Today's poem is "The Heart"
from From the Meadow
Peter Everwine
is the author of seven collections of poetry, including Collecting the Animals, which won the Lamont Poetry Prize (now the James Laughlin Award). He retired from California State University, Fresno, in 1992.
About From the Meadow:
"There is something shining and purea radiant clarity, a luminous stillnessat the heart of Peter Everwine's beautiful, mysterious, and necessary work."
"Peter Everwine's lyrics and translationsfor they all seem part of a single voicehaunt me with their clear, crisp, unsentimental, heartbreaking lines. . . . Unassuming, hard and unswerving as fate itself."
"There is a profound humility in Everwine's poems, a tenderness for the least detail in the world, which his attention and care make luminous. Bone, leaf, panorama, or part of speech, Everwine works to identify in any particular how our livesat least in the attention of the momentmight claim transcendence."
"What a radiant booka lifetime of Peter Everwine's quiet, meditative poems, and his shining translations, made (or found) his own."
Edward Hirsch
Paul Mariani
Christopher Buckley
Jean Valentine
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