
Today's poem is by Diamond Forde


LOVE, GOD say, is obedience, so I obey
the alarm of sun sung through my window,
climb down cold steps to hymn & hem, to cook,
clatter, & kid myself into believing these tasks
don't hook familiar shackles & when my man
kiss me in the soft spot below my ear, I dream
he really want me, but that's what's wrong
with womanin', we stay spinning yarn
from the colorful crochet of our minds but few
admire it—Dear LORD, why did you make me
in your image if you wanted me to kneel?
Let me break the rules one time, lace the loafers
by the front door on my large, girlish feet
then walk like I got somewhere, everywhere, to go.

Copyright © 2024 Diamond Forde All rights reserved
from Birmingham Poetry Review
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission

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