Today's poem is "The Muse of Spleen"
from Bargain With The Watchman
Eva Salzman's
other books are One Two II (Wrecking Ball Press, 2002) and The English Earthquake (Bloodaxe, 1992). Ms. Salzman recently received an Arts Council of England Writer's Award, and is currently a Royal Literary Fund Project Fellow at Ruskin College, Oxford.
About Bargain With The Watchman:
Bargain with the Watchman is American-born Eva Salzman's second book of poems. Her energy, vitality, and capacity for satire persist in bold, outspoken poetry, often disconcerting, always compelling and controlled. The collection includes a couple of sequences: 'Poor Relations' is both cool and emotional in its dealings with erotic and familial love, and 'Masques' is a subversive look at the Muses.
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