Today's poem is
"A Fan's Proposal"
from The Formalist
Rob Griffith's
first collection, Necessary Alchemy, received the 1999 Tennessee Chapbook Prize. A
graduate of the M.F.A. program at the University of Arkansas, his work has been published in Poetry, The Cape Rock,
Parnassus, and other literary journals. He is currently teaching in the Department of English at the University
of Evansville.
About The Formalist:
Poets in this issue: Dana Gioia, D.C. Stone, Willis Barnstone, Jorge Luis Borges, Deborah Warren, Alfred Nicol, Howard Nemerov,
Vernon Scannell, Jane Friedman, Len Krisak, Horace, Dick Allen, Richard O'Connell, David Berman, Chelsea
Rathburn, Austin MacRae, Robert Daseler, Roy Scheele, A.M. Juster, Timothy Murphy, Deborah Warren,
Peggy O'Brien, Joseph S. Salemi, Gabriel Fitzmaurice, Rob Griffith, Daniel J. Langton, Julie Kane,
Alfred Nicol, Zachary Hudson, Edward Zuk, Nicholas Boileau, Furens Seneca, Dante Alighieri, Giovan
Battista Marino, Rainer Maria Rilke, G.K. Chesterton, Richard Wakefield, Lewis Turco, David Berman,
Roger Craik, Walter McDonald, Bill Hemminger, Deborah Warren, Alice Park, Charles Baudelaire, Jack Granath,
William F. Bell
Subscription: 1 year (2 issues), $14
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The Formalist * 320 Hunter Drive * Evansville, IN 47711
Editor: William Baer * Managing Editor: Mona Baer
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