
Today's poem is "Civilian"
from Civilians

LSU Press

Jehanne Dubrow is the author of three books of nonfiction and ten poetry collections, including most recently Civilians (Louisiana State University Press, 2025). A craft book, The Wounded Line: A Guide to Writing Poems of Trauma, will be published by University of New Mexico Press in fall 2025. Her writing has appeared in New England Review, Southern Review, and Ploughshares. She is a Professor of Creative Writing at the University of North Texas.

Other poems by Jehanne Dubrow in Verse Daily:
June 7, 2024:   "As for Penelope—" "after her husband reveals himself..."
April 3, 2024:   "Winter Solstice" "I'm receiving warnings on my phone..."
September 5, 2022:   "Aubade" "I have made book of your body, read..."
July 15, 2021:   "The Last Time You Are Close to Your Body" "you are at the table where family dinners have to happen...."
June 29, 2022:   "Aspen" "This was the first story he told..."
March 1, 2022:   "Brothers" "Grown now, they have a way of getting close..."
April 21, 2021:   "Great Blue Heron" "The bay is still for now..."
May 13, 2019:   "Numbness is another way" "Numbness is another way..."
October 12, 2017:   "Runaway Military Surveillance Blimp Drifts from Maryland to Pennsylvania" "The aerostat looks less like a balloon..."
June 12, 2017:   "Wireless Doorbell" "What makes it chime when no one's waiting there?..."
May 21, 2015:   "Garment Industry" "My mother lifts a seam ripper, its miniature..."
April 16, 2015:   "Casualty Notificaton" "Switch channels, stop..."
January 23, 2013:   "Malamute" "Someone brought winter to the tropics. At first..."
December 6, 2012:   "Puberty, as the Character of Gordon Gekko" "Greed was good, and I..."
July 15, 2010:   "Recess" "The children are playing at murder again...."
November 29, 2009:   "[my mind grew quiet]" "My mind grew quiet..."

Other poems on the web by Jehanne Dubrow:
"L'dor v'dor"
Three poems
Four poems
Two poems
Four poems
"With Fever Comes Rest"
"Syllabus for the Dark Ahead"
"The Long Deployment"
"The Valhalla Machine"
"Dinner with Kathleen Battle"
Four poems
"Nowa Huta"
Seven poems
"Vinegar Aphrodisiac"
"A Small History of Shopping"
Two poems
"Fragment From a Nonexistent Yiddish Poet"
"Fragment From A Nonexistent Yiddish Poet #34"
"Shulamith Reads The White Hotel"
Two poems
"Fragment From A Nonexistent Yiddish Poet Ida Lewin (1906-1938)"
Three poems
Two poems
"Lot?s Wife in Eastern Europe"
Three poems
"Fragments from a Nonexistent Yiddish Poet"
"Fragments from a Nonexistent Yiddish Poet"
"Wild Mushrooms"
"The Amber Brooch"

Jehanne Dubrow's Website.

About Civilians:

"Jehanne Dubrow's Civilians embraces war and its consequences from a different kind of front line than we're used to seeing in books about armed conflict. The spouses and families of warriors from both sides were slowly forced into their own quiet cells of trauma, mostly forgotten, until now. These poems are ruggedly beautiful and enduring."
—Bruce Weigl

"At its core, Civilians is a study of love and intimacy, separation and distance. Dubrow has written a collection that adds to the literature and provides us all a clear-eyed vision into the workings of the human heart."
—Brian Turner

"Drawing on myth—the poems invoke, for instance, Penelope and Andromache to make sense of contemporary war―Dubrow probes, with urgent and stunning imagery, how wars invade the domestic spaces of military spouses and, as one speaker puts it, that fragile 'little nation / of our marriage.' This is a brilliant, unforgettable book from one of today's most important American poets."
—Hugh Martin

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