Today's poem is
"Ode to America"
from Glass: A Journal of Poetry
Cat Wei
is a poet and writer in New York. She is a Bread Loaf Katharine Bakeless Nason Contributor Award recipient, a Tin House Workshop alumn, and an Idyllwild Writers Week Fellow. Her work is Best of the Net nominated and appears or is forthcoming in The Slowdown, Pleiades, Prairie Schooner, Gulf Coast, Glass Poetry, No Dear, Muzzle Magazine, and others. A finalist for the Disquiet Literary Contest, the Pleiades' Prufer Poetry Prize, the Poetry Project's Emerge-Surface-Be Fellowship, and an honorable mention for Only Poems' Leonard Cohen Poetry Prize, she has received support from The Edith Wharton & Straw Dog Writers Guild Writers-in-Residence Program, the Vermont Studio Center, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, Sundress Academy for the Arts, and Winter Tangerine.
Other poems on the web by Cat Wei:
"Dancing at The Get Down"
"Summer Strawberries"
Glass: A Journal of Poetry
Editor: Anthony Frame
Other poems by Glass: A Journal of Poetry in Verse Daily:
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