Today's poem is
"The Birdhouse"
from Smartish Pace
Greg Williamson
is the author of two books of poems: The Silent Partner (Story Line, 1994) and Errors
in the Script (Overlook, 2001). He teaches at Johns Hopkins University.
About Smartish Pace:
Poets in this issue: Pamela Alexander, Edmund August, Barry Ballard, Walter Bargen, Catharine Savage Brosman, Joyce S. Brown,
Frederick Buechner, Michael Burkard, Katharine Coles, Martha Collins, Mary Crow, Thomas Day, Carl Dennis, Stuart Dybek, Mark
Halperin, Jeffrey Harrison, Colette Inez, Maxine Kumin, Ann Lauinger, William Logan, Mario Luzi, Clarence Major, David
Middleton, Robert Murphy, Marilyn Nelson, Kevin Prufer, Bin Ramke, Vivian Shipley, Bruce Smith, David Starkey, Larissa
Szporluk, Henry Taylor, Greg Williamson
Subscription: 1 year (2 issues), $12
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