Today's poem is "Awful Sexy Bones"
from The Canary River Review
Ben Doyle
is a graduate of the Iowa Writers' Workshop and his poems have appeared in the Boston Review, Tin House,
Fence, and The New Republic. His first book, Radio, Radio, won the Walt Whitman Award in 2000.
About The Canary River Review:
Poets in this issue: Ai, Louis Armand, Rick Barot, Aaron Belz, Darrell Bourque, Anthony Butts, Edward Byrne, Staceyann
Chin, Jim Daniels, Greg Darms, Carl Dennis, William Doreski, Ben Doyle, Nick Flynn, Robert Gibbons, Rae Giourand, Greg
Glazner, Nina de Gramont, Garth Greenwell, Beth Gylys, James Harms, Matthea Harvey, Patrick Herron, Peter Horn, Peter
Johnson, Devin Johnson, Ilya Kaminsky, Vincent Katz, Kristin Kelly, Marc Kipness, Dorianne Laux, Lyn Lifshin, Timothy Liu,
Shara McCallum, Anthony McCann, Michael McGriff, Mark McManus, Joyelle McSweeney, Jane Mead, Adele Ne Jame, Barnard
O'Donoghue, Peter Orner, Ron Padgett, Janice Pang, Holly Pettit, Robert Pinsky, Kathryn Rantala, Red Hawk, Josh Robbins,
Matthew Rohrer, Michael Rothenberg, Natasha Saje, M Sarki, Floyd Skloot, John E. Smelcer, Dale Smith, Sparrow, Trenton Lee
Stewart, Cole Swensen, Larissa Szporluk, Julia Clare Tillinghast, Mike Topp, Alpay Ulku, Luis Urrea, Antonio Vallone, David
Wagoner, Paul White, A. D. Winans, Rebecca Wolff, Thomas Wooten, Bill Yake, Margaret Young, Howard Zinn
Subscription: 1 issue $8
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