Today's poem is "Naked vs. Nude"
from If Only There Were Stations of the Air
Judy Kronenfeld
's six full-length books of poetry include If Only There Were Stations of the Air (Sheila-Na-Gig, 2024), Groaning and Singing (FutureCycle, 2022), Bird Flying through the Banquet (FutureCycle, 2017) and Shimmer (WordTech, 2012). Her third chapbook is Oh Memory, You Unlocked Cabinet of Amazements! (Bamboo Dart, 2024). Her memoir-in-essays-and-poems, Apartness, is forthcoming in February, 2025, from Inlandia Books.
Other poems on the web by Judy Kronenfeld:
"Letter to the Ministry of Loneliness"
Two poems
Five poems
Two poems
Two poems
Judy Kronenfeld's Website.
About If Only There Were Stations of the Air:
"This extraordinary collection of poems opens by describing the vegetable world, the burgeoning of seeds, the twining together of vines and flowers, under the scudding clouds of everyday living. 'As if there were / an instant plan / for everything natural, / and it was perfectly / beneficent.' But in truth the world is an untamed and unpredictable garden. There are falls, and Covid, and cancer with its threat of cells gone wild. Which of our treasures, our memories, our hopes, would we choose to take with us if a wildfire were heading for our house like the Angel of Death? This poet answers: 'morning moments / ordinary as grass' and 'the soothing arm's reach / between us' that is, sometimes, 'all the sweetness / we can know.'"
"What if you had a terrible illness and what if that happened during the pandemic. This collection offers a unique perspective of this very journey. Judy Kronenfeld takes us from 'an incidental finding on a CT' to feeling 'wrapped in ancient loneliness.' In these beautifully crafted poems, you will find sea-crushed shells, scrapbooks, baroque paintings, crossword puzzles at the breakfast table, and a smoke-blue dusk. You will find a remarkable examination of illness, loss, escape, family bonds, and mortality. Most importantly, the poems in this book will bring to you a ledge, where you are deeply aware of 'the radiant, holy, priceless dream of waking.'"
"Judy Kronenfeld sings of Nature's wonderful business and sounds her unforgiving depths at the time of old age and the simultaneous menace of Covid. Budding roses and ready sharp scalpels share a common poetic space, reminding us that the therapy of true poetry is not to distract, but to go deep into the pains of the ephemeral."
Ruth Bavetta
Connie Post
Isabel and Ricardo Nirenberg
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