Today's poem is "On Seeing a Dead Lamb"
from The Bloodaxe Book of Modern Welsh Poetry edited by Menna Elfyn and John Rowlands
Dic Jones
won the Chair at the Urdd National Eisteddfod five times in succession. In 1966 he won the National Eisteddfod Chair for his ode "Y Cynhaeaf" ("Harvest"). His work performs the social function of praising, satirising and elegising, as well as meditating on universal themes. In his own rendition of extracts from the poems "harvest" and "Spring" here, he has tried to mirror the metres of the original, including elements of cynghanedd.
About The Bloodaxe Book of Modern Welsh Poetry:
"This wide-ranging, comprehensive anthology will be a revelation for most readers, dispelling romantic images of bards, druids and Celtic twilight mists. This poetry is full of vitality, combining old craftsmanship and daring innovation, humour and angst, the oral and the literary."
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