
Today's poem is "My Father Goes Swimming in the Afterlife"
from Cold-Hearted Boys

Main Street Rag Publishing Company

John Glowney 's poetry has appeared in, among others, Narrative, Iowa Review (forthcoming); Shenandoah; Catamaran, Baltimore Review, the Shore, Cloudbank, Rattle, The Bitter Oleander, and other journals; and a full-length collection, Visitation (Broadstone Books, 2022). His poem "Darien Gap," recently placed second in the Crosswinds Poetry contest, and his poem "Sunday Morning" was a finalist for the 2023 Lascaux Prize for Poetry. He is a recipient of a Pushcart Prize, Poetry Northwest's Richard Hugo Prize, and the Poetry Society of America's Robert H. Winner Memorial Award. A graduate of the University of Michigan, he lives in Seattle. "My Father Goes Swimming in the Afterlife" first appeared in Pontoon/Floating Bridge Review

Other poems by John Glowney in Verse Daily:
February 21, 2016:   "Chorus" "Not that I think that we should linger..."

Other poems on the web by John Glowney:
"The Buried Coal Miners at Sipesville"
Five poems
"The Surfers at San Clemente Pier, September 2021"
"This wreckage, the harvest"
Five poems
"Crow Eats This Rotten World Every Day, Circa 2022"

John Glowney's Website.

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