Today's poem is "Apple Blossoms"
from To a Small Moth
Susan Kelly-DeWitt's
chapbooks are A Camelia for Judy (Frith Press, 1998), Feather's Hand (Swan Scythe Press, 2000), and To
a Small Moth (Poet's Corner Press, 2001). Her work has appeared in many journals including Poetry and Prairie Schooner, and
in several anthologies. Her awards include a Wallace Stegner Fellowship for Poetry and the 1998 Chicago Literary Award.
About To a Small Moth:
"In her poem 'The View', Susan Kelly-DeWitt writes of a 90-year old neighbor just out of the hospital pruning his roses,
kneeling as if in hard prayer. This spirit, this act of affirmation, grace and human grit, permeates these marvelous poems. Kelly-
DeWitt's poems remind us, as we must be reminded, that no matter what, a beautiful and timeless world surrounds us; we
must take the time to peer into it, but if we have Kelly-DeWitt's wisdom and willingness, her hard-earned grace and vision, we
may be privileged enough to participate in ancient and sacred ways. How fortunate we are to have these poems."
Walter Pavlich
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