Today's poem is "Everything is Starting"
from The Girl with Bees in Her Hair
Eleanor Rand Wilner,
author of four previous books of poetry, holds a Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University and serves as a contributing editor to Calyx. Her awards include a MacArthur Fellowship, the Juniper Prize, and a Pushcart Prize. She teaches at Warren Wilson College and lives in Philadelphia.
About The Girl with Bees in Her Hair:
"Wilner... has a deep and heroic belief in the transformative power of language and myth. She paddles her surfboard outside the reef where most poets stop; she rides the big waves."
"I have always treasured Wilner's poetry for its visionary amplitude and revolutionary intelligence."
"It is a relief to come across work in which a moral intelligence is matched by aesthetic refinement, in which the craft of the poems is equal to their concerns."
Tony Hoagland
Alicia Ostriker
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