
Today's poem is "Reverse Abuse"

from Ponder Review

Lauren Crawford holds an MFA in poetry from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. A native of Houston, Texas, she is a 2024 Best New Poet, and the recipient of the 2023 Willie Morris Award. Her debut collection, Catch & Release, is forthcoming in Spring 2025 with Cornerstone Press as part of the University of Wisconsin SP's Portage Poetry Series. Her poetry has either appeared or is forthcoming in Best New Poets, Poet Lore, Passengers Journal, The Appalachian Review, Prime Number Magazine, SoFloPoJo, The Florida Review, Red Ogre Review, Ponder Review, The Midwest Quarterly, THIMBLE, The Worcester Review, The Spectacle and elsewhere. Lauren currently teaches writing at the University of New Haven and serves on the editorial teams of Iron Oak Editions, Palette Poetry, and Alan Squire Publishing Bulletin.

Other poems on the web by Lauren Crawford :
"First Day"

Lauren Crawford on Twitter.

Subscription: 1 year (2 issues), $20
Ponder Review
Editors: Rebecca Anderson * Jennifer Armstrong * Christian J. Collier * Macon Cromwell * Madelain Garcia * Madison Nanney * Alasdair Rivers
Other poems by Ponder Review in Verse Daily:
January 10, 2024:   "Duck Song" by Elizabeth Solsburg
January 9, 2024:   "Duck Song" by Alyse Knorr

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