Today's poem is
from Great River Review
Jim Barnes is the author of numerous books of poetry, most recently Paris (University of
Illinois Press). He has also translated two volumes of Dagmar Nick's poetry, Summons and Sign (Charitan
Review Press) and Numbered Days (New Odyssey Press). He edits Charitan Review and teaches at Truman
State University.
About Great River Review:
Dagmar Nick
is the author of seven books of poetry, numerous radio plays, essays, and translations.
Her honors and awards include the Eichendorff Prize and the Roswitha-von-Gandersheim Medal for Literature.
In this issue: Stan Sanvel Rubin, Roger Kurtz, Zee Edgell, Francisco Segovia, John Oliver Simon, William Ospina,
Humberto Ak'abal, Jose de Jesus Martinez, Jorge Arturo, Jose Watanabe, Alejandro Nicotra, Paulina Vinderman, Federico
Garcia Lorca, Carlos de Oliveira, Eugene Guillevic, Rene Char, Rolf Jacobsen, Helge Torvund, Dagmar Nick, Rainer Maria
Rilke, Halina Poswiatowska, Carmelia Leonte, Horace, Yannis Ritsos, Yiorgos Chouliaras, Leonty Taragupta, Yuri Vaella
Subscription: 1 year (2 issues): $14.00 for individuals, $25.00 for institutions
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Great River Review * Anderson Center for Interdisciplinary Studies * P.O. Box 406 * Red Wing, Minnesota 55066 *
Editors: Richard Broderick and Robert Hedin
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