
Today's poem is "Eden"
from Rattapallax

Mimi Khalvati was born in Iran and grew up on the Isle of Wight. She has published five collections with Carcanet, including In White Ink (1991), Mirrorwork (1995), for which she was awarded an Arts Council of England Writer's Award, Entries on Light (1997), and a new collection this year, The Chine. Her Selected Poems was published in 2000 and she co-edited Tying the Song, an anthology of new writing published by Enitharmon Press in 2000. She is the founder and Coordinator of The Poetry School in London.

About Rattapallax:
Poets in this issue: Jeanne Marie Beaumont, Elaine Sexton, Robert James Berry, Lorna Knowles Blake, Rachel Dacus, Eamon Grennan, Gabrielle LeMay, Andre Mangeot, Philip Miller, Evan Eisman, Suzanne Parker, Edmund Pennant, Charles Pierre, William Pitt Root, Deborah Warren, Michael T. Young, Peter Ebenstein, Nicole Lieberman, Marilyn Hacker, Jack Anderson, Gardner McFall, Fred D'Aguiar, Clifford Browder, Jeff Hardin, Alfred Nicol, Mervyn Taylor, Jane McClellan, Jack Ridl, Bruce Bennet, Curtis Bauer, Fred Johnson, Philip Ramp, Jeet Jacob Thayil, Kathleen Aguero, Roy Scheele, Julie Sheehan, Peg Peoples, Julie Cole, Terri Witek, William Zander, Enid Dame, Maria Terrone, Sue Carnahan, Meg Kearney, Kim Bridgford, Jon Mooallem, Phillip Corwin, Cyntha Marie Hoffman, Kate Light, Allen C. Fischer, Kelli Russell Agodon, Patricia Carlin, Lynell Edwards, Karen Swenson, Graham Duncan, David Galler, Concettina McCauly, Molly Peacock, Nancy Bailey Miller, Michele Wolf, Thom Ward, Cleopatra Mathis, Peter Howard, Anne Pierson, Wiese, Jay Leeming, Dean Kostos Constance Rowell Mastores, Nicholas Johnson, Alison Woods, Rick Moody, Shadab Vadji, Mohammad Mokhtari, Ahmad Shamlu, Mimi Khalvati, Katayoun Zandvakili, M. A. Sepanlu, Manucher Atashi, Abbas Kiarostami, Esmail Khoi, Mohammad-Reza Shafii-Kadkani, Ali Zarrin, Haale, Parinaz Eleish, Omran Salahi

Subscription: 1 year (2 issues), $15
Rattapallax * 532 La Guardia Place * Suite 353 * New York, NY 10012
Editor-in-Chief: Martin Mitchell

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