
Today's poem is "& on my way out of the capitol, I see 2 trans boys kissing"

from The Southeast Review

KB Brookins is a writer, cultural worker, and artist from Texas. They are the author of How To Identify Yourself with a Wound (Kallisto Gaia Press 2022), Freedom House (Deep Vellum 2023), and Pretty (Alfred A. Knopf 2024). KB is a 2023 National Endowment of the Arts fellow.

Other poems on the web by KB Brookins:
Four poems
Seven poems
"T Shot #4"
"Greedy Ghazal"
"& somehow men are nicer to me now"
"I Admit It"
"You Can't Kill Me, Imma Bad Bitch"

KB Brookins's Website.

KB Brookins on Twitter.

Poetry Editor: Oliver Brooks
Other poems from The Southeast Review in Verse Daily:
June 21, 2024:   "The Winter Man">" by Rick Bursky
July 8, 2014:   "An Emergency Every Day of the Week" by Christopher Citro
April 22, 2014:   "The River of Ugly Fishes" by Clayton Adam Clark
July 14, 2013:   "An Emergency Every Day of the Week" by Christopher Citro
May 4, 2013:   "Like Father" by Rich Smith
May 2, 2013:   "Love Poem for What It Is" by Rebecca Hazelton
January 16, 2012:   "Dear So-and-So" by Monica Berlin
January 28, 2011:   "Romanticism" by Ashley Elizabeth Hudson
September 23, 2008:   "The Huntsman's Resum " by Angela Vogel
March 31, 2008:   "Ostriches" by C.J. Sage
April 14, 2006:   "This Is for the Thunder" by Richard Brostoff
December 8, 2002:  Between Them by Ron Mohring
December 2, 2002:  Marriage as Creative Process by Julianna Baggott

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