
Today's poem is "Ghost of Human Contact"
from Ceremonies for No Repair

Beauty School Editions

Paula Cisewski's hybrid book, Ceremonies for No Repair, was published in February 2024, and her poetry collection, The Becoming Game, is forthcoming from Hanging Loose Press in spring of 2025. She is also the author of Quitter (Diode Editions Book Prize winner), The Threatened Everything, Ghost Fargo (Nightboat Poetry Prize winner, selected by Franz Wright), Upon Arrival, and several chapbooks. She teaches, co-curates The Waves Poetry & Music Cabaret, co-edits and co-publishes Beauty School Editions LLC, and makes printed and collaged matter in Minneapolis.

Other poems by Paula Cisewski in Verse Daily:
October 9, 2023:   "What Was Your First Concert?" "My first concert was a red leaf..."
June 29, 2017:   "Nocturne for a Botched Youth" "Nightmare where I wanted to return..."
March 20, 2015:   "Fourth Ballad from the Labyrinth" "Had to be my own..."

Other poems on the web by Paula Cisewski:
"Notes toward Eternity"
"Variations on Silence"
Two poems
Two poems
Five poems
Three poems
Three poems
"The Empress at Large"
Two poems
"Ghost of Songbird"
"A Philatory"
Two poems
"Preserved & Adorned with Flowers"
"Ode to My Screenplay: "PARDON MY WELTSCHMERZ""
Two poems
"Ode to Continual Loss"

Paula Cisewski's Website.

Paula Cisewski on Twitter.

About Ceremonies for No Repair:

"Night skull elegy, matrilineal pandemic pillow book, harrowing florilegium, red-threaded unbinding spell, Paula Cisewski's Ceremonies for No Repair descends into the mouth of the lion called care. Down its milky throat and once thought. Into its green heart of radiant grief. Teeth of the lion a crown of sonnets on a queen of sorrow and strength, these are ceremonies to remember unraveling in the time of Mother Corona, to abracadabra the difficult act of keeping oneself alive letter by letter by bearing witness to the cords that once bound, now dissolved."
—Elisabeth Workman

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