
Today's poem is "Museum"

from Salt Hill

Hannah Lee Nahar is a writer, interdisciplinary artist, and educator. Their work can be found or is forthcoming in Mississippi Review, West Branch, Salt Hill, The Spectacle, and Electric Literature, among other places. Hannah completed an MFA in Poetry at the Ohio State University, where they taught writing, worked on The Journal, and acted as editor for the 2022 Charles B. Wheeler Prize. Hannah's poems have been supported by the Kenyon Review Writers Workshops and nominated for Best New Poets. As a teaching artist, Hannah has worked with students of all ages at Ohio State, The OSU Young Writers Workshop, Thurber House Literary Center, The Boston Workers Circle, and elsewhere.

Other poems on the web by Hannah Lee Nahar:
Two poems
Two poems

Hannah Lee Nahar's Website.

Hannah Lee Nahar on Twitter.

Subscription: 1 year (2 issues), $15
Salt Hill Journal * Syracuse University * English Department * Syracuse, NY 13244
Poety Editors: Bridget O'Bernstein * Ally Young
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