
Today's poem is "Blazon"

from Twelve Mile Review

Jack Kristiansen exists in the composition books and computer files of William Aarnes. Kristiansen's poems have appeared in such places as FIELD, The Literary Review, Stone's Throw Magazine, Main Street Rag, and The Ekphrastic Review.

Other poems on the web by Jack Kristiansen:
"Mary and Venus: A Crib"
"To Fede Galizia"

About Twelve Mile Review:

Subscription: 1 issue, $14
Twelve Mile Review
Editors: Robert Lee Kendrick * Adam Houle
Other poems by Twelve Mile Review in Verse Daily:
August 16, 2024:   "Fire Bug" by Jane Rosenberg LaForge
January 15, 2023:   "Saved" by Bonnie Proudfoot
January 13, 2023:   "Self-portrait After Memory" by Marjorie Maddox
March 26, 2022:   "Burial of a Woman With the Blackened Shells of 86 Tortoises" by Wendy Drexler
March 25, 2022:   "Gnomon" by Erin Wilson
November 2, 2021:   "A Song of My People" by Jeff Hardin
October 28, 2021:   "Trust" by Marjorie Maddox

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