
Today's poem is "Compass Rose"
from An Alabaster Flask

Word Press

Jennifer Reeser's poems, translations, criticism and fiction have appeared or are forthcoming in U.S., British and Internet journals such as Louisiana Literature, Cumberland Poetry Review, Disquieting Muses, PIVOT, Blue Unicorn, The Lyric, The New Laurel Review, and Able Muse. Her work has been nominated for a Pushcart and been chosen for selection in the upcoming anthology of New Expansivist writers, Rising Phoenix, edited by Sonny Williams, consulting editor Dana Gioia. She is assistant editor to the journal Iambs & Trochees, and lives in Louisiana with her husband Jason and their five children.

About An Alabaster Flask:

"Reading Jennifer Reeser's poems for the first time, you might be reminded of the lyricism of an earlier generation of women poets: Millay, Teasdale, Wylie. But in poems like 'Arclight' and 'Double Ballade of Dead Letters' she displays a voice that is uniquely her own. Working largely apart from schools and influences, Reeser has managed to produce a poetry of seamless craft and unmistakeable quality."
—R.S. Gwynn

"Jennifer Reeser has the rare poetic gift of using simple language supremely well: choosing one right word after another and fitting them (but never forcing them) into the appropriate form. An Alabaster Flask is full of poems on unusual subjects (such as love letters to Dr. Frankenstein), in which every image is like an arch that helps to bear the weight, and builds a structure of unusual clarity and beauty."
—Gail White

"Jennifer Reeser's poems combine the lushness of the Louisiana bayou with a classical restraint. As her grandmother planted a riot of flowers in her yard, 'filling the ground with life from curb to curb,' Reeser fills her measures with sensual music. A wide-array of subjects from the personal lyric to the persona, from 'Agatha Christie by Lamplight' to 'Elizabeth Leaves a Letter for Dr. Frankenstein,' appear in an anthology of forms. Among the hardy perennials, quatrains and sonnets, we encounter such exotic metrical cultivars as sapphics and cretics. The reader is also treated to a generous offering of Reeser's accomplished translations."
—A.E. Stallings

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