
Today's poem is by Jessica Cuello


Why did I love her? Because I became her, followed her

on all fours. My face grazed the cradled spider in a cotton bed,

its web frayed on my finger: sticky, spun. The others didn't see

me, she sunk on my chest each night. I never learned to swallow,

I chewed and chewed, forbidden to leave the table, grisly meat

in my animal mouth until the kitchen emptied, but she chewed

the sweet blade of grass and I the clover. My arms clasped empty

air and I woke with her, her purr my rasp. She pressed her velvet

belly to my calf. The others didn't let me hold them. They named me.

They filled the plate and bowl, they bought the single pair of shoes.

She and I slipped inside the quiet room. We barely breathed, quick

to jump from breaking glass, tuned to the pinch in a voice, our hunch

of wrongs. The others didn't let me peep, she mewed beneath a grate

until I found her: mutilated, undernourished. No sibling, no mother. Her

paws were dry magic beads. I touched them. All the love I was not allowed

to give in the human house, she let me. She let me touch them one by one.

Copyright © 2025 Jessica Cuello All rights reserved
from The Adroit Journal
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission

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