhood is not what a child would know..."
November 18, 2019:   "Dear Jolene," by Natasha Sajé   "You don't know me, or rather you know me..."
November 17, 2019:   "What We Don't Understand" by Renée Ashley   "looks up at us and begs. It sits up. Bends..."
November 16, 2019:   "Still Life with Fred Rogers" by TJ Beitelman   "This is the story of his life he drew up around himself: he took a..."
November 15, 2019:   "Hourglass in Service of the Sociopath's Wife" by Jeanann Verlee   "When the curtain opens, you see beneath the white hot spotlight..."
November 14, 2019:   "Apocalypse #2" by David Beebe   "This bar is lit year-round with Christmas lights..."
November 13, 2019:   "Doppler" by John A. Nieves   "I do not feel much..."
November 12, 2019:   "Fire Country" by Rebecca Aronson   "Because the sky burned, I had to unhinge..."
November 11, 2019:   "The Horn of Plenty Sits Empty" by Meghan McClure   "Last night a windstorm came through and felled all the oranges...."
November 10, 2019:   "Only Autumn" by Barbara Swift Brauer   "I'm alone in the house..."
November 9, 2019:   "'Old Ghost Appears Before the Un-American Committee and Refuses to Remove His Hat'" by Roy Bentley   "He is there before HUAC unsummoned, Old Ghost, a fiction..."
November 8, 2019:   "Alaska" by Dion O'Reilly   "In the mist above Unalaska, the last harbor..."
November 7, 2019:   "Three Poems" by Gary Young   "Yesterday we sat on the bank of the Kamo River, laughing..."
November 6, 2019:   "Back to Carthage" by Claire Millikin   "Pay that slight money, our feet on the bus..."
November 5, 2019:   "Death Custom" by Alice Pettway   "There's too much land here, enough to store..."
November 4, 2019:   "Living as Magnets" by Bret Shepard   "The mood of the oven..."
November 3, 2019:   "Swarms" by Regina O'Melveny   "The first swarm hung..."
November 2, 2019:   "Dog Medicine" by Matt Dennison   "With the hill as steep as the nights were dark..."
November 1, 2019:   "Graveyard Ghazal" by Alison Stone   "With prayer and song, I call to the dead...."
October 31, 2019:   "Midnight in the Backyard of Lust and Longing" by Alexis Rhone Fancher   "The sapphists are at it again...."
October 30, 2019:   "Translation" by Sunni Brown Wilkinson   "To speak to Moses, God..."
October 29, 2019:   "Morning Commute" by Jason Tandon   "We rise in darkness..."
October 28, 2019:   "Partial Credit Syndrome" by Mary Biddinger   "That summer I could not stop sneezing...."
October 27, 2019:   "Golden Eagle" by Maya Khosla   "Flight is a gaunt hunger let loose, working the lands..."
October 26, 2019:   "[Carried by deer a living]" by Chad Sweeney   "Carried by deer a living..."
October 25, 2019:   "The Hour for Walking Dogs" by Jon Kelly Yenser   "And so at the hour for cocktails..."
October 24, 2019:   "What My Children Remember" by Rasaq Malik Gbolahan   "The sight of helicopters circling the sky on mornings..."
October 23, 2019:   "Chasing Home" by Ifeoluwa Ayandele   "If your borders could talk..."
October 22, 2019:   "Sorrow" by Kwame Dawes   "It is low grade and so unremarkable..."
October 21, 2019:   "Mare Frigoris" by Mary Kathryn Jablonski   "There are economies we do not understand...."
October 20, 2019:   "OfHerOwnKind, Notoffred" by Emily Shearer   "Ofbloodiron&bourbonsmoke..."
October 19, 2019:   "Blossom" by Barbara Buckman Strasko   "Last night I mistook a shivering leaf for a hummingbird...."
October 18, 2019:   "Chaos Theory Against a Backdrop" by Alexis Orgera   "After weeks, still no furniture..."
October 17, 2019:   "Underwater Bill Viola & Underwater with You" by Elena Karina Byrne   "It depends on where the coined air comes between you, me, and..."
October 16, 2019:   "Olga Confronts Modernism" by Carmen Germain   "'As for me, I have no fear of art,' Picasso said...."
October 15, 2019:   "Morphology" by Joshua McKinney   "The wind taught me that I am not a hawk..."
October 14, 2019:   "Augury" by Ryan Patrick Smith   "Reader in your dark red car. The starlings hear the dwindle...."
October 13, 2019:   "Wolf Moon" by Lois Parker Edstrom   "The January moon is ripe. It spills its light..."
October 12, 2019:   "It Is Friday Night" by Shay Alexi   "& somewhere a boy..."
October 11, 2019:   "Persephone Resists Her Myth" by Sarah McKinstry-Brown   "I'm a sliver of light under a locked door..."
October 10, 2019:   "Deathless Navigator" by F. Daniel Rzicznek   "First light, a chestnut horse..."
October 9, 2019:   "Near Misses" by Alysse McCanna   "After a bad date..."
October 8, 2019:   "Bitter Candytuft" by Danielle Shuster   "The desert lets out a briney sigh..."
October 7, 2019:   "English 206" by John Koethe   "Why would anyone even want to do it anymore?..."
October 6, 2019:   "The Lonely Good Company of the Dead" by Roy Bentley   "Now that they are gone, they are everywhere...."
October 5, 2019:   "Patriotic Cookie" by Michael Meyerhofer   "The sign says it only costs a dollar..."
October 4, 2019:   "Your Underwear" by KC Trommer   "Since we broke up, I found a pair of your underwear in my hamper...."
October 3, 2019:   "How Russia Hacks You" by Martin Ott   "In Rasputin's day it could have been with wine..."
October 2, 2019:   "'Tell Me What You Want From Me'" by Brittany Cavallaro   "I told him. An apartment with no doors..."
October 1, 2019:   "The Night I Wore the Purple Dress" by January Gill O'Neil   "I was Chambord floating..."
September 30, 2019:   "Evensong (O, Bewildering Picture)" by Bethany Schultz Hurst   "The animal shelter is on one side..."
September 29, 2019:   "Pet" by Rose McLarney   "The way the cat walked..."
September 28, 2019:   "July 15" by Krystal Languell   "no one else died and the kids got..."
September 27, 2019:   "Home" by Caryl Pagel   "He asked you to make sure..."
September 26, 2019:   "Made Bed" by Beth Gylys   "He could have been my lover again that night..."
September 25, 2019:   "The Unexploded Ordnance Bin" by Rebecca Foust   "our son found the hollow shell..."
September 24, 2019:   "Fabric" by Sidney Wade   "I just hung..."
September 23, 2019:   "Kissing Meditation" by Amie Whittemore   "If kissing is the mouth's elegy..."
September 22, 2019:   "Toy Poem" by J.R. Solonche   "This is my toy poem...."
September 21, 2019:   "Eradicating the Rodent" by Leonard Kress   "Picasso said to Braque, I see a squirrel..."
September 20, 2019:   "The Sun Rising, Pacific Theatre" by Tyler Mills   "Here we have another moment of blue-sky thinking..."
September 18, 2019:   "On Days I Don't Hate My Job" by Carrie Shipers   "On days that I don't hate my job, I don't wake up mad..."
September 17, 2019:   "Fantastic Voyage" by Nikki Wallschlaeger   "Partying ain't my strong point anymore...."
September 16, 2019:   "Carnivorous" by Sandra Simonds   "There are insects that eat plants..."
September 15, 2019:   "After She Knew" by Elizabeth S. Wolf   "My mother did a lot of research...."
September 14, 2019:   "The Pillars of Creation" by Jason Gray   "The universe is not collapsing back...."
September 13, 2019:   "Cormorant" by Meg Kearney   "Luminous as an oil slick..."
September 12, 2019:   "Certain Conversations in Bed" by Debra Bruce   "I felt his whole body misunderstand..."
September 11, 2019:   "Seven Seas" by Kathleen Flenniken   "The one we've fished to death..."
September 10, 2019:   "For Night" by Michael Keenan   "Her body wrapped in its rain..."
September 9, 2019:   "Full Disclosure" by Alan C. Fox   "I keep many secrets..."
September 8, 2019:   "In Which I Get Out of a Speeding Ticket" by Carol Potter   "It was hard to find the courthouse tucked as it was down..."
September 7, 2019:   "Lying Down in Darkness" by Susan Terris   "Are you going to get up in darkness? he asks me...."
September 6, 2019:   "NASA's Insight Lander Records The Martian Wind" by Anthony Seidman   "One must blip a mind of silicate, chassis of graphite..."
September 5, 2019:   "Another Idea" by George Kalamaras   "Another idea that seemed good had something to do with nocturnal death...."
September 4, 2019:   "Or How Can We Ever Cut Down to the Bare Essentials?" by Hedy Habra   "He kept retreating from room to room..."
September 2, 2019:   "Recast, Again" by Rebecca Hazelton   "You are your father's broad back..."
September 1, 2019:   "This House" by Rhina P. Espaillat   "This house is a fallow field..."
August 31, 2019:   "What Do You Carry?" by Lex Runciman   "Beaches and their weather..."
August 30, 2019:   "What Came Before Exile?" by Patricia Nelson   "What came before this?..."
August 29, 2019:   "The Body, Not Falling" by Amy MacLennan   "Wonders how gravity even exists..."
August 28, 2019:   "Diaspora Sonnet 34" by Oliver de la Paz   "My father in his twenties wears his pressed suit..."
August 27, 2019:   "Car Prayer of the Child Bride" by Alison Stine   "Prayers are like light. You must do them..."
August 26, 2019:   "Archaeology" by Kevin Prufer   "I went to the basement where my father kept his skulls...."
August 25, 2019:   "Dear Millennium, Soliloquy of a Rogue Body Politic" by Karen An-Hwei Lee   "Artificial hearts and lung machines, pixie fem-bots..."
August 24, 2019:   "Little Song" by Mark Wagenaar   "It's only when the stars..."
August 23, 2019:   "Come, Pioneer" by Leah Umansky   "What forest is there to run to..."
August 22, 2019:   "Border Children in the News" by Laura Grace Weldon   "Frantic families send their children..."
August 21, 2019:   "Drunk Again, He Pushes Her" by Sara Henning   "If she falls this time, my grandmother..."
August 20, 2019:   "Visiting My Own Grave" by Chad Abushanab   "The plot next door has complex etchings, flowers..."
August 19, 2019:   "History" by Luiza Flynn-Goodlett   "While you never requested..."
August 18, 2019:   "Triptych Just before Mass" by C. T. Salazar   "We stood in the shape of an open jaw, the piano..."
August 17, 2019:   "Dear Millennium, on the Extinction of Migrant Doves" by Karen An-Hwei Lee   "A century ago, our skies were rife with Ectopistes migratorius..."
August 16, 2019:   "To Sleep" by Dan Albergotti   "They die so many times before our eyes..."
August 15, 2019:   "Elegy for Myself" by Barbara Rockman   "I have given up on being..."
August 14, 2019:   "Spy and Depart" by Robert Krut   "Standing on the roof, weather vane broken..."
August 13, 2019:   "A Hint to Plotinus" by Donald Revell   "She suffers the least gesture of the oldest tree..."
August 12, 2019:   "The Stag" by Matthew Thorburn   "I couldn't see a way out..."
August 11, 2019:   "Internment" by Jen Karetnick   "Before the fistfuls of soil refill the hole, the names like bells peal..."
August 10, 2019:   "Found" by Michael Goodfellow   "The fire's burning down. You asked about..."
August 9, 2019:   "In Ireland, With or Without My Mother" Andrea Potos   "Is it enough to call her..."
August 8, 2019:   "here where the body" Stella Vinitchi Radulescu (translated by Luke Hankins)   "here where the body hollowed out its bed..."
August 7, 2019:   "The Last Confederate Tree Tells All" Craig Beaven   "Cannons along the roadside..."
August 6, 2019:   "Metronome" Jeffrey Morgan   "On New Year's Eve my family burns things..."
August 5, 2019:   "Migration" Michelle Lewis   "This is how to count but..."
August 4, 2019:   "Religion" Sandy Coomer   "As morning bees spring brightly..."
August 3, 2019:   "Dolls" Margo Taft Stever   "The dolls wait for the children..."
August 2, 2019:   "Birdsong Trumps Dump Truck" Fred Schmalz   "birdsong trumps dump truck..."
August 1, 2019:   "Elegy for the Age of Oil" Dan Veach   "You old jalopies..."
July 31, 2019:   "Baby American" Eugene Gloria   "There are no duty-free catalogs on this trip..."
July 30, 2019:   "Ancestry.com Doesn't Know My People" Naima Yael Tokunow   "Measure out your three bodies..."
July 29, 2019:   "Route 9" Jaimie Gusman   "Fire * crept * up * the * American * flag *..."
July 28, 2019:   "Rather a Raven" Serena Fusek   "I'd rather become..."
July 27, 2019:   "Native Species" Keetje Kuipers   "In the spring the men come out again to clear the land..."
July 26, 2019:   "[He called from San Francisco, I was nursing the baby, he said I have]" Dianne Seuss   "He called from San Francisco, I was nursing the baby, he said I have..."
July 25, 2019:   "Cold Tahoe Today" Sharon Olds   "When we go to the lake, I will see its colors..."
July 24, 2019:   "The Only Thing I Learned from Working at an Italian Restaurant for that One Week When I was Eighteen Was" Emilia Phillips   "how to tie a tie, which I didn't realize I still know..."
July 23, 2019:   "The Boy Who Believed in the Girl Who Did Not Believe in God" Amorak Huey   "They're supposed to be learning something about Emily Dickinson..."
July 22, 2019:   "Lieu de Coiffure Mémoire" Angie Estes   "Fireproof pious rumor, precious fume..."
July 21, 2019:   "Holy Wafer" Hal Sirowitz   "When my parents felt I was..."
July 20, 2019:   "The Real Night" Wendy Taylor Carlisle   "I enter the sleep of childhood, the dark..."
July 19, 2019:   "Olivine" Virginia Smith Rice   "The surf is a battering..."
July 18, 2019:   "Crow Moon" Kathryn Merwin   "How is it like this: I crawl..."
July 17, 2019:   "Last Rights" Anastasia Stelse   "Every vote counts unless you're dead, but what about..."
July 16, 2019:   "Inside Out" Lesley Wheeler   "Shouldn't talk with a mouthful of half-chewed flags..."
July 15, 2019:   "A Girl's Own Gothic" Camille Norton   "They told me to wait for God..."
July 14, 2019:   "Lines at 2 a.m. on the Sea of Cortez" George Keithley   "The bright morning brought its mirage..."
July 13, 2019:   "Marriage" Wayne Johns   "We're at a standstill-the river's stained-..."
July 12, 2019:   "I Heard a River Downstairs" Jackie Craven   "Half-formed words hissed to the surface..."
July 11, 2019:   "Auricles" Peg Bresnahan   "When the cat hid one of your hearing aid..."
July 10, 2019:   "Thanks, stupid heart" Jessica Jacobs   "like for that time I'd banished her..."
July 9, 2019:   "Lion" Brian Tierney   "When they stage, finally, its glorious corpse, gloating for the fish..."
July 8, 2019:   "Composition" Rebecca Hazelton   "The body is a mass of hair and teeth..."
July 7, 2019:   "Morenci Arizona" Patricia Colleen Murphy   "The three-ton mine trucks reek..."
July 6, 2019:   "Kick in the Jaw" Dan Albergotti   "Sometimes the zebra wins. And the sound..."
July 5, 2019:   "Refraction at Twilight" Alice Friman   "What did we see..."
July 4, 2019:   "The Father of Our Country" Kim Roberts   "You can see four sets of George Washington's dentures..."
July 3, 2019:   "Free Will in Florida" Clint McCown   "You've been brought here to visit and..."
July 2, 2019:   "The Lady in the Iron Mask" Grace Curtis   "Screws fasten onto a table. I picture..."
July 1, 2019:   "Anniversary" Sean Sexton   "No matter we drew the curtains..."
June 30, 2019:   "Epithalamium" Josh Kalscheur   "I am afraid of holding..."
June 29, 2019:   "Wilderness with Conqueror's Gaze" Stephanie Cawley   "I gave the stone back its fury, slipped a dress around a bird and called it a wife...."
June 28, 2019:   "Report from the Afterlife" Marilee Richards   "Even though we hadn't expected to be saved, it was a relief..."
June 27, 2019:   "Afterlife" Brian Barker   "The fish thief was just a harmless orphan, we realized too late..."
June 26, 2019:   "For Lorca" Justin Wymer   "It is impossible to imagine an evening not steeping in..."
June 25, 2019:   "Death Toll" E.C. Belli   "It was never just a tremor..."
June 24, 2019:   "Of Cowardice and Courage" Dan Albergotti   "When Thomas Jefferson made his new book..."
June 23, 2019:   "Dante recalling an encounter with Beatrice" Alan Botsford   "One afternoon while thinking of you, Beloved, I left..."
June 22, 2019:   "Drop Cloth and Thinner" Peter Makuck   "The teak on my old skiff..."
June 21, 2019:   "Narcissus at Christmas" Donald Levering   "Every year at Christmas my knee hurts..."
June 20, 2019:   "Easy as Offshoring: Necromancer Circe" Jeanne Larsen   "turns the crew to corprocrats, hard-core Amholes..."
June 19, 2019:   "Everything Here Looks Very Dismal" Ann Fisher-Wirth   "But if there were rabbits, clustered beneath the chestnut trees, uncanny in twilight...."
June 18, 2019:   "Tide Pool" Noah Blaustein   "I'm dating my 16-year-old..."
June 17, 2019:   "Springtime in America" Paige Ackerson-Kiely   "Wonder of the tires burning across the lake..."
June 16, 2019:   "Nightmare" Carol Frith   "I am running. The past is in darkness..."
June 15, 2019:   "Tomorrow Night, Shake Me" Terri Witek   "The world was at its end again...."
June 13, 2019:   "Unmarked Grave" Lois P. Jones   "Beautiful man, with your brows of broken ashes..."
June 12, 2019:   "The Way You Hold Your Knife" Dick Allen   "You hold it loosely, its blade so sharp..."
June 11, 2019:   "On Kingdoms" Joanna Klink   "Who is ever at home in oneself...."
June 10, 2019:   "Calenture" Allison Hutchcraft   "I shouldn't like to think of them, but I do..."
June 9, 2019:   "Magic" Ruth Fainlight   "Even the most capacious bath towels fold..."
June 8, 2019:   "Folding the Clothes" Sarah Sadie   "Even the most capacious bath towels fold..."
June 7, 2019:   "Border Town Graduates" Anthony Seidman   "Although we're closer to feeling the grass..."
June 6, 2019:   "Selkie" Sara Quinn Rivara   "I found my seal skin in a locked drawer...."
June 5, 2019:   "The End of the Day" Holly Day   "The ant moves across the counter and I move as well..."
June 4, 2019:   "They're Launching a Poem-less Library to the Moon" Liz Chang   "As I wend to the shore I know not..."
June 3, 2019:   "Fairy Tale Redacted" Jeannine Hall Gailey   "Once I was born in a place I do not recall...."
June 2, 2019:   "The Flies" Nick Drake   "You praise the bees for their industry and honey..."
June 1, 2019:   "To The Turkey Vulture Pacing The Field" Benjamin Cutler   "The field has been cut for hay..."
May 31, 2019:   "The Coyote Dreams Caught Me" Michelle Morouse   "in that weary first trimester...."
May 30, 2019:   "Bear Fruit" James Grinwis   "The fruit a bear eats..."
May 28, 2019:   "Bumblebees Are Made of Ash" Martha Silano   "The day is a dragonfly hovering in the Timothy...."
May 27, 2019:   "The Tale of Kitchen Spirits" Raquel Vasquez Gilliland   "Ages ago, this town was all wood...."
May 26, 2019:   "Misdirection: A Poem" Stephen Massimilla   "A genius said that without God, people would believe..."
May 25, 2019:   "Diorama (woman given all the children)" Catie Rosemurgy   "Perhaps they're pretending to be weak minded?..."
May 24, 2019:   "The Lesson" Helena Mesa   "She said He is everywhere..."
May 23, 2019:   "A Short History of Everyone in the World" Jose Padua   "On the train going..."
May 22, 2019:   "Townie Elegy" Jess Williard   "If I told you bagging groceries to pay for community college tuition..."
May 21, 2019:   "History Too Soon" Star Black   "The living room..."
May 20, 2019:   "The Lion       The Witch       & My Brother Timiko" Benjamin Naka-Hasebe Kingsley   "We're well past         your wardrobe..."
May 19, 2019:   "A Middle Aged Orpheus Looks Back at his Life" Gabriel Fitzmaurice   "I took my voice to places where no man..."
May 18, 2019:   "House, Kid, Dog" Nick Ascroft   "House, kid, dog: file under things to regret as the years avalanche in...."
May 17, 2019:   "Behind my sister's house" Suzanne Batty   "Blue dog jumping snaps up time...."
May 16, 2019:   "What Jazz Isn't" Richard Terrill   "Warm nights with the shades drawn and windows open...."
May 15, 2019:   "'Io Sano Una Bella Luna'" David Thoreen   "you said after me, and I translated: 'I am a pretty moon'...."
May 14, 2019:   "Nothing Will Warn You" Stephen Dunn   "Nothing will warn you..."
May 13, 2019:   "Numbness is another way" Jehanne Dubrow   "Numbness is another way..."
May 12, 2019:   "The God That Shares My Body" Noor Ibn Najam   "we've become a split..."
May 11, 2019:   "Object in Our Conscience" Emily Pettit   "I heard a shark. It sounded like shock...."
May 8, 2019:   "Subscribing in the Suburbs" Donna J. Gelagotis Lee   "Where are the comics online?..."
May 7, 2019:   "Middle East Tautology" Neil Silberblatt   "The friend of my enemy is my enemy...."
May 6, 2019:   "To Amal (Because Your Name Means Hope)" Hedy Habra   "How can one think of better..."
May 5, 2019:   "Syrian Girl Crossing the Border from Greece" Rustin Larson   "The road, as I recall, was a pitted moonscape of chalk..."
May 4, 2019:   "The de Havilland Comets" Margot Schilpp   "All through those last flights the cracks spread..."
May 3, 2019:   "Unemployed" Tsitsi S.A. Sachikonye   "The sea is haunted..."
May 2, 2019:   "'On the Bodies of Women'" Ina Conradie   "Rose de Marie went for water from the river...."
April 29, 2019:   "Brother" Lisa Julie   "He covers the moon with his left thumb..."
April 28, 2019:   "Wheels, Fenders, Windshields, Hoods" W. S. Di Piero   "It tasted bitter, burnt, like most things that summer..."
April 27, 2019:   "A Phenomenalist's Guide to the Block" Kimberly Kruge   "The block is hot as hell and..."
April 26, 2019:   "Treading Water" Emilia Phillips   "I came to the beach..."
April 25, 2019:   "Gliding" Doug Ramspeck   "My father was suspicious..."
April 24, 2019:   "Nuthatches" Laura Paul Watson   "I stop myself from waking you..."
April 23, 2019:   "Confiteor" Brianna Noll   "Apologies to the invisible..."
April 22, 2019:   "Later, I Learned to Speak Without a Tongue." Lisa Allen Ortiz   "But first I wrote backwards...."
April 21, 2019:   "My Father, Long Dead" Eileen Sheehan   "My father, long dead..."
April 20, 2019:   "Men who die in cars" Paul Kingsnorth   "It is all that I care for and it will not use me....."
April 19, 2019:   "The News" Matthew Murrey   "At the launch site in Florida...."
April 18, 2019:   "Murmurations" Allison Funk   "Moving as one body...."
April 17, 2019:   "Ce qu'il reste à vivre" Marilyn Hacker   "I waste the hours still left to me of life...."
April 16, 2019:   "In One Small Bedroom, My Mother's Antlers" Benjamin Naka-Hasebe Kingsley   "men wind / their hands...."
April 15, 2019:   "Marriage" Katherine Noble   "Here comes. Mirage in the middle of a long war...."
April 14, 2019:   "Who You Are" Willie James King   "I love the ping pong..."
April 13, 2019:   "Watermark" Moya Roddy   "WalkingTra Ban with my sister..."
April 12, 2019:   "Crow Song" Clint McCown   "The mockingbird..."
April 11, 2019:   "when he asks me to talk dirty" Mackenzie Kozak   "he says this is a room where bad girls live..."
April 10, 2019:   "Wolf" Elizabeth Frost   "In the tale evil courses from back paw to jaw line..."
April 9, 2019:   "Streets of the World" Anne Waldman   "All writing decides a galaxy all writing resounds planispheric..."
April 8, 2019:   "Sunken Place Sestina" Ashley M. Jones   "I Here at the hipster food hall.."
April 7, 2019:   "Sonnet for Mark" Emma Trelles   "I Now wakes a path between the oaks, now.."
April 6, 2019:   "Some Days" Gigi Marks   "I think of the trees.."
April 5, 2019:   "Barcelona" George Franklin   "BI imagine you on a cold day in Barcelona, wind.."
April 4, 2019:   "In a Time of Thuggery" Rachel Galvin   "Brecht wished for a tiny counting apparatus.."
April 3, 2019:   "Reading of Tel Aviv and Jaffa, Flying Eastward" Philip Metres   "The airtight interior.."
April 2, 2019:   "There Is a Snake" Bess Cooley   "This isn't a metaphor. And I'm..."
April 1, 2019:   "Talking to Other Women after the Election" Katherine Riegel   "I was just eighteen..."
March 31, 2019:   "I Have Never Slept with an Animal" Suzanne Cleary   "I have never slept with an animal, so it is..."
March 30, 2019:   "On Not Surviving" Simone Person   "When you look up,..."
March 28, 2019:   "Woman Carrying Everything" Leah Umansky   "It is almost like being asleep in your own lightning.,..."
March 27, 2019:   "Of Course" Lisa Fay Coutley   "I need to believe in love,..."
March 26, 2019:   "Triple Sonnet for my Aggressive Forehead" Dorothy Chan   "Dad thinks my forehead is too Godzilla, too Tarzan,..."
March 25, 2019:   "Shovel" Jericho Brown   "I am not the man who put a bullet in its brain,..."
March 24, 2019:   "37." Luis Panini translated by Lawrence Schimel   "From my eyes to your eyes,..."
March 23, 2019:   "A necessity of robots" Djelloul Marbrook   "Shapes and/or simulations..."
March 22, 2019:   "A Reprimand of Crows" Berwyn Moore   "You wake to new snow..."
March 21, 2019:   "My Oceanography" Harriet Levin   "A strand of algae leaves its rubbery..."
March 20, 2019:   "My Sparrow" Susan Austin   "Bewilder me, You who march the feeblest Sparrow..."
March 19, 2019:   "When I saw the loblolly pine, " Martha Silano   "its furrowed bark, I knew I was close..."
March 18, 2019:   "Just before, or Right after, the Fall of Rome" Brian Culhane   "Lately, I have been thinking again of the fall..."
March 17, 2019:   "Every year a little funeral cha-cha" Caroline Cabrera   "The neighborhood grows narrow with the bulk..."
March 16, 2019:   "Glinda The Good is Gone" Matthew Tierney   "A crosswind - the Norway's leaves flash..."
March 15, 2019:   "Flesh Memory" Caroline Crew   "What spectre has fleshed out such cruelty..."
March 13, 2019:   "Gaslight" E. G. Cunningham   "The arc bends toward farce..."
March 12, 2019:   "As Weapons Need Murder" Melissa Ginsburg   "Weapons need adventures..."
March 11, 2019:   "The Air Pilot's Wife" Gardner McFall   "By March we've had our share of rain...."
March 10, 2019:   "Bride and Groom" Elise Hempel   "In the shifting afternoon's dim gray..."
March 9, 2019:   "Orpheus, Gathering the Trees " Greg Rappleye   "When love died the second time..."
March 8, 2019:   "Illustrate Half This, An Upset" FEmily Vizzo   "Fishing makes a cold verb, starts with air & winds up...."
March 7, 2019:   "Edward Hopper's Automat" Fleda Brown   "The Automat serves the original and loneliest fast food...."
March 6, 2019:   "What to Make of the Shape of Your Body in the Bed" Hannah Dow   "its obsolescence the kind that sheds..."
March 5, 2019:   "Dreaming the Dead" William Greenway   "They won't leave me alone..."
March 4, 2019:   "To Sylvia" Allison Joseph   "Mistress of the miserable..."
March 3, 2019:   "Hand" Margo Taft Stever   "Cell and bone..."
March 2, 2019:   "alhambra" Tyrone Williams   "To be seen and not..."
March 1, 2019:   "The Minnesota State Fair's Miracle of Birth Center, sponsored by Subaru" J. Bailey Hutchinson   "Before I smell it, I imagine..."
February 28, 2019:   "Crying" Nikki Wallschlaeger   "Instead of crying on your shoulder I cry on the internet...."
February 27, 2019:   "If I Could, or Poem Against the Crumbling of the Republic" Joe Wilkins   "Old friend..."
February 25, 2019:   "Fox News" Dawn Lonsinger   "there is no cleception..."
February 24, 2019:   "Inmost Circle" D. Nurkse   "So Virgil took me..."
February 22, 2019:   "Blue Heron, Walking" Julie Bruck   "Not one of Mr. Balanchine's soloists had feet this articulate..."
February 21, 2019:   "Dravecky Dreams" Edwin Romond   "The circle of his arms..."
February 20, 2019:   "Hier Gibt es Blaugeerren" William Trowbridge   "Caption on photos of SS women auxiliaries..."
February 19, 2019:   "Storm of the Century" Jill Osier   "It seems it may be over..."
February 18, 2019:   "Poem for the Woods" Catherine Pierce   "Not as I would dream them now, not with growls..."
February 17, 2019:   "First Days" Majella Cullinane   "My eyes, I can't take my eyes off her..."
February 16, 2019:   "Here, now, gone" Bob Hicok   "We're standing in the road..."
February 15, 2019:   "Spaghetti & Meatballs" Howard Faerstein   "Since there have only been two brief encounters with aliens..."
February 14, 2019:   "A subjective history of orchids" Rachel Coventry   "As a child, I saw African orchids on TV..."
February 13, 2019:   "America, Great Once Again" Edward Harkness   "Riot cops have slammed the woman with green streaks..."
February 12, 2019:   "[now that we're lost at last]" John Fry   "whispers someone or thing..."
February 11, 2019:   "Poem Written by a 96 Year Old, No. 55" Duane Locke   "I was contemplating the supreme brightness..."
February 10, 2019:   "You Don't Leave It on the Side of the Road" Valerie Nieman   "Only the skunk..."
February 9, 2019:   "Nothing Is Fine" Susan Paris   "Should you marry the perfect..."
February 7, 2019:   "A Name for Illness I Knew, but Couldn't Say" Chelsea Dingman   "What if...."
February 6, 2019:   "Wild Thing" Nickole Brown   "What I knew then was plastic packages..."
February 5, 2019:   "Flame" Adrian Rice   "Just me and the flame..."
February 4, 2019:   "Because There's No Emoji for Memory" Lara Egger   "Maybe I'll forget the blue hydrangeas..."
February 3, 2019:   "Transubstantiation" Libby Bernardin   "Finality, how I hate every version of the word..."
February 2, 2019:   "Nocturne" Stacy R. Nigliazzo   "Evening breaks kindly..."
February 1, 2019:   "Who We Are" Kelly Cherry   "Most of us want to think of ourselves as kind..."
January 31, 2019:   "Still Life with Burn Barrel" Adam Tavel   "Slow rain cascades inside the hollow eyes..."
January 30, 2019:   "Exile" Subhashini Kaligotla   "The world is sand..."
January 29, 2019:   "A bottom-lit sea..." Sherwin Bitsui   "A bottom-lit sea ponders the lake's questions..."
January 28, 2019:   "Winter" David Orr   "The gravest season..."
January 27, 2019:   "I Saw Walt Whitman in Wright Park" Michael Magee   "proselytizing to the crows who were..."
January 26, 2019:   "Generation Stuck" Erin Murphy   "Cut yourself and you'll get lockjaw..."
January 25, 2019:   "Moonless County Roads" Carlos Reyes   "As though we are crossing..."
January 24, 2019:   "The Owl" Matthew Sweeney   "The four candles took a while to burn down..."
January 23, 2019:   "Elegy" Shara McCallum   "First you told me..."
January 22, 2019:   "Devil's Pool" Eleanor Stanford   "In the middle of my life..."
January 21, 2019:   "Alone and with the Others" Jonathan Johnson   "When I was a boy and no love had yet been lost..."
January 20, 2019:   "What Oak Says" Linda Rodriguez   "I take the long view..."
January 19, 2019:   "distance indicated by degrees of blue" Marty McConnell   "I mean, we're here. Under this paling..."
January 18, 2019:   "The Moon, Its Magic, Its Top Hat, Its White Rabbit, Its Disappearing Die" Duane Locke   "The magic moon since stepped upon..."
January 17, 2019:   "It is a house" Wendy Chen   "I shared one face with the family..."
January 16, 2019:   "But Animals Embody Gender Even As They Are Beyond It" Anne Marie Rooney   "Sliding down of towers, moon in tree. Men..."
January 15, 2019:   "Let the Dead Bury the Dead" Dzvinia Orlowsky   "Surely she would want to hear one final song, something from..."
January 14, 2019:   "Ghost Orchid" Ricardo Pau-Llosa   "Haunted by the promise of flowers, light pursues..."
January 13, 2019:   "Dinner with God" Knute Skinner   "A hungry Christian sat down across from God..."
January 12, 2019:   "Paradise" Ghalib translated by M. Shahid Alam   "In homilies, the preachers hype paradise. dew...."
January 11, 2019:   "January Train" Colm Keegan   "Fields of trees encased in frozen dew...."
January 10, 2019:   "snow" Patty Crane   "snow snow snow..."
January 09, 2019:   "Tell Me" Julia Carter Aldrich   "Tell me: does the mountain remember..."
January 08, 2019:   "Ziggy" Michelle Bitting   "I thought of you today..."
January 07, 2019 (A 2018 Favorite):   "Why Am I Not Invited to Your Party?" Lee Upton   "And what are your parties like without me?..."
January 06, 2019 (A 2018 Favorite):   < "Symptom" Ann Lauterbach   "Some star..."
January 05, 2019 (A 2018 Favorite):   "Lament of the Man Who Picks Up Dead Animals" Austin Smith   "Give me the soil twelve dead horses..."
January 04, 2019 (A 2018 Favorite):   "Seahorse" Lauren Goodwin Slaughter   "The coronet is distinctive..."
January 03, 2019 (A 2018 Favorite):   "Done" by Richard Greenfield   "They say "tender" and tender..."
January 02, 2019 (A 2018 Favorite):   "Hive" by Melissa Stein   "In the night, fear's stepchild: all hail..."
January 01, 2019 (A 2018 Favorite):   "Jesus's Brother" by Charles Rafferty   "It was difficult living..."

For more archives click on the year: 2011-2018        2002-2010       

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