Today's poem is "Morning Star"
from This Art: poems about poetry
C.D. Wright
has published nine collections of poetry, including the book-length poem, Deepstep Come Shining,
and Steal Away: Selected and New Poems. In 1994 she was named State Poet of Rhode Island, a five-year post. On a
fellowship for writers from Lila Wallace-Reader's Digest Fund, she curated "a walk-in book of Arkansas," an exhibition which
exploded and enlarged upon the idea of experiencing a book. Wright has also published a collaborative work with photographer
Deborah Luster, entitled One Big Self: Prisoners of Louisiana. The project won the Lange-Taylor Prize from the
Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University. Wright teaches at Brown University and edits Lost Roads Publishers with
poet Forrest Gander. They live with their son, Brecht, newar Providence, Rhode Island.
About This Art:
Poets in this anthology: Vicente Aleixandre, An Jung-Sop, John Balaban, Erin Belieu, Marvin Bell, Martine Bellen, Stephen Berg,
David Bottoms, Kay Boyle, Coral Bracho, Robert Bringhurst, Olga Broumas, David Budbill, Hayden Carruth, Cyrus Cassells, Elsa
Cross, Sandor Csoori, Madeline Defrees, Norman Dubie, Jean Follain, James Galvin, Patricia Goedicke, Susan Griffin, Han Shan,
Sam Hamill, Jim Harrison, Jose Hierro, Gary Holthaus, Ho Xuan Huong, Iijima Koichi, Richard Jones, Jaan Kaplinski, Shirley
Kaufman, Carolyn Kizer, Ted Kooser, Stephen Kuusisto, James Laughlin, David Lee, Dana Levin, Timothy Liu, Lu Mei-p'o, Antonio
Machado, Clarence Major, Thomas McGrath, W.S. Merwin, Jane Miller, Pablo Neruda, Gregory Orr, Cesare Pavese, Antonio Porchia,
Miklos Radnoti, Kenneth Rexroth, Alberto Rios, Primus St. John, Dennis Schmitz, Rebecca Seiferle, Ann Stanford, Ruth Stone,
Joseph Stroud, Anna Swir (Swirszczynska), Arthur Sze, Tu Fu, Reetika Vazirani, Emily Warn, Eleanor Wilner, C.D. Wright, Yang
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