
Today's poem is "Oracle"
from Scavenger

YesYes Books

Jessica Lynn Suchon is the author of Scavenger, winner of the Vinyl 45 Chapbook Contest from YesYes Books. She completed her MFA at Southern Illinois University where she received honors from the Academy of American Poets. Her work was featured in Best New Poets 2021 and was awarded fellowships from Aspen Words and Tennessee Playwrights Studio. Her debut stage play Shopgirls in Nashville as part of the 2019 Tennessee Playwright Festival. Jessica's librettos have debuted internationally in performances by EKMELES Vocal Ensemble, the Eureka Ensemble, and the Albany Symphony, among others. She currently lives in Philadelphia with her husband Josh and sweet pup Gracie.

Other poems on the web by Jessica Lynn Suchon:
Six poems
"Meditations as He Fractures My Collarbone"
"Undressing for a Personal Apocalypse"
"Aubade with Ravens"
"A Retracing of Hands"
"If I Stayed"

Jessica Lynn Suchon's Website.

About Scavenger:

"The opening poem of Scavenger ends with the line, 'He says I remember it wrong.' Suchon goes on to deftly subvert this gaslighting, charting a course of lyrical, heart-wrenching, and definitive remembering. The poems use figurative language and allusion like a glittering sinew, tying the flesh of the story to fairy tale and mythology—reminding us that nothing—not deer, not ravens, not rain, not even starlight—is free from violence against women. The book is insightful and incisive—a world shimmering with beauty and terror. The world is better for this book."
—Teresa Dzieglewicz

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