
Today's poem is "Thinking of Eurydice at midnight"
from Reading the River

Bloodaxe Books/Dufour Editions

Robert Adamson was born in Sydney in 1943 and grew up in Neutral Bay and on the Hawkesbury River, New South Wales. From 1970 to 1985 he edited Australia’s New Poetry magazine, and in 1988, with Juno Gemes, he established Paper Bark Press, one of Australia’s leading poetry publishers. His many award-winning publications include sixteen poetry books, an autobiography, and two books of autobiographical fiction.

About The Shadow Knows:

"Robert Adamson is that rare instance of a poet who can touch all the world and yet stay particular, local to the body he’s been given in a literal time and place. He is as deft and resourceful a craftsman as exists, and his poems move with a clarity and ease I find unique. He has savored his life, felt it at each moment, and what he has written is its vivid and enduring testament."
—Robert Creeley

"Robert Adamson’s The Shadow Knows is a new 'song of myself', one that sets both 'song' and 'self' at risk. To read these brutal and beautiful lyrics is to undergo an experience — a journey and a test — and whoever can last the distance will have been changed in more than one way. To live with the work of this great poet is to live more deeply and more warily."
—Kevin Hart

"The spareness and taut energy of the more recent poems, for all Adamson’s famous romanticism, seems classic… What it costs a poet to dare such plain statement, the patience it requires, even the impatience, the dedication, the hard work, is part of the mystery of these poems and of the life that has been worked through to get them down .…How the poems, as they come, change and shape the poet — the existential surprise that keeps him alive and on his toes — is what keeps us too, as we move through this life in poetry, intimately engaged and enlivened from the first poem to the last."
—David Malouf

"Robert Adamson is one of Australia’s national treasures."
—John Ashbery

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