Today's poem is
"Picking Up The Shards"
from The Formalist
Gwen Hart
is a graduate of Wellesley College and Hollins University. Her chapbook Losing Ohio is
forthcoming from Finishing Line Press.
About The Formalist:
Poets in this issue: W. D. Snodgrass, R. S. Gwynn, Richard Wilbur, Georges Fourest, Willis Barnstone, Robert Richman, Deborah
Warren, Ralph McInerny, Harry Thomas, Steve Kronen, Charles Guenther, Marion Shore, Claudia Gary Annis, Thomas Carper, A. M.
Juster, Len Krisak, Kate Light, Margaret Menamin, Arthur Meryash, Alfred Nicol, Chelsea Rathburn, Ann K. Schwader, A. E.
Stallings, Timothy Murphy, Amy Helfrich Harner, John Popielaski, Charles Baudelaire, Helen Palma, Daniel Anderson, Les A.
Murray, J. Bottum, Tony Barnstone, Michael R. Battram, Robert Hudson, Leeandra Nolting, Michael Lind, Lord Jeffrey, Richard
Porson, Edward Lear, A. E. Housman, Hilaire Belloc, Edmund Clerihew Bentley, Fred Chappell, Susan Hamlyn, Robert Hudson,
Robert Daseler, Kim Bridgeford, David Livewell, Alfred Dorn, Robert Crawford, Sara Kasari, Lorna Knowles Blake, Henri de
Regnier, Leslie McGrath, Gwen Hart, Lewis Turco, Louise Labe, Stevenson A. W. Richardson, Allison Joseph, David W. Landrum,
Carrie Elin Awbery, Pat Pittman, Harvey Gross, Anthony Lombardy, Bill Coyle, Samuel Maio, John Ridland, Zachary Hudson,
Theophile Gautier, Jan Schreiber, Alan Nordstrom, Kathryn T. S. Bass, Max Gutmann, Rhina Espaillat
Subscription: 1 year (2 issues), $14
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