Today's poem is "Klingon Sestina"
from The Simultaneous Dress
Linda France
works as a freelance writer and part-time tutor in adult education. She won the Basil Bunting Award
in 1988 and 1989, and the Newcastle Brown Ale Poetry Competition in 1993. She was awarded the Arts Foundation’s first
Poetry Fellowship in 1993. Her first collection, Red, was published by Bloodaxe in 1992. She is the editor of the
Bloodaxe anthology Sixty Women Poets (1993).
About The Simultaneous Dress:
"Linda France's work provides further evidence that much of the most energetic, vital poetry today is by women. Her exuberant
first collection, Red, compared love unfavorably with jazz. Her third collection, Storyville, devotes a section
to this connection. The result, like the music, is very seductive."
"This is poetry in the most traditional sense, not just word-play and image-play but also sound-play, music."
"Sensuous and pensive...gentle yet surprisingly hard-hitting."
Christina Patterson, Independent
Celia McCulloch, Writing Women
Emma Perry, Time Out
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