Today's poem is
from Fresh Water: Poems From the Rivers, Lakes, and Streams
Claude Wilkinson's
poems have appeared in numerous journals and anthologies, including Atlanta Review, The Oxford American and The Southern Review. His collection, Reading the Earth, won the Naomi Long Madgett Poetry Award.
About Fresh Water: Poems From the Rivers, Lakes, and Streams:
Poets in this issue: Jennifer Bosveld, Betsy Andrews, Antler, Claire J. Baker, Anne Barney, Virginia Barrett, Richard Beban, Bruce Berger, James Bertolino, Donna Biffar, Wendy Bishop, William Borden, Gayle Brandeis, Julie Brown, W. K. Buckley, Michael Cadnum, David Chorlton, Robert M. Chute, Jim Clark, Michael Cleary, Marian Anderson Clover, Robert Coats, Joan Colby, Peter Cooley, Maril Crabtree, Kathe Davis, Lucille Lang Day, Jeanne Desy, Gary Duehr, John J. Dunphy, Marlene J. Egger, W. D. Ehrhart, Bob Engstrom-Heg, Annie Finch, Susan Firer, Charles Fishman, Deborah Fleming, Anne Carroll Fowler, Hugh Fox, David Garza, Greg German, Norman German, Stephen Gibson, Michael Gill, Maria Mazziotti Gillan, Jane Glazer, John Grey, Gordon Grigsby, Richard Hague, Carole Wood Hardy, Heather Hartel, Penny Harter, juley harvey, Lola Haskins, Donald Hassler, John Holbrook, Don A. Hoyt, Kathleen Iddings, M. J. Iuppa, William Keener, Maya Khosla, John Knoeple, Ann B. Knox, Lee Kottner, Jennifer Lagier, Sandra Larson, Douglas W. Lawder, Jeffrey Lee, Donald Levering, Anthony Libby, Lyn Lifshin, Joel Lipman, Jeanne Lohmann, Joel Long, Janet McCann, Leigh McGuire, Joseph McLaughlin, Ken McManus, Robert Aquinas McNally, Gary Metras, David Meuel, Stephen Miller, Robert Miltner, Marianne Milton, Patrica Monaghan, Rebecca Motil, Jim Natal, Howard Nelson, Hugh Ogden, Christina Pacosz, Dixie Partridge, Ron Peat, Angela Peckenpaugh, Nita Penfold, James Penha, Roger Pfingston, Jeff Poniewaz, Patricia Ranzoni, Carlos Reyes, Diane Richard-Allerdyce, Elisavietta Ritchie, Judith Roche, Bertha Rogers, M. S. Rooney, Lawrence Russ, Timothy Russell, Carolyn Foster Segal, Thomas Shane, Vivian Shipley, Daniel Skach-Mills, Floyd Skloot, Dean Smith, Laurence Snydal, John M. Solensten, Scott Starbuck, David Staudt, Ellen Stitt, David Stringer, Joe Survant, David Swanger, Susan Terris, Jari Thymian, Sarah Van Arsdale, Frank Van Zant, Anna Viadero, Ken Waldman, Thom Ward, Michael Waters, Colleen M. Webster, Matt Welter, Claude Wilkinson, Paul Willis, Steve Wilson, Bill Yake, Gary Young, Holly C. Zeeb, Sondra Zeidenstein, Geraldine Zetzel
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