Today's poem is
"The Last Ivory-Billed Woodpecker"
from Beloit Poetry Journal
Bruce Tindall
has had poems published in Southern Poetry Review, Poet Lore, Atlanta Review and West Branch.
About Beloit Poetry Journal:
Poets in this issue: Frank Steele, Reynolds Dixon, Nance Van Winckel, David Williams, Albert Goldbarth, Fady Joudah, Mahmoud Darwish, Hillel Schwartz, Lola Haskins, E. R. Carlin, Jeff Crandall, Stan Sanvel Rubin, Bruce Tindall, Peggy Steele, G. David Schwartz, Hadara Bar-Nadav, Daneen Wardrop, Mira Rosenthal, Charlotte Boulay, Camille T. Dungy, Bert Stern, Kathleen Snodgrass, Luis Miguel Aguilar, B. Lance Levens, Kirstin Hotelling Zona, Rennie McQuilkin, Leigh Anne Couch
Subscription: 1 year (4 issues), $18
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Beloit Poetry Journal * P.O. Box 151 * Farmington, ME 04938
Editor: John Rosenwald * Lee Sharkey
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