Today's poem is "Linea"
from Salt Water Creek
Rhian Gallagher
was born in the South Island of New Zealand and has lived in London for the past thirteen years. Recently she participated in the pilot Mentoring Scheme set up by the London Arts Board in conjunction with The Poetry School.
About Salt Water Creek:
"Gallagher is the kind of writer whose eye can redefine any scene...Originality in some poets entails difficulty, but Gallagher's writing, unusual both in matter and manner, is never obscurely self reflexive: it is both original and beautifully clever."
"[Rhian Gallagher] efficiently and vividly conjures whole landscapes and seascapes specially where the two meet in harbours and littorals, with all their odours, sounds, movements, stillness, and visual oddities. This highly sensual poetry has the tang of real lives lived in all their moments, in all their sad clarities."
Carol Rumens
Ken Smith
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