
Today's poem is "When I Can't Get Out of Bed"

from Presence: A Journal of Catholic Poetry

Martha Silano's five books of poetry include Gravity Assist, Reckless Lovely, and The Little Office of the Immaculate Conception, all from Saturnalia Books. A forthcoming collection, This One We Call Ours, won the 2023 Blue Lynx Prize for Poetry, and will appear in the fall of 2024 from Lynx House Press. Martha's poems have appeared in Poetry, The Paris Review, American Poetry Review, The Missouri Review, and elsewhere. Learn more about her work at marthasilano.net.

Other poems by Poet Name in Verse Daily:
February 27, 2024:   "Flying Rats" "Actually? You do have to be good...."
June 17, 2023:   "When We Say It's the Little Things" "we really do mean it, a friend announcing, at the end..."
May 16, 2023:   "Love" "I hate your kneecaps floating free..."
October 18, 2022:   "Dashing" "What's funny is my son calling me..."
October 26, 2021:   "Like Picasso's Weeping Woman" "my face is both straight-on and sideways...."
September 6, 2021:   "Now We Come to Ticks and Tocks" "Totally giddy and grinning as I recall the fox we happened upon..."
May 19, 2021:   "Soul Reckoning" "I'm skimming through a book called Spook..."
March 8, 2021:   "Lunching with Frank O'Hara on My Deck" "The Russian sage is sprouting leaves from a brown stem..."
April 4, 2020:   "The hands of all my mistakes" "are clapping wildly like aspens in a squall. The blackbird is flying away..."
May 28, 2019:   "Bumblebees Are Made of Ash" "The day is a dragonfly hovering in the Timothy...."
March 19, 2019:   "When I saw the loblolly pine, " "its furrowed bark, I knew I was close..."
November 25, 2014:   "Gerbils in Space" "and geckos. Fruit flies, kernels of com...."
May 16, 2014:   "The Untied States of America" "America, with your water-tower towns, your irrigation sprinklers..."
April 10, 2006:   "Gravitas" " A quarter cow in a cardboard box..."

Other poems on the web by Martha Silano:
"Poem Written One-Hundred Yards from My Mother's Grave"
"Oh, Thumbelina"
"Why I'd Make a Great Chemist"
"That Summer"
"Time and Distance"
"I Am Writing A Letter"
"But it was all right to have believed in something,"
Two poems
"When I began to dig"
Two poems
Two poems
Five poems
"Regrets Only, Please"
"When I began to dig"
"At the Funeral of the Grammar Handbook"
Two poems
"Willing & Able"
"Despite Nagging Malfunctions"
Two poems
"I Work at the Barbie Factory"
Five poems
Two poems
"Poem for the New Year"

Martha Silano's Website.

Martha Silano on Twitter.

About Presence: A Journal of Catholic Poetry:

Subscription: 1 issue, $12
Editor-in-Chief: Mary Ann Buddenberg Miller
Other poems from Presence: A Journal of Catholic Poetry in Verse Daily:
May 7, 2024:   "Lessons from the List of 100,000 Most Hacked Passwords" by Tina Kelley
May 5, 2024:   "How To Be Fearless" by Kyle Potvin
November 17, 2023:   "History of a Villanelle" by Carolyne Wright
November 6, 2023:   "Sawdust" by Jim Daniels
November 3, 2023:   "The Patron Saint of Heat Waves" by James Davis May
June 27, 2022:   "Fast Radio Bursts Detected Close to Earth" by Laura Reece Hogan
June 24, 2022:   "Pocket God" by Amy L. George
May 23, 2021:   "The Farmer at Night" by Marc Harshman
May 20, 2021:   "Literature of the Ancient World" by K. T. Landon
May 19, 2021:   "Soul Reckoning" by Martha Silano
May 18, 2021:   "A Villanelle for Kim" by Barbara Crooker
April 6, 2021:   "I Forgive" by Carolyne Wright
September 13, 2020:   "Ghost-bird, I" by Eva Mary Hooker
September 12, 2020:   "L'ultimo viaggio" by Martha Collins
April 5, 2020:   "Gospel" by Carolyne Wright

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