Today's poem is "After the War: Purple Flowers Spilling from the Windows"
from Amber Necklace from Gdansk
Linda Nemec Foster
is the author of four previous poetry collections, most recently Living in the Fire Nest. She conducts writing workshops for the Michigan Council for the Arts and Cultural Affairs in Grand Rapids.
About Amber Necklace from Gdansk:
"What strikes me about the work of Linda Nemec Foster beyond the large heart that pulses through her lines, is the metaphoric richness and fascination with language that shape her immigrant chronicles set in Poland and America. A deft storyteller, Foster brings wit, empathy, and a precise eye for detail as she speaks for the rituals of family and the sorrows of the dispossessed. This is a powerful collection of poems and deserves a wide audience."
"These richly-detailed poems are vibrant with the spirit of place, from the ‘Flaming River’ of Cleveland to the desolate romance of Krakow. They are compassionate poems of witness that testify to our interconnectedness across time and national boundaries. ‘Who will speak for the dispossessed,’ the first poem asks, and the rest of the book is a passionate reply. Linda Nemec Foster understands both the immigrants’ and the revenants’ quest for home. She uses all five senses and then some to recreate lost neighborhoods of folklore and magic, ‘the music of exile’."
"Place and people, language, history, habitat and blood: the free range of Linda Nemec Foster’s richly textured witness is a gift these poems, jewels."
"In this deeply unified collection of poems about Poland and America, Foster writes with grace and passion, with furious resolve, about the split worlds of her family. She traces the key connections as well as the irretrievable spaces between the Old World and the New, and she inscribes her fine book under the necessary signs of memory, regret, and a retrieving song."
Colette Inez
Alice Fulton
Thomas Lynch
Edward Hirsch
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