Today's poem is
"Early Storm"
from Sugar House Review
Melanie McCabe
is the author of three collections of poems, most recently The Night Divers (Terrapin Books), which was a finalist this year for the Library of Virginia Literary Awards. Her memoir, His Other Life: Searching For My Father, His First Wife, and Tennessee Williams, won the 2016 University of New Orleans Press Lab Prize.
Other poems by Melanie McCabe in Verse Daily:
Other poems on the web by Melanie McCabe:
Melanie McCabe's Website.
Melanie McCabe on Twitter.
February 7, 2023: "If There Are Ghosts" "If there are ghosts, they are hapless. Not even..."
July 24, 2014: "In These Woods" "Pretty viper, once coiled..."
July 14, 2014: "Foresight" "I know precisely what to do to avert disaster..."
"That Train"
"In The Open"
Five poems
Three poems
Two poems
Three poems
"Brood X"
"The Night Divers"
Subscription: 1 year (2 issues), $12
Other poems from Sugar House Review in Verse Daily:
Sugar House Review Subscriptions *
P.O. Box 17091 *
Salt Lake City, UT 84117
Editors: John Kippen * Nathaniel Taggart * Jerry Vanieperen * Natalie Young
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