
Today's poem is "glad"
from chigger ridge

The Word Works

Nicole Callihan's most recent book, i, was selected by Sandra Lim to receive The Tenth Gate Prize (The Word Works 2024). Other books include This Strange Garment (Terrapin 2023) and the 2019 novella, The Couples. Her work has appeared in The Kenyon Review, Tin House, Conduit, The American Poetry Review, and as a Poem-a-Day selection from the Academy of American Poets. Winner of an Alma Award, her next book, SLIP, will be published by Saturnalia in 2025.

Other poems by Nicole Callihan in Verse Daily:
September 9, 2023:   "Being that it is late" "that it is already too late..."

Other poems on the web by Nicole Callihan:
Seven poems
Two poems
"A Day at the Beach"
Four poems
Three poems
"Everything is Temporary"
"The 'Gfit'"
"Blood Work"
"How to Imagine a Fractal"
Five poems
"Warming Meat for My Husband, Anne"
"Equine Behavior"
"all the good poems these days"
Four poems
Two poems

Nicole Callihan's Website.

Nicole Callihan on Twitter.

About chigger ridge:

"chigger ridge is an invocation, a beckoning. An investigation of the 'dark places' of both body and landscape. A close look at Southern girlhood and a landscape of mountains, mined, stripped, empty. An angel speaks while a cat's eye marble rolls. Danger threatens; language slips and quickens. Nicole Callihan's new book is a brilliant excavation of landscape, language, and escape."
—Nicole Cooley

"The poems in Nicole Callihan's exhilarating chigger ridge move in revved-up staccato bursts, each one straining against its brevity with the energy of a wasp battering a jam jar's glass. These poems push against the conventions of language, commingling the colloquial with scraps from the literary canon and sifting obsessively through shards of memory as they grapple toward a truth ‘as plain and massive as the sky.'"
—Matt Donovan

"The poems in chigger ridge sound out the rich ambivalence in the poet's senses of what makes up a self and its endless enmeshments with the material world. There are country matters here, pastoral concerns woven into impressions of place, family, and the dramas of love and becoming."
—Sandra Lim

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