
Today's poem is by Bunkong Tuon

Wanting Kids

My wife and I rented a lake house at Cayuga Lake.
I rose before the sun and cast my line out into darkness.
I caught crappies and felt the sun warming my face.
The fish were cold and slimy in my hands.
I went back to the house, washed up, made coffee,
And brought breakfast to our bedroom.
I kissed my wife's forehead to wake her gently.
I don’t remember what was said between us,
Only the warm glow shining through the windows.
We made love as easy as fish swimming in the lake.
After the room returned to speech, she read her novel
And I wrote. During lunch I read poetry to her
Between bites of sandwich and dark red cherries.
Out the window we watched a father teaching his
Daughter to fish. We walked to the boathouse,
Put on lifejackets and carried paddles. I pushed
And hoisted myself onto the boat. She rowed.
I wasn’t a swimmer. But I wasn't scared. She led me
To waters I had never been to before. Her arms
Led us away from shore. And I was happy.

Copyright © 2025 Bunkong Tuon All rights reserved
from Shō Poetry Journal
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission

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