Today's poem is
"Thinking of My Body in Love"
from Spoon River Poetry Review
Nikki Moustaki
holds an M.A. in creative writing from New York University and an M.F.A. in the same
from Indiana University. Nikki has taught fiction and poetry writing at both universities, as well as fiction,
poetry, and memoir writing at the Gotham Writers' Workshop in New York City. She is the recipient of many national
prizes and honors for writing, including a a 2001 National Endowment for the Arts grant in poetry and two Pushcart
nominations. She is the author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Writing Poetry
(Alpha Press, 2001). Her work has appeared in TriQuarterly, Quarterly West, Cream City Review,
Alaska Quarterly, Spoon River Poetry Review, Many Mountains Moving, PIF Magazine, American Literary Review,
Yemassee Review, Madison Review, Berkeley Poetry Review, Cimarron Review, Amaranth, and Yankee Magazine,
among others.
About Spoon River Poetry Review:
Poets in this issue: Marilyn Pryle, Alicia Ostriker, Robin Behn, Peggy Hong, Myles Gordon, Martin Walls, Jenny A.
Burkholder, Andrew Miller, Tim Kahl, Grey Held, Katherine Soniat, Matthew J. Spireng, M. Bennet Smith, Christopher
Janke, James Ragan, Sarah Manguso, Nikki Moustaki, Julie Lechevsky, Alice Yuce, Helen Degan Cohen, Allen Braden, Kim
Bridgford, Edward Bartok-Baratta, Maureen Clark, Melissa S Stein, Jessica L. Smucker, Stephanie Dickinson, William
Greenway, JoLee Gibbons, Marjorie Stelmach, Michael Cadnum, Wendy Barker, Sara Willingham, E.M. Schorb, Rod Jellema,
Ernest Stableford, Larry Janowski, Julie Babcock, Peggy Munson, C. J. Sage, Sally W. Bliumis.
Subscription: 1 year (2 issues), $15.00 individuals; $18.00 institutions
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The Spoon River Poetry Review * 4240 English Department * Illinois State University * Normal, Illinois 61790-4240
Editor: Lucia Cordell Getsi
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