
Today's poem is "The Starlings Were You"

from Shō Poetry Journal

Robert Okaji holds a BA in history, served without distinction in the U.S. Navy, toiled as a university administrator, and no longer owns a bookstore. His honors the inaugural Shō Poetry Prize, the Slipstream Press Annual Chapbook Prize, the riverSedge Poetry Prize, the Etchings Press Poetry Chapbook Prize, and the 1968 Bar-K Ranch Goat-Catching Championship. Two years ago he was diagnosed with late stage metastatic lung cancer, which he finds terribly annoying. But thanks to the wonders of modern science, he still lives in exotic Indianapolis with his wife—poet Stephanie L. Harper—stepson, cat and dog. He is the author of Our Loveliest Bruises (3: A Taos Press, 2025), multiple chapbooks, including Buddha's Not Talking and Scarecrow Sees, and his poems may be found in Louisiana Literature, Threepenny Review, Only Poems, Wildness, Vox Populi, Evergreen Review, Boston Review, The Big Windows Review, Shō Poetry Journal, Indianapolis Review, and other venues, including his blog, O at the Edges.

Other poems by Robert Okaji in Verse Daily:
April 30, 2024:   "Until" "This face looking back at me never lies...."
November 27, 2022:   "Memorial Day" "Arriving at this point..."

Other poems on the web by Robert Okaji:
"Knowing What I Now Know"
Three poems
"Dream Score"
"The Continuing"
"While Drowning I Gaze at the Moon"
"The Hollow"
"The Over/Under"
"These Upright Nights"
"What We Say When We Say Nothing"
Two poems
Three poems
"We Do What We Must"
Three poems
"While Walking My Dog's Ghost"
"Driving without Radio"
Three poems
Two poems
Three poems
Three poems
"How to Write a Poem"
"Bone Music"
"Scarecrow Dreams"
Three poems
"Yellow, Lost"
"Koan of Shivers"
Five poems
"In That Pause"
"When to Say Goodbye"
Two poems

Robert Okaji's Website.

Subscription: 1 year (2 issues), $40
Shō Poetry Journal * Arizona
Editors: Johnny Cordova
Other poems by Shō Poetry Journal in Verse Daily:
November 10, 2024:   "When We Invented Gunpowder, We Were Trying to Invent the Elixir of Life" by Dorsey Craft
November 6, 2024:   "Midwestern Reunion" by Em Townsend
October 28, 2024:   "It's Important I Remember That Being Alone and Being Lonely Aren't the Same Thing—" by Cortney Lamar Charleston
October 25, 2024:   "Little League, America" by Jose Hernandez Diaz
April 30, 2024:   "Until" by Robert Okaji
April 29, 2024:   "Not My Country" by Andrew Payton
March 17, 2024:   "How to Cook a Wolf" by Nathan Xavier Osorio
March 15, 2024:   "How to Eat Like a King" by Jane Zwart
March 11, 2024:   "Deer Woman" by Bunkong Tuon
March 7, 2024:   "Caretaker" by Faith Gómez Clark

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