Today's poem is "The Cranesbill Sighted Everywhere"
from Lick of Sense
Suzanne Rhodenbaugh
earned an MFA in writing from Vermont College and has taught writing for several Connecticut colleges, the Johns Hopkins Expository Writing Tutorial, and a Virginia school system. Her poems, essays, articles, and reviews have appeared in The American Scholar, Comarron Review, The Hudson Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, NER & BLQ, Salmagundi, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, The Washington Post, Utne Reader and other journals.
About Lick of Sense:
"I loved the spirit and heart and wisdom of this manuscript, the way it took me directly into a region and a set of lives and made them strongly alive for me.…And the poems were so full of surprises. It’s very American to me, to feel that you can’t predict what’s going to happen in a poem. It keeps the hope going."
"Rhodenbaugh evokes the textures and nearly tactile charge of knowing something deeply and well simply because one is capable of describing it—as if Elizabeth Bishop suddenly turned up in a Southern Gothic."
Alicia Ostriker, judge
Molly Peacock
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