Today's poem is "Departure"
from Five Colors
Stan Sanvel Rubin
is founding director of the new Rainier Writing Workshop low-residency MFA program at PLU in Tacoma, WA. He served for over twenty years as Director of the Brockport Writers Forum and Videotape Library (SUNY), a multi-faceted literary arts program. He holds the SUNY Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching. The Post-Confessionals, a collection of his interviews with contemporary American poets, was published by Associated University Presses. He is the author of three collections, Lost and Midnight, both from State Street Press, and, most recently, On the Coast, a chapbook (Pudding House, 2002). His poems have appeared in such magazines as The Kenyon Review, Virginia Quarterly Review, Poetry Northwest, The Georgia Review, The Ohio Review, Alaska Quarterly Review, Chelsea, The Iowa Review and several anthologies. He regularly writes essay-reviews of contemporary poetry for the journal, Water-Stone. He received a 2002 Constance J. Saltonstall Foundation Grant in poetry.
About Five Colors:
"Five Colors reminds us that the brain is a kind of muscle. Stan Sanvel Rubin, with skill and smarts, lifts the tangible into the realm of the lyrical imagination without losing it. Here is a map of history and a topography of ideas. Here is a book of breath and bone. Personal and personable, here is poetry that speaks to readers who know that language and time are consequential."
"Stan Sanvel Rubin has taken life as he knows it by the proverbial lapels, and he's not letting go till he wrings some truth out of it. The poems here are devastating, intelligent, and direct. But what's most remarkable is their range: little escapes Rubin, and he is not afraid to go in search of the sort of beauty that does not necessarily reach the surface. What he seeks is not unlike a wound that has faded or has not yet formed. In the 'space around small sounds,' he makes the most articulate noises."
Marvin Bell
Dionisio D. Martinez
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